Your quite right not the correct use of word stalk,I was thing of the obssesive nature of pornography. From personal experience I have a job to leave it alone, it distorts the brain and prevents real one to one contact.
Thanks for your interesting replies . Is'nt stalking sexual harassment at a distance ? Where do you draw the line between persistant pursuit with sexual intentions and stalking ? The Stalker becomes obsessed with one person, a sort of falling in love, powerless to control his urges. The pornographer becomes obsessed with all females, not for him a cherished one he stalks them all in pictures.
What do ladies think about stalkers ? Are they all dangerous ? Have you been stalked ?
You need to change or exchange him for a more sedate model who likes to play with you as well as fuck you . But take care some sedate models are obsessed with foreplay and never get round to fucking .
Solomon knew many strange women . My goodness I was born far to late
True and yet many think there is only one interpretation , and that all the various contributors were saying the same thing .
I stared hard at this for about two minutes but could never read it all . I tried word for word but still made no sense of it apart from the odd word .
No she'd be as old as me now .
Criticism is easy doing the job is tough.
The picture reminds me of another saying 'The bigger they are the harder they fall' so don't be scared of size .
Writing cannot be forced you must have a motive ,and it must be enjoyable .If you don't feel like it don't do it , a bit like sex really.
Visit the nearest nunnery to find religious satisfaction.
In general good advice but some is a little cynical . A charming woman does not loose her charm in 15 minutes . Also a bit puzzled about celebrities what got them off the hook of self responsibility ? When the passion fades the glowing embers of acceptance takes its place .
I often start to read a promising story only to find it is not what I expected, so I stop and get on to the next one . Human nature is always looking for a bigger fix, and its just around the corner . When I find it I will let you know meanwhile I will keep on searching .Mind you this is a good site to search on and we must remember that ' One mans meat is another mans poison.'
Actions Speak Louder than Words
Three men sat in a bar drinking beer and reminiscing.
1st If I had my time again I'd stick to baccy and beer ,and leave women alone they are not worth the trouble .
2nd Very true nag nag nag, all the time nothing is ever right , and when you want their knickers off they've always got a headache.
3rd Talk about spend they never stop , they keep you working and poor .
At that moment the door opened and in walked an attractive young lady ,she smiled at them and then walked confidently to the bar .
The speakers were silent : three pairs of lustful eyes followed her closely as she walked across to the bar.
Wonderful archive thanks for the information .
Many times and still do, no woman likes to think she cannot bring a man to completion its the only kind thing to do in some circumstances.
Yes Emily Dickenson is wonderful and some of the poems are so short yet they say so much . She never saw the sea.
It depends who is feeling the cock