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Adventures at Disney - Part 01

"Slow starting romantic BDSM (MFf) at the "Happiest Place on Earth". Chapters 01-05."

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Author's Notes

"Written in 2014 as a personal writing exercise, this story sat collecting digital dust on my server until just recently. After a re-read, I decided that I actually like it, so what the heck? Let's see if anyone else does. It's basically complete except for the Epilogue, so other than minor tweaks, I am posting as is (hence the dated references). <p> [ADVERT] </p> At over 90K words, I will be posting it in parts, each containing 5-6 chapters. All reviews/feedback is appreciated - good AND bad. ENJOY!!!"

Disclaimer - Yes, there are references to a LOT of real places in this story. Guess what? I don't own the rights to ANY of them. I use them to give "real" backdrop to a sexual fantasy. That is especially true for Disney, its parks, hotels and attractions, etc. Go visit them and expect to have a lot of fun, just not THIS kind of fun!


The following story takes place at Disneyland during the weekend of a half marathon, but in a parallel universe.  It's a universe where almost everything is the same as it is our own, with just minor differences.  In this particular universe, through some twist of fate, my wife and I get to the event exposition early.  While it is only nineteen seconds, we end up gaining about 30 spaces in the line.  That's enough to change our lives forever.... 

Chapter 1 – April

It's hot.  It's humid.  The line is packed and barely moving.  After twenty minutes, we've just made it to the point where the line is starting to loop back on itself over and over.  There are at least two more loopbacks that we can see coming, and very little shade.  A lot of the racers walking towards us are sweating; bitching about the heat and hoping that will be a whole lot cooler on Sunday.

We come to another halt and start talking to the four women ahead of us.  They don't seem to even notice the heat, but that's because they are from freaking "Hotlanta".  They actually like this weather.  Well, we live in Colorado, vacation in Cabo and in four short weeks, we are moving to Arizona; all dry climates.  Even a little humidity is torture.  From that perspective, moving to Arizona isn’t so bad, especially to a small town in the mountains.

The line starts to move again and a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair approaches us. "Excuse me…. I couldn't help but overhear.  Did you say you are moving to Sedona?  That's where I live."

Wow! What a small world! Fortunately, the line stops again, leaving us standing opposite her.  We immediately start talking about our upcoming move, asking all sorts of questions about living in Sedona.  We’ve only been there once before but it immediately felt like a place that fits our lifestyle. With every answer she gives us, we get even more excited about what’s awaiting us.

Eventually, the line starts to move again.  We momentarily lose contact with her since she is a few spaces in front of us.  When we catch up at the next corner, we are eager to continue our conversation with the bubbly young woman from our future hometown. 

My wife starts with introductions, “I’m Diana, by the way, and this is my husband, Bruce.  It’s great to meet you, uh…”

“April!” She replies with a quick smile. “It’s wild meeting you here, and please excuse me if I mess up your names for a while.  Contrary to the general opinion on blondes, I am not a ditz, but I can’t seem to remember people’s names to save my life.”

Diana and I laugh. “That’s alright,” I reply, “I have the exact same problem.  It was a real pain in the ass at work until a friend gave me some tips. Basically, focus really hard on the person and then try to tie their name to someone or something you already know.  It’s a pain, but it works for me.”   

Suuure it does… but what the hell, let me give it a shot.”  April starts openly staring at us and you can almost hear the wheels turning in her head until her face lights up.

“HOLY Crap!  It works!  It was so easy!  I like comic books and the two of you are freaking Batman and Wonder Woman!  You know, Bruce Wayne and Diana of Themyscira.  Hell, you even kind of look like them!”

We both start laughing. Diana gestures at her own chest, “Only if my boobs were twice as big and I had a tiara!” 

My answer is more practical, “Sure, if I had a few billion dollars, a cave and a cape, although...  I do kind of think of Diana as ‘Wonder Woman’ so that’s a good fit!”  I stare at April a moment before adding, “You know, if you had pigtails…” 

April cuts me off with a chuckle, “Yes, I know, I know.  I would look just like Harley Quinn.  I’ve even thought of dressing up as her for Halloween, but seriously, who needs another ditzy blond?”

I nod in agreement and decide to change the subject, “So anyway, tell us some more about our future hometown. How’s the hiking?”

