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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Most reality and game shows are fake, with "drama" and "sub plots" and "outrageous characters". I remember the first season of Survivor when the producers said it was fake. As long as you know that they are no more real than wrestling and don't take anything serious they are fun. Notice that all the "entertainment" contests have the same format and all the contest like Project Runway have the same type of format and all the "reality" shows also have their same format (now who takes the camera and sound if the people are suppose to be alone?). The drama, the drama!
Active Ink Slinger
California has a lot of hot sexy weather women, but I think one of the hottest is Jackie Johnson. Ummmm. But I would share a soaking rain with just about all of them.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a gentleman. I would never embarrass two lovely ladies who want to jack me till I am nice and hard. Then one can be pleased with a blow job while the other uses her hand between us. Problem solved.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes. I love being "branded" by a woman. I have come back from lunch at work with lip stick on my face and the girls teased me. I blushed of course, but still enjoyed it. Also I enjoy seeing it on my cock during a blow job. All or most women who are straight or bi love putting on war paint and we men don't object. A woman's lips are sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by angieseroticpen
I think that Macmillan Cancer Support has shot itself in the foot over this one. With 800 million people in need of fresh clean water throughout the world, wasting water in this way just doesn't do it for me. Macmillan do a great job as a charity but this was a foolhardy idea. It was made even worse for me watching George W Bush rise to the challenge the other night and the previous news item showed thousands of refugees in Iraq on the run from ISIS with little food or water.

Being from California I agree completely with you. I don't need to have someone pour cold water on me to give to a charity that is doing good work. I understand they are trying to get attention by this, but still there are a lot better ways to get the point across.
Active Ink Slinger
If that is who she is then I would not object because I care for her. But I think it best if you share. By share I mean if her if her gf is lez then she and I share my girl, giving her the best of both. If they are both bi then I see no reason why they can't share me. It is a manner or trust and love.
Active Ink Slinger
Not all girls use wine bottles? Man, what am I going to do with all these empty wine bottles now that I can't sell them at the all girls school down the road?
Active Ink Slinger
There are a lot of things that are annoying you know, things that bug you, you know, a lot, you know, people are always saying, you know, stupid things, you know, that show they aren't educated, you know, that just drive you crazy, you know.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by coops89
Are you male or female?
How old are you?
How many times a week do you masturbate? at least once a day.
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? Every time.

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? yes
In the shower? yes (found it was cheaper than trying to take a cold shower to make my cock go down)
In the bath? Men only climb into a bath if a woman is there and jacking off isn't what is on our mind.
At work? Yes
Every room in the house?
In a car while traveling... ? I've rubbed my cock and had girls rub me while driving. But didn't cum unless it was with the girl and we pulled over.

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? yes
A friend? yes
A friend's spouse? oh yes
A stranger? saw two girls at the book story, could of been twins as to their build and size, but one was Asian and one white both with big tits. I jacked off thinking of them when I got home.
A student? You mean some sweet little hot school girl in a uniform? Shame on us.
A member of the same sex? Sorry not into that.
A past lover? Oh yes. Wishing I had done more to them when I had the chance

What position do you play in:
On your back? no
Standing? yes
Kneeling? no
Sitting? yes
Lying on tummy? yes

How do you play:
With left hand? no
With right hand? right handed
With a toy? girls are lucky they can play with some many things as toys, we poor guys don't have that pleasure. Should start a post asking girls the strangest thing they used to get themselves off with.
With water from bath? again for girls.
Written erotica? oh yes
Pictures? of course
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? yes - like a bit of a story line, a build up to the hot fucking.
Something on TV? yes

What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? yes
Gay or lesbian sex? always enjoy watching girls play nice with each other.
Group sex or orgies? prefer GIRLS and one guy.
Blow jobs/oral sex? Oh course.
Cumshots? Oh yes, I enjoy seeing a guy cum on some sweet hot nasty woman.
Anal? As part of the whole sceen.
Interracial? Love girls of all colors and races.
Age play? Yes, love to roll play.
S&M? at times. It can be sexy.
Role playing? Yes again. You can play parts and act out sexual screens you would never do for real.
Kinky? Of cours.

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes, I enjoy writing back and forth sexy messages and knowing the girl is getting wet just as I am getting hard over them.
A chat room dialogue? Yes for the same reason above.
Exchanged stories or pictures? Of course. This site proves that.

