For me its always been the first kiss, there is so much anticipation leading up to that moment. When you kiss someone for the first time, if there are no fireworks then it's never getting to the first fuck, at least not for me.
Okay, for me and my husband this is simple. A connection in the virtual world (lush, chat room, , etc) where it is words on a screen or even on the phone (with someone known and trusted) is not cheating because it's not real. Anything real world (skin to skin even if its with a hand) is cheating. It makes it easy. I can play on lush and get warmed up for him and it's not cheating, because he (and I) are the only ones touching me.
I was in a private chat with someone and when I clicked block user in the chat window, my chatroom window went to the friends/blocked user screen of update my profile. JerseyLynn said I should send this for it to be looked at.
Thanks :-)
My ex was bi, and things didn't work out. I don't think that had anything to do with him being bi though. I tend to be a bit territorial and I don't know how I would react to having to share my man LOL.
I have and the lead up to the actual sex over the course of the semester was crazy. I would recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity as long as you don't end up getting in trouble. Sneaking around and meeting in his office for my tutoring sessions was crazy hot and just made it better when we finally fucked four months later (he made me wait until grades were turned in)
Before I can answer this truthfully, I need to know your version of big/fat.
My husband is a bigger guy, he's a biker and a bouncer so he has a little extra weight on him but isn't morbidly obese. I like guys who aren't skinny emo tight pants boys. I want to have someone who looks like he protects me, not the other way around, and fat guys don't look at you cross-eyed if you order an appetizer and dessert. I need to feel comfortable in my skin and the skinny guys I've dated have never done that for me.
I have, more than once. It depends on the story though - I don't have a "type" per se, it's more about whether the author has painted the right picture in my mind . . .
My ex was ridiculously large and especially when doing it doggy-style I would feel it the next day, or even for a day or two after that. The sex was amazing but if I let it get a little out of control there would be pain for a few days - it was usually worth it though
I actually prefer someone who is more intelligent and tries to stimulate my mind in ADDITION to my body. My best friends are geeks, and I am no intellectual slouch either. I agree that confidence attracts women, but it doesn't have to be sexual confidence alone. Of of the greatest lovers I ever had is a nuclear engineer!
You Scored as Walrus
You scored the Walrus! You like to look after yourself and indulgence is your favourite vice. You use charm and manipulation to get what you want and don't mind taking someone else's share... if they aren't watching of course.
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
Mad Hatter
Cheshire Cat
The Dormouse
Queen of Hearts
A Playing Card
March Hare
The White Rabbit