We get in a few more minutes of discussion before the line starts to move again.  We make a slight jog around some tall bushes and when we look again, April is gone.  With her light blonde hair, we should have been able to spot her, but no luck.

"Damn!" Diana exclaims, "I really wanted to talk to her some more.  I can't believe we met someone from Sedona.  How crazy is that?" 

"Pretty wild," I reply.  "Don't worry; I am sure we will run into her again.  It looks like we still have an hour in this line."

 We look around one more time, but she is nowhere to be seen.  We go back to talking about our move, temporarily forgetting the heat and humidity.  Now that we have even a limited first-hand account of the area, it sounds like an even better place to live than we originally thought.

A couple of minutes later we hear, "Hi!  Miss me?"  Diana turns around and there's April, moving into line with us.

"I figured as long as I have to wait in line, it might as well be with people I can talk to.”, she says with a smile.  She then hands each of us a cold bottle of water.  "I just had to get some water first.  It is just too damn humid here."

We thank her profusely for the water and giving up her place in line just to talk to us about our new home.

"That's okay. I have ulterior motives..." she starts and then gestures at our shirts. "It looks like you've done at least one of these races before.  I was kind of hoping you might help me figure out what I need to do here today.  And… this is my first time at a Disney Park.  Any pointers you'd be willing to share would really be appreciated.  I'm here on a package deal.  I've got my hotel and a four-day "Park Bouncer", but I really don't know what to do with it."

Diana almost chokes on her water laughing.  When she can finally speak, she explains that it is a "Park Hopper”, and we would be happy to give her some tips.  For the next hour that we are in line, the two women chatter away, talking about races, Disney, Sedona and anything else that comes to mind.  It's obvious that they have made an instant connection.  Not only do they have similar interests, but even a matching sense of humor.  The entire time we are in line, one of them is always laughing at something the other said.  On top of that, April has a very open personality and doesn't filter much, which I find kind of refreshing.  I can already sense that Diana has made a new friend and we will see a lot more of her once we move.

As the line slowly moves along, I take the opportunity to surreptitiously check out the woman who is monopolizing my wife.  Cute (for a blonde anyway), she's a couple of inches shorter than Diana and is wearing what looks like a tennis outfit.  She has a semi-athletic build, which I see a lot in women in their late thirties or early forties, who have discovered the workout.  I peg her in the ‘mid’ to ‘late’ thirty range, but I almost never get that right.  Her most striking feature is her skin, which is flawless.  I find it a little odd that she is here alone, but don't get a chance to ask about it, since it is nearly impossible to get a word in edgewise with the two of them.  It’s worse than being around my family at the holidays.

As we get close to the packet pick-up area, we start talking more about the race.  April loves running (of course she would, she is as mental as my wife) and is slotted in the "C" corral.  That is where Diana would be if she wasn’t stuck with me.  I kind of hate running, which surprises April, but then I explain that it is something that we can do together; share the pain of training and the joy of finishing.  Besides, it’s a Disney race, which is in a class of its own.  We won’t do anything else.

"You guys are really lucky to have each other.  You know that don't you?" she asks us with a wistful expression on her face.  "Not many people have that".

We agree immediately; it does help to marry your best friend. 

We finally make it into the event center and go to pick up our packets together.  When we are done and standing at the exit, there is a momentary awkward silence.  April looks a little unsure of herself.  Even though we hadn't discussed it, it turns out that Diana and I both have the same idea… 

"So, April.... Bruce and I were planning on going through the Expo to pick up some swag.  If you care to come with us, we could do that and then we'd love to give you your very own guided tour of Disneyland, being that it's your first time and all that."

April perks up immediately and says, "I would love that!  In fact, I was trying to figure out a way to ask if you'd mind me tagging along, but I don't want to seem pushy or interfere with your vacation."

"How about this...." I suggest, "We show you around Disneyland now, you return the favor to us once we move to Sedona?"

Diana smiles and quickly seconds my suggestion.

April unleashes a megawatt smile and says, "That would be wonderful!  There are a ton of things I'd love to show you, and there is just so much to do.  We'd have a blast!  So...where is the Expo, and more importantly, where is a bathroom?  I have really got to pee!"

