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Fluid Female
United States

Blondie Tales

I had my arms wrapped around his corded thighs, my nose buried in his tightly coiled pubes, gazing up him as I sucked his cock. He palmed my head like a basketball with his huge chocolate colored hand, treating me like I was one of his pit bull pups as his breathing quickened. A throaty grunt was all the warning he gave me as several bursts of thick cum filled hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down, my eyes ne...

Blondie's Wild Ride - Part II

Blondie finally gets taken by Geronimo

III Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their...

I’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girl like me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more li...

Blondie's Wild Ride - Part I

A snap decision leads to a wild night of sex with some very dangerous bikers.

IThe night was filled with sound. Sirens in the distance, the rumble of cars over rough pavement, shouts of laughter and of anger, music spilling from boom boxes. Oakland. Even at midnight, you could see the heat shimmering on the asphalt. It hadn’t let up for two weeks now, wearing on everyone, setting tempers off as each night became a struggle to find a few hours in which to slumber in the relentless summer heat. It wa...

The lullaby of 24th street haunted my steps. A far off siren heralding yet another robbery gone bad. Laughter fueled by too much liquor and swearing fed by frustration. Voices raised in anger, seething with barely contained violence. The sound of a bottle shattering into a billion pieces on the side walk across the street. Hip hop or RnB exploding from a bar every time the door opened. And always, the frightened pitter pa...

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyo...

I woke with a lurch, the sound of gunfire and shattered plaster yanking me from my dream in a panic. It took exactly five seconds to struggle free of the layered covers I’d tangled myself beneath in a pathetic attempt to ward off the hard chill of winter and hit the floor, wedging myself between the box springs on the floor and the wall. It was dark, too dark to see a thing, the heavy blanket hanging in substitute of curt...