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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 67
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The Killers Great noir story by Hemingway and black and white film. Trivia Name TV theme that came out of it? Lancaster first film. William Conrad somewhat thin.
I too have too many projects going on at the same time. I need to sit down and either finish them one by one or as this thread suggests leave them here for somebody to find and make something of them. Good idea.
Quote by icurOK2
I not only respond to comments, which are few, but I make an effort to read one of the commentator's stories, if the commentator is a writer. This has led me to read interesting work and make friends that are worth making. If a writer is too busy to acknowledge comments she/he shouldn't publish. There ims a process involved and the writer should conform to the process.

I do the same thing or used to anyway.
I know you're wrong because you draw erroneous conclusions. If you get a prescription in the mail for your household for gonorrhea treatment what makes you automatically think someone in your house has contracted it? Maybe the wife did it for a friend so their family wasn't aware. Do you know what contempt prior to investigation means? Apparently not. The package delivery merely raised the question. In a 1000 word story, you need to do your own investigating. Making love in a field of poppies isn't erotic? The 100 words raise the questions about poppies including the lovemaking of two important poppy people. I'm wasting my time talking to a white wall. Keeping your mouth shut is the safest and communist way to handle things. I'll never voice my opinion again. Just follow the rules.
Stieglitz is a famous American photographer and Gliere a 20th-century Russian composer. Both the poppy painting and the poppy ballet were published the same year. Coincidence? Stieglitz and O'Keeffe were married. It was inferred that I was a criminal by giving someone a disease. I said a testing kit arrived in the mail thus the conclusion contempt prior to investigation. Heh I did say I'll be a good boy and abide by the rules. Where does it say in the Lush manual that I have to like them?
I want to thank nylon-punkie and annamarie 234 for their input in this matter. Recently I've had two rejected for reasons I disagree with. One had to do with the COVID Virus and the punchline in my story was that a person received a kit in the mail. It didn't say who it was for just that a package arrived.
Another had to do with the 100 word Poppy writing where I presented coincidences about the Poppy painting and Poppy classical piece. Apparently Stieglitz, O'Keeffe, and Gliere. are strange names to most of us. I won't print the 100-word story because I'll be banned forever because of it. I'm surprised the COVID didn't get me in trouble because it was inferred I was a criminal. In my defense, I changed the story and it was published. I am learning the rules of what not to do whether I agree or not. Keep your mouth shut and some thoughts to yourself.
In conclusion, no one reads my signature contempt prior to investigation which keeps a person in everlasting ignorance. Wrong buttons got pushed today! I only hope I'll be able to retrieve my mail as I have ongoing conversations.
SD Sioux
What started out as a question about how do you lose votes turns into yet another discussion about a voting system that will never be repaired and is nothing more than self-esteem for the author that the story he wrote achieved perfect 5's.
Very useful information. Today you would say Tom said instead of said Tom.
I have no hard and fast rules on the endings although 50% of the time I tend to leave them open.
If you know and understand Photoshop or Gimp you can do your own cover. Amazon looks at the covers carefully as well as the descriptions of your books. Contents are less likely.
One of the things I've learned so far is to use my thesaurus to change a word (s) making it different from my way of saying things
I always read the short description first and see if it grabs my attention then proceed.
Of course, we heard lockdown now until the end of April
I don't vote or comment anymore on their writing. They do get a (+1) in the read. By commenting (with a positive one) I am endorsing it and some people may read it as a result. Voting, especially 5* could cause some people to read it with a high enough rating if most people rate it high enough. Ideally getting a perfect 5* rating without any comments would be the perfect situation. The rating system is a waste of time. Anything other than 5* is a waste of time. 4* is below average not good.
Quote by Magical_felix

This implies that you're doing the author a favor by leaving a comment... It's like, well your story was a chore to get through so you really should thank me for finishing it and commenting because wowzers I almost jumped off my balcony from the boredom.

I'm glad you said IMPLY because you're wrong. Take a minute and read my signature. You fit it perfectly.
I want to thank all of you for the feedback you've given on this subject. After reading all of them and putting aside the fact that maybe 1% comment I've decided to only comment if I want to take the time to respond. I assumed that being in the 1% entitled me to a response and I was wrong in that assumption. I should want to do it.
posted a copy of the story and it wouldn't allow me to open it! I'm glad I sent off the story to Lush for publication.