We both laugh.  It looks like she'll fit right in with us.


The rest of the day was a lesson in amazing timing.  From the moment we entered the Expo everything just fell into place.  Later, we would tell April that it must have been beginners’ luck or Disney Magic at its best.  We are in and out of the Expo in about thirty minutes even though we later hear that the checkout lines lasted over two hours during parts of the day.  From there we went to the Grand Californian to drop off our bags.  Not only was our room ready, but it turned out that April was staying there as well.  When she booked her package, she had no idea what a great hotel or location she had chosen, she just thought the other two hotels would be packed with kids.

As good as the day started, it only got better.  When we stood inside the park and said "Let the magic begin….", the powers that be must have been listening.  The only FastPass we needed was for Indiana Jones; everything else was pretty much a walk-on.  It wasn't that were no crowds, it was just amazing timing. 

Starting with Pirates, we hit all the major attractions on that side of the park and half of Fantasyland before dinner.  April had never been to this type of theme park before, so everything was new and exciting to her. We of course had to play it up, so when we took the first little drop at Pirates, she was screaming for real.  Haunted Mansion was "cute" and she loved Indiana Jones almost as much as Diana does.  Watching her experience each attraction for the first time was more fun for us than the rides themselves.  Because of that, she was somehow able to talk Diana (who hates rollercoasters) into going on big Thunder Mountain Railroad as well as Splash Mountain.  Wouldn't you know April took the front and stayed bone dry, whereas I was in the third position and got drenched?  At least it cooled me off some.

In addition to all the big thrill rides, she wanted to try everything in Fantasyland.  She dragged me on to Dumbo with her, which nearly did me in.  Rollercoasters?  No problem.  Spinning rides?  Shoot me now.  She laughed and called me a wimp until she did the Tea Cups on her own.  She came off that, looking green around the gills.  Yeah, who's the wimp now?

After all that, we took a break for dinner before the fireworks.  As we are talking, we found out that she works as a physical therapist specializing in Sports Medicine.  She provides services for various colleges and medical centers in Yavapai County.  Occasionally, she even works out of Cottonwood or Flagstaff.  She thought that was a pretty sweet gig until we tell her that we both will be working out of our home.

"Hmmm.  Aren't you afraid of spending too much time together?"

We admit that the thought had crossed our minds on occasion, but generally speaking, we aren't worried about it.  We just need to find things to do in town other than being in the house all day.

"Well, that's not a problem, is it...?” She asks as she links arms with Diana and starts skipping away and laughing, "... because I am sure I can keep her plenty busy all on my own."

We spend some time exploring Main Street and then pick out a place to watch fireworks.  I finally get to drag my wife away from April and hold her in my arms while the sky lights up in perfect sync with the “Wishes” soundtrack.  For Diana and I, the show was good as always; for someone who hadn't seen them before?  They were magical.  On top of that, April loves to sing, so once Diana started, she joined in and the two of them kept it up the entire time.

Once we figured out that April loves music, we decided to head into Tomorrowland, timing it so we could do a couple of rides and then watch the 80z All-Stars.  We had seen them before and they are pretty good, covering a lot of popular songs.  We also snagged FastPasses for April and me to ride Space Mountain before heading to one of our favorite attractions, Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin.  When April sees the signs about a spinning ride, she starts to get worried.  After her experience with the Tea Cups, will it make her sick?  Diana bursts out laughing and explains how the ride works; basically, if Diana can ride it, anyone can.

When we get near the front of the line, I suggest the two women ride together.  I want a chance to test out a new scoring idea I have - without fighting for control of the buggy.  At first April declines, not wanting to "intrude" on our competition, but I insist, telling her that it is always fun to show a "newbie" the ropes and that “Di” and I will have plenty of opportunities to compete.  Diana is quick to agree, promising to show her all the best targets.  As I watch the two of them climb in the buggy ahead of me, I think of how lucky we were to meet her. It's obvious that the two of them are quickly becoming great friends.

When the ride ends, I am happy to see my score is way better than normal, although part of that might have been due to the "wheelchair stop" along the way.  Unfortunately, when I see the smirk on Diana’s face, I can tell that she probably did even better.  I decide to ignore that and ask April how she liked the ride. 

