Why do so many girls not want to be with nerds and geeks?
there are plenty of good reasons to like a nerd... number one being that its proven that nerds are more creative and better in bed.
I mean i can see this is true cause it's all about the physics and what will give the girl pleasure.
its all a self confidence thing- girls like guys who are confident and that wont clam up and wither next to them. geeks are usually way too shy
I actually have a soft spot for geeks....shush....don't tell!
who says geeks dont get any? i love geeks...i love a super smart man. and not just any geek...give me a math geeks! in fact i once knew a self proclaimed "King of the Geeks". he was fun ;)
If we are defining a geek as 'a person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept'... then yeah, I'm going to take a pass.
I don't dislike geeks but when it comes to dating it's all about compatibility. I love a brilliant mind but I also need someone who is outgoing, confident and socially with-it, otherwise I'd get bored fast.
I would never sacrifice on requiring intelligence in a potential mate though. That is always a must, but for me, there has to be a balance between the academic and social side.
Are you kidding me I love geeks and nerds, but they don't love me back. I always get the bad boys chasing me yuck
I find a man who is very intelligent and perceptive very, very sexy!
Once again has hit the nail on the head.
Geeks & Nerds need sex and affection - maybe even more so than "normal" persons. Yes, find a partner with a mind-set similar to or complimentary to your own. AND ENJOY!
The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
i fuck a nerd in school to do my home work lol
I actually prefer someone who is more intelligent and tries to stimulate my mind in ADDITION to my body. My best friends are geeks, and I am no intellectual slouch either. I agree that confidence attracts women, but it doesn't have to be sexual confidence alone. Of of the greatest lovers I ever had is a nuclear engineer!
a falling angel is like a shooting star - beautiful from afar, but dangerous if you get too close
Oh I don't know about hot ticket. It suggests "geek" is a balancing point somewhere between "nerd" and "mad scientist"! And only a couple of steps away from psychopath.
Do I have to put my name on a list somewhere to get a Mad Scientist? 'Cause, damnit, I want my young (sexually hyped) Doc Brown!
If he was determined and driven enough to build a goddamn time machine kinda makes you wonder how all that energy could otherwise be directed.....*whistles innocently*
Intellegence is hot. I prefer men to be smart. I find that men that are "nerds" or "geeks" can be hot in so many ways. In my experience intellegent men have rewarded me with attention to detail and a level of appreciation the "hot" guys haven't always shown. I don't know precisely what "it" is that does it for me, but I love love love to seduce them.
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." Thank goodness!
There are plenty of people who love geeks and nerds, especially other geeks and nerds. The only real reason that I might be able to come up with is that sometimes they lack confidence, and confidence is one of the most attractive qualities in a person. However, geeks have many things going for them such as intelligence and a soft sweet side, plus they can be so cute!
I love that my man is a nerd. he has the best personality i have ever seen a guy have. nerds can be confident. i want a guy thats smart that i can have a real conversation with.