What do ladies think about stalkers ? Are they all dangerous ? Have you been stalked ?
The closest I've been to being stalked was when a man stood behind me in line at the supermarket checkout, leaned in and sniffed my hair. He followed me out to the carpark and 'hid' behind a tree that wasn't even wide enough to cover the width of his body. He peeked at me from behind it while I packed the groceries in my car. I was torn between laughter and worry.
Luckily, I haven't been properly stalked. Dangerous or not, it's not something I want to experience.
I was once. It's scarey.
Moved half way across the country to get away.
Yes I do think they're dangerous. I have been once and it was horrible.
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
I was stalked once, very scary. Yes they can be dangerous.
Thanks for your interesting replies . Is'nt stalking sexual harassment at a distance ? Where do you draw the line between persistant pursuit with sexual intentions and stalking ? The Stalker becomes obsessed with one person, a sort of falling in love, powerless to control his urges. The pornographer becomes obsessed with all females, not for him a cherished one he stalks them all in pictures.
I think that says it all. When he/she doesn't listen to the word NO!
Problem is that now I would use it. No scare involved. Then I'd be in jail
Yeah, but at least you would be safe, Chef. I agree that No should be No. Any action on the stalker's part after that is stalking.
Nice piece, Bike. Is that a .380 or a 9 mm.?
Slip, if I might ask: how does someone stalk a picture? Isn't viewing pornography personal enjoyment of erotic images in their own home?
Your quite right not the correct use of word stalk,I was thing of the obssesive nature of pornography. From personal experience I have a job to leave it alone, it distorts the brain and prevents real one to one contact.
yes, i've been stalked. very scary and very creepy!! luckily, when I moved, he lost the will to bother me anymore. 7 states is a long way to drive just to sit outside my apartment like he used to do!!
never been truly stalked, but I've known a creeper or two- and that's bad enough for me.
Never been stalked, but won't hesitate to put those karate lessons to good use if need be.
Stalkers are very scary and potentially very dangerous people. I know we all want to feel independent and strong, but this is something a woman should contact the police about earlier rather than later. My husband is an attorney (mostly family law) and he's told me some scary stories.
stalkers are very dangerous. That's why I don't have to many pictures on the net. And, the ones I do are old ones. My appearance has changed since I had the ones done on here.