"It was a blast!  I didn't come close to getting sick and I thought I did really well, at least until I saw Diana's score."

"Really...." I ask, looking at Diana. "... and how did you do?"

She starts smirking and holding up a single finger, wagging it back and forth.

"No way!  You broke a Million?!!!"

She doesn’t answer, but just starts doing "the happy dance" as we walk into the picture area.  Sure enough, there it is on the monitor.  1,006,900!!!  I decide that is a picture we need to have.  As we add it to our PhotoPass, I look at it again and notice something new.  While Diana is intently focused on blasting targets, April was focused just as intently, but it wasn't the targets she was paying attention to.

Chapter 2 – Dancing

Soon we are at the Tomorrowland Terrace to see the 80z All-Stars.  It turns out that the last set starts a bit later on Fridays.  We still have a half hour, so we find a table close to the stage and start talking about the race.  Not only is this April’s first Disney race, but it is her first race ever.  In fact, this whole weekend is her gift to herself for finally getting up the courage to divorce her husband.  Even though she hasn't seen him in six months, it only became final yesterday. 

You know how it’s sometimes easier to tell your problems to strangers?  I guess we must listen well because she decides to elaborate, "You have to understand...he wasn't mean or abusive to me.  In a way, it was much worse than that - he ignored me.  We were married for three years, but our sex life ended as soon as he found out that I can't have children.  Bad plumbing.  I did try to make it work, but it got so bad that he wouldn't even touch me for months at a time, or even sleep in the same room.  The only thing that kept me going was my buddy, Rigel.  He was my baby…. the cutest mutt you've ever seen.  I had him since he was a puppy and lost him at twelve.  Without him, I had nobody, so I decided to get out."

When she gets to this part of the story, we can see tears rolling down her cheeks.  Diana pulls her into a big hug and tells her that we totally get it; mentioning our own dogs, and like a proud mom, pulls them up on “DogCam”.  This lightens the mood somewhat, and April apologizes for getting all emotional.

"The two of you must think that I am quite the loser, especially for putting up with him for so long".

"Oh, no, not at all.  In fact..."  Diana pauses and looks at me hesitantly.  I give her a quick nod and she continues.  "…Bruce went through something very similar to that in his first marriage." 

April looks at me questioningly, and I take over.  I give her the short version of the story, explaining how Gina waited until after we got married to decide to become celibate, and ultimately took a job out of town to keep distance between us.   I did keep trying to make it work, until Diana and I started seeing each other.  At that point I was done - I had found the person I should be with.  We’ve been together ever since.

After hearing our story, I can tell that April sees me a little differently.  I'm no longer just the guy attached to Diana, but I am someone she can actually relate to.  She even tries to engage me in the conversation by asking me about the music I like.  There seems to be a little common ground there, and she starts telling us about an amazing winter musical event called “Acker Night” that takes place in a town not far from Sedona.

Before we have a chance to finish talking about it, we see the stage raising and hear the music starting.

As usual, the band is as good as we expected, but I noticed that my two companions are more into talking about getting together once we move than paying attention to the music.  Not surprising considering that we will know no one there, plus the two of them seem to have a lot in common.

That all stops when they start playing "Living on a Prayer".   It’s Diana’s favorite song and of course she has to get up and move over near the crowd.  April follows her and the two of them rock out for a while, singing and dancing along to the songs.  At one point, Diana glances at me, and I can tell she is having fun.  Probably excited at the prospect of having a new friend.

The next time I glance up, April is standing in front of me.  “Diana says that you don’t like to dance much, but I told her I could convince you to come dance with us.”

“Oh, really? How’s that?”

“Ever watch a show called Friends?”


Less than a minute late I am on the dance floor.  Diana is looking at me like I have two heads. April is grinning ear-to-ear.  "I got him to agree to dance with us," she says.  "It just took a little motivation".

"Really?  Like what?" Diana asks.

"Well, I remembered something I saw on an episode of Friends once.  I promised him he could watch two girls kissing if he came down here".  As she says this, she turns away from me and gives Diana a little wink.  Diana realizes that she has some sort of trick in mind and decides to see what she's planning.