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes.
Masturbated for a man/woman? For a woman while she played with her lovely pussy.
Masturbated for the same sex? Nope, but enjoy watching two girls masturbating together.
Masturbated in a group? nope
Masturbated for a photo? nope
Masturbated for a webcam? nope
Masturbated for a video? nope

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? I'm a guy, but I do like it when a girl bites or kisses my nipples.
Insert something or play with your ass? nope
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Nope, but don't mind watching my partner insert a vibe, dildo or even her panties in her mouth.
Use pain as a method of playing? nope

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? on her lips.
When was the last time you masturbated? this morning, had phone sex with a friend who likes to roll play.
Are you wet or hard now? of course.
Are you going to masturbate now? have to learn how to type and jack off at the same time. Any ideas? Can do it when chatting, case I make the time.
Are you a masturbation addict? Everyone is. Just different levels
What is the most you have played in one day? When I am horny I want to fuck all day long, so if I am alone I jack off several times.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by minako904
One to start with, maybe second one to follow (depends). Not in my ass. ;)

First is to tease and excite, the second is when you filled her with the lust to cum. Minako, in the ass takes getting use to. Maybe ask some of the girls on here in private how they felt the first time and how they got use to it.
Active Ink Slinger
First bury my face in your sweet cleavage and then my cock in that hot fuck tunnel of flesh. Then we'll talk.
Active Ink Slinger
It's happen to me before. Once at a dance club I was sitting alone and this girl sat down and put her arms around me and kissed me. She didn't pull away and I started to kiss her back. I don't know if it was a dare or what, but a club employee came over and told us to stop. I asked her if she wanted to go outside but she said no. Another time in the hospital a nurse kissed me and another had come in with the excuse of taking my pulse and held my hand to her breast but in both cases I was a little shocked and didn't take it as far as I dream now I wish I had. How come you have to be injured or sick to be in a hospital with a bunch of hot nurses? When I was a teenager vacationing in the mountains a girl came up to me and said her girl friend wanted me to meet her. Her girl friend was a hot well curved blonde. I don't know if I was the wrong guy or what, but I had a very good time the rest of the stay.
Active Ink Slinger
Things a wise man never should say.
A wise man never asks his wife for a threesome when she catches him in bed with another woman.
Telling your wife she is as good as her mother in bed is not considered a polite complement.
Telling your boss that you would quit your job in a minute if his wife wasn't such a good piece of ass.
Pointing out to the IRS auditor he made a mistake in not including your illegal income in his figures.
Active Ink Slinger
Here is a thought. Never give the finger to an oncoming bus driver. Believe me that is something I won't do a third time.
Active Ink Slinger
I double clicked and it won't let me delete so I have to write a second funny and highly intelligent article on why I come to lush other than for the sexy stories and women. This may take some time so why don't you grab a cup of coffee while I work on this. I was going to write something really dirty, but the local censor said if I did they would trade me to the minors for a player to be named later as soon as they get out of jail.
Active Ink Slinger
I thought this was the bus to Disneyland. Actually it has to do with sex stories, forum and hot profiles and sexy woman. At least those were the rides the tour book said I would find.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes more than once. But it is not a good idea. The funny part is that the woman or girl is the one who came on to me first. I have a bad habit of joking and teasing and I guess a girl could take that wrong. But having an affair with a woman at work is the same as being married because you spend most of the waking day with her. (Many companies don't allow married couples to work in the same department for the same reason, if things go bad it causes trouble at the work space). And for guys it can be very dangerous. Remember the laws about sexual harassment are for women only. I've had women say and do things that if I had done them I would be fired or in jail. It would be nice if equal rights was for real with the sexes, but its not. So if your sexual fun at work goes wrong, it is usually the guy who loses his job or worst. But it is hot being felt up or having sex when and where you know you shouldn't.
Active Ink Slinger
Over seas it is part of the service and a very good service it is. Here in my home town the police and city council are coming (no pun) down the parlors in the city as many seem to be in the "special" business. They are suppose to have a license, but turn up in the small shopping centers till the police raid them and then forced out of town. One of my friends tried one and said it was hot and sexy, but I haven't and not sure if I want the cops coming in as I cumming out. I enjoy the soap massage I got overseas the best. The girl soaps her body and then lays on you and "washes" away your troubles.
Active Ink Slinger
I use to really enjoy it, but like everything Yahoo does when it changes, it changes for the worst. Now I can't even get it to load.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I enjoy either adding pictures to a story or finding pictures and writing a story around them. It adds to the story I think. Love to read some of yours.
Active Ink Slinger
Why women all go to the ladies room at the same time. (Unless it is their evil headquarters where they make their plans on taking over the world)
Active Ink Slinger
What Hillary Clinton has ever done honest and in helping the country. Why Obama and Trump haven't been run out of town on a rail.
Active Ink Slinger
24 years. I worked with and dated her eldest daughter (she has 3) and then I started dating the mother. She worked as a waitress in a bar my buddy and I went to and one night she brought two of her hot daughters for us to meet and her girl and I saw each other and laughed and dated again for a bit, but it was her mother (and she asked me out first) that I wanted. She was so hot and sexy and wild in bed.
Active Ink Slinger
Does enjoying a lovely breast in my mouth count? Of course now I know what pleasure a sweet mound of flesh can give a guy.