"I remember that episode.  I guess I’m up for it if it gets him dancing..." Diana says.  April moves closer to her, looking like she intends to kiss Diana but then raises her hand.  She is holding one of those smart phones with the massive screen.  She taps the screen, and a video starts, showing a bunch of clips of two women kissing.  It looks like she has pulled this trick before.

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"There you go, two girls kissing!"  She says, laughing at her little prank. 

"Nice try," I say with a smirk, "but I distinctly recall you saying that I could watch a hot kiss between two girls.  Those clips hardly qualify as hot.  You're going to have to do a lot better than that."

April pouts and says to Diana, "Damn. That used to work all the time. Guys are all the same. They think women sharing a kiss is such a big deal. I guess it's just too commonplace now."

Diana chuckles, "You don't know my husband.  He'd probably give us anything we ask for to see a real kiss.  Guys haven't changed that much." 

April looks at me.  "Really?  Would you agree to never turn down a dance with your wife ever again just to see us kiss?"

With a smirk, I reply, "If it’s a hot kiss, of course!  Not that is actually going to...."

Before I can finish, April pulls Diana to her.  Diana doesn’t make any attempt to pull away, so April smiles slightly and leans in part way, giving my wife plenty of opportunity to back out. Whether it's surprise, curiosity or simply trying to shock me, Diana smiles and lets April kiss her.  It's a soft, light touch, barely qualifying as a kiss.  Looking over April’s shoulder at my reaction, she decides to go with it and kisses April back lightly.  It's tentative at first, but something seems to come over the two of them and it gets progressively more intense. 

When they finally part, all I can say is, "wow!" 

April looks into Diana’s eyes and whispers, "wow is right...."

All of a sudden, Diana seems to realize where we are and looks around in a panic.  Fortunately, no one even noticed because they are all paying attention to the band.  She then turns to me and tells me for that, I have to dance with her whenever she wants.  All I can do is nod in agreement. 

The band continues playing.  It's their longest set of the night, so the three of us spend quite a bit of time dancing before they finally wind down.  Every few minutes one of us breaks out laughing.

"I can't believe we did that!  At Disneyland, no less."  April says. 

"I am surprised they haven't kicked us out," Diana replies.  

"Nah...." I say, “.... they have Miley Cyrus to deal with."  Even that lame joke gets a laugh.

Eventually, the band finishes for the night and it's time to leave.  There is a strange awkward silence for a moment.  Since April is staying at the Grand Californian, I suggest we walk back together.  When we get to the crowded section of Main Street, I take Diana’s hand, so I don't lose her.  As we clear the crowd, I notice that April has her other hand.  We make it halfway down Main Street before either of them realizes that and let’s go.

On the way back to the hotel, the two of them keep talking about the race and April’s trip.  I am not all surprised when Diana invites her to join us in the morning, offering to act as a guide in California Adventure for her first time.  We make arrangements for breakfast and split up in the lobby.  April starts to take off but turns back.  It almost looks like she is welling up as she gives my wife a light kiss on the cheek.  "Thank you.... today is exactly what I needed," she whispers in Diana’s ear.

Chapter 3 – Nightcap

It only takes us a couple of minutes to get back to our room.  Diana doesn’t say a word the entire way, but as soon as the door closes behind us, she is kissing me.  She pushes me back against the door and kisses me harder.  I sense urgency in her kiss.  Her hands reach out and pull my shorts and underwear down, and grabs at my cock.  She continues kissing me as she plays with it.  As soon as it's hard, she sinks to her knees and in one motion, takes it all the way into the back of her throat.  She sucks on it like she is angry at it, hard, fast, and deep. 

I am thinking that she plans to suck me off right there when she suddenly stops, moving over to the bed.  The curtains are open, and the shears are pulled, so she can look out at Downtown Disney.  In a couple of quick motions, she has stripped bare and is kneeling on the bed, her sweet ass hanging off the end of it. 

"Fuck me", she says as she reaches between her legs and pulls her pussy wide open for me.  This time, I can hear the urgency in her voice.

I am there almost immediately and start to enter her slowly.

"No... I want it hard, right now".  With that, I thrust into her.  Her pussy is drenched, so there is no resistance.  I immediately start to slam into her.  While I do that, she adjusts herself so that her head and shoulders are supporting her weight on the bed and rubs herself furiously with two fingers. 

Normally, she takes quite a while to work up to a climax, but tonight is different.  I fuck her as hard and deep as I can, my thighs slamming into her ass with a loud slap.  I pause before each stroke just to tease her.  At the same time, she is rubbing herself like mad.  Even without her “goto” vibrator, her body starts to tense up.  I change my tempo, speeding up as I feel her getting closer. 

That's all it takes.  She comes with a long low groan and keeps coming as I slam into her, intent on drawing it out as long as possible. 

Unfortunately, the sensation is too much, and I am coming as well.  She can feel my hot cum filling her up and we both nearly collapse on the bed. 

As we start to recover, I start to move.   I thrust in out a few more times, rubbing against her swollen clit, before I start to pull out.  I pull her ass high in the air and push her shoulders back to the bed. 

"Don't move" I say, as I pull away and go to get some tissue.

She stays just like that, feeling like she is going to make a mess on the bed, but I return in time with the tissue.  Instead of giving it to her, I put it on the bed under her.

"I want to watch," I say, staring intently between her legs.

She can feel my cum leaking out of her.  She looks between her legs and sees it making a gooey mess on the tissue.  It makes her feel like a slut who will do anything for a man, but she doesn't care, because that's exactly what she needed.  It's much better than all of the strange new thoughts and feelings going through her head.

Chapter 4 – Yoga

The next morning, we go to meet April for breakfast.  At first, she seems a little shy and reserved.   Diana gives her a big hug and a smile, telling her how much fun we had last night.  This immediately changes her disposition, and we all start discussing how to spend the day. 

We manage to time the extra Magic Hour perfectly.  We get in a Radiator Springs ride, where we unconsciously establish our seating pattern for the weekend – Di is always in the middle.  We also fit in three Toy Story rides before the park opens!  On Toy Story, we switch off so that we each take a turn riding single.  I only get the high score once; new girl manages to kick both our butts.  It is on now!

After the park opens, we slow down a little.  It is fun watching April experience all the attractions for the first time.  Just like me, she loves roller coasters, but just like Diana, her truly favorite stop for the day is Starbucks. They both order Frappuccino’s, but April has to have chocolate syrup and extra whip cream which she takes great joy in licking off the top before even starting her drink.

It isn't until lunch that we start talking about our pre-race yoga routine.  Diana loves it, but personally, I absolutely hate it.  Still, I found out that doing it before the race keeps me from dying during the race.  April's professional training kicks in and she takes some time to explain why that works so well.  She also loves yoga (freak) and would like to try it with us but can't imagine there is room in the hotel to do it. 

After talking about it a bit, she tells us to hang on a minute while she tries something.  We see her typing into her phone.  April explains that she has an ex-classmate out here that runs a small boutique health and fitness center.  Generally, they have a "reciprocal" agreement where they share facilities (kind of like CrossFit).  That sets off another long discussion about fitness and training.  It would appear that she is kind of in the middle; more dedicated than me, but less so than Diana.  She even does "P90X" on occasion, which was a staple of ours.  As we are talking, she gets a reply from her text.  Her friend is out of town, but we are welcome to use her studio if we can get there.  It even has showers, so we decide to workout first, take showers and get dinner outside of the park.

After lunch, we hit a few more attractions, including Aladdin.  April and Diana are getting along extremely well and seem to be having a great time.  Before the show starts, I sit there watching the two of them talking, and realize that I may not be the only one who doesn't know when someone is flirting with them.  Or maybe Diana does, because she is giving it back as good as she gets.  They have a serious connection, but I don't think my wife has figured it out yet.  

When we arrive at the studio, the only person there is some older guy working the counter.  We have the run of the place, and while it isn't huge, it's well-stocked, with yoga pads and blocks.  There is just enough room for us to set up two in front and one in the back.  I take the one in back.

April gets a kick out of our setup; an iPad loaded with a few exercise videos and laughs aloud when I start bitching about having to do “downward fucking dog”.  It would have been a great, except for the humidity and lack of airflow.  Pretty soon, we are all dripping sweat.  April has it worse because she wore tight stretchy yoga pants.  Once we get to the break, I basically call it quits and work on hamstring stretches while the two women get into a little friendly yoga competition.  April is more flexible, but Di is way stronger and has better form.   I just hang back and try not to stare when April does a downward dog right in front of me.  Her yoga pants are tight and outlines her anatomy perfectly; not much is left to the imagination.

Once yoga is over, we go hit the showers.  We've only got thirty minutes before the place closes.  We head to the locker rooms and it’s only later that night the Diana tells me what happened next...


Diana’s first stop is to go pee while April undresses and heads to the shower.  "Crap!!" Diana hears her exclaim.  Diana walks around the corner to see what's wrong.  There are only two showers and one of them has an “out-of-order” sign on it.  

"Crap!!" Diana echoes.  "We are never going to make it!  After the workout we just had, there is no way I am going without a shower".  

April looks around for a moment and says, "Me neither.  I'm a hot, sweaty mess."  She pulls the curtain back, looks into the shower and turns around.  "We.... we could share it and take turns.  It's pretty big."  "Unless that makes you uncomfortable…." she adds nervously. 

"No, that will work fine", Diana hears herself say, even though little butterflies are dancing in her stomach. 

Diana watches April put her towel on a hook and walk past the curtain.  Di hangs up her towel and follows her in.  The shower is actually quite large so they don't have to stand too close together.  That makes Diana feel a little better for some reason.  April stands with her back to Diana and her head under the water, which gives Diana a chance to relax a little.  As April is washing her front, Diana gets a chance to look at her more closely.  She has a nice body, with slender legs and great muscle tone, but her ass is a little flat.  Her best feature may be her skin, which is pale and virtually flawless, except for a tiny birthmark on the small of her back, just above her ass.

As soon as April’s hair is wet, she scoots sideways next to the wall to let Diana under the water.  Diana quickly starts to soap up and works on cleaning off all the sweat from earlier.  She then snags some shampoo and starts working on her hair.  With her eyes closed, she turns to wet her back and hears a little gasp.  She opens her eyes and sees April staring directly at her pussy.  It takes her a moment to realize that she trimmed it just before vacation, so she is definitely exposed. 

April shakes her head and apologizes "I'm sorry, but I've never known anyone who shaves themselves down there before.  I thought that was only for pornos".  Diana glances down between April’s legs and sees her natural blond curls. 

"Well....” Diana says, "I don't actually shave there, I just use a trimmer.  Shaving makes me itch.  Bruce shaves his completely, but it doesn't make him itch". 

"Wow! He shaves? I didn't know men do that. Where?  How much?  Why?"  She sudden realizes what she's asking and stops, looking a little embarrassed.

My wife once told me that she never was one who shared that kind of personal details with her girlfriends, but suddenly realized that it doesn't bother her at all to tell April.  In fact, she realized that she wanted to. 

"He's actually the one who started it.  He shaves everything - his cock, balls, ass, and belly.  He does it because it's nicer for me when I am sucking on him.  He likes me to stay trimmed, so everything is exposed.  He's very visual.  It's also more fun for him when he is licking me.  After a while, we both just decided that it's just a lot more enjoyable."

"Oh, that is SO hot....” April coos. “My worthless ex would never even think about licking my pussy.  He was missionary only; probably the only guy in the world who turns down a blow job.  That's part of the reason we split.  I didn't expect my sex life to be over before I hit forty."

While she is talking, Diana steals a few glances at the front of April’s body.  Her skin really is flawless.  April’s boobs are about the same size as her own, but closer together, and her nipples.... her nipples are huge!  They are at least as big around as a nickel and they are very erect.  Diana doesn't realize that she is staring until April suddenly turns away, covering her breasts with her hands.

"Please don't...." April asks, her voice low and timid.  It takes Diana a moment to realize that she is embarrassed....

"Why, what's wrong?" Diana asks, afraid that she had somehow offended her. 

"I'm a freak.  I have nipples like a pregnant woman.  The doctors say that they are normal, but they are so big and pokey.  They get hard at everything.  Tim always wanted me to wear pads so they wouldn't show through my tops.  I hate them!"

Tim must have been her ex and Diana is really starting to hate him.  It's obvious that he's really done a number on April’s head.

Diana gently places a hand on April’s shoulder.  "Turn around.  Look at me."  Slowly, April turns and faces Diana, still covering up.  She won't meet Diana’s eyes. 

"Please... look at me," Diana repeats.   It takes a moment, but April finally looks up and meets her eyes. 

"Listen closely.  First, there is not a damn thing wrong with you.  Your ex was a fucking idiot!  I absolutely guarantee you that most normal guys would love nothing more than to play with them and suck on them all night long.  I know that Bruce would.  He's got a thing for that.  Hell, if I was a guy, I'd be all over you.  There is nothing wrong with you."

"Really?  Do you mean that?” 

Diana reaches out and slowly starts to peel April’s arms away from her chest.  She pauses before answering, really studying the blonde’s body.  When Diana finally answers, April knows that it's totally sincere.  "I do.  They're beautiful.  You are beautiful."

April’s eyes fill with a mix of relief and gratitude.  Diana is not prepared when April launches herself across the small space, pulling my wife into a tight hug.  The momentum pushes them both back under the water, but neither one notices.  April buries her face in Diana’s neck.  The water is warm, but she's shaking. Diana soon realizes that she's crying, so she pulls her tight, strokes her hair and tells her that it's all okay.

As April’s shaking starts to subside, Diana becomes acutely aware of the situation.  She is standing naked in a shower, holding another woman.  Her body is soft and warm.  She can feel the swell of breasts against her own, and the press of April’s hard nipples.  Their hips are slightly offset so their legs are intertwined.  Intellectually, Diana thinks that this is all wrong, yet emotionally and physically, it feels good.  No, better than good, it feels right, at least with April. 

Diana and I have had a lot of conversations about just how short life is, and my wife realizes that this is one of those times that maybe she should just go with it.  With that realization, she lets herself relax and her body melts into April's.  April immediately feels the change and raises her head to look up.  When their gazes lock, April’s blue eyes seem to sparkle.  Slowly, tentatively, her mouth moves closer to Diana’s.  Diana’s heartbeat quickens and time slows to a crawl....

Out of nowhere, they hear loud knocking on the door to the locker room.  "We are closing in fifteen minutes!"   The sudden interruption breaks the spell. April bolts from Diana’s arms and out of the shower.  "We'll be right out!" she yells.

Chapter 5 – Dinner

Dinner was an odd affair.  I could tell something was going on between the two of them but couldn't figure out what.  Occasionally, April would look at me and get this weird grin, like she knew a secret I didn’t. I gave up trying to figure it out and we started talking about the race.  April asked if we would mind her dropping back a corral and running with us.  We agreed that would be great as long as she could handle the snail’s pace.  Considering how well we are all getting along, Diana then asks April if she wants to go to the park with us afterwards, which is a good way to keep the muscles loose.

She answers with a wistful look on her face.  "I'd love to, but I can't. I only have my room through tonight.  I was planning on driving back to Sedona tomorrow after the race.  Since I've never done this before, I didn't know I should have stayed longer, even though I don't go back to work until Thursday."

I glance at Diana and see disappointment on her face.  It doesn't matter that she will have a new friend when we get to Sedona.  She is enjoying this weekend the way it is now.  Normally, I know that this is something she'd never even consider, but I have a hunch...

"April, sitting in a car for seven hours after running a half marathon is a really, really bad idea.  Since you already have the time off, why don't you just stay in our room tomorrow?  Quite by accident, we have two beds this time around.  I am sure we can make it work… can’t we Di?"

April looks over at Diana, bats her eyes (flirt much?), and asks, "Do you want me to stay?"

There is no hesitation.  "Oh, yes!"


Contrary to our experience and good judgment, we stay up way later than we know is good for us.  We hang out at the lounge at the hotel, and it's all I can do to convince the two of them that we should get some sleep before the race.

When we finally get back to the room, it is a repeat of the night before.  Diana attacks me as soon as the door closes and ends up giving me a very long and very hot blow job.  Once I've come, she sits in chair looking out the window.  She starts to play with herself, asking me to stand behind her and play with her nipples.  While she does that, she slowly tells me about what happened in the shower.  When she gets to the part where she thinks April is about to kiss her, I squeeze her nipples hard.  That takes her right over the edge and she comes hard, imagining what might have happened if they hadn't been interrupted.  It's exciting and scary all at once.

Written by PolyTomoe
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