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Publishing on Amazon

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I just tried to publish one of my stories as an ebook on Amazon in KDP. I got a warning that they don't do porn, and they would cancel my account if i did so again. I'm seeing all these stories from other lush writers being published. What gives?
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Hmmm. I would like to know that one myself. Erotic different that porn?

It was the BEST FRIENDS series that is published here on lush. all three chapters got a 4.5 or higher score, so I figured i'd publish it on amazon, but they wouldn't take it. It's not any more porn than the other ebooks lush publishes there. Why do you think they rejected it?
Quote by Sweetdreemz
I just tried to publish one of my stories as an ebook on Amazon in KDP. I got a warning that they don't do porn, and they would cancel my account if i did so again. I'm seeing all these stories from other lush writers being published. What gives?

Amazon is a prickly pear - and they do publish "porn" erotica meaning works that have hardcore sex in them. Albeit - you can't call it that. It's a ridiculous game you have to learn and play.

They're very stingy about cover art - no nudity or suggested nudity.
They do not *knowingly* accept stories with or beastiality and underaged characters.

They do a few things:

1) They visually check all cover art
2) They run stories through an auto-checker that looks for certain content.
3) They approve - or disapprove - stories based on your proposed blurb and so on.

You can PM me - run all these specifics by me - and I'll help you out.
Try Smashwords. I Have an account there and it seems legit

Free is good too
I don't want to derail the topic, so please feel free to let me know if I should start a new thread. Aside from understanding what Amazon does and does not accept, which is very interesting, I would also like to know how to obtain cover art that isn't either copyrighted or that I would have to make myself? Maybe you buy it somewhere?
Quote by GirlyWorld
I don't want to derail the topic, so please feel free to let me know if I should start a new thread. Aside from understanding what Amazon does and does not accept, which is very interesting, I would also like to know how to obtain cover art that isn't either copyrighted or that I would have to make myself? Maybe you buy it somewhere?

Pay someone else to do it for you. When i get on a computer I can send you a link.
Quote by GirlyWorld
I don't want to derail the topic, so please feel free to let me know if I should start a new thread. Aside from understanding what Amazon does and does not accept, which is very interesting, I would also like to know how to obtain cover art that isn't either copyrighted or that I would have to make myself? Maybe you buy it somewhere?

The safest way is to buy licensed images from sites like shutterstock. $49 buys you 10 images.

As for Amazon, it's a bit of a lottery. I get the feeling they are really tightening up their policies of late, where erotic fiction is concerned.
I'll take the time later tonight to write a self pub overall crash course info thingy majig.

It took me months, a lot of research, and trial and error to figure it all out. I don't see the need for everyone to rip their hair out like I did.
Stupid cellphone triple posted.
haha. That one's called water.
Quote by GirlyWorld
I don't want to derail the topic, so please feel free to let me know if I should start a new thread. Aside from understanding what Amazon does and does not accept, which is very interesting, I would also like to know how to obtain cover art that isn't either copyrighted or that I would have to make myself? Maybe you buy it somewhere?

Smashwords makes a list of cover designers available. The prices vary significantly, depending on what you want, but I think you can get a basic cover for about $35-$50 US. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the link here, but PM me and I'll get it to you.

Here's a better idea. There is a very user-friendly tutorial called How to Make Your Own FREE Book Cover in MS Word. I have no talent at all and was able to to create a cover I'm happy with. Once you have it in Word, it's a simple matter to convert it to a JPG in the Microsoft Paint program. Again, ping me and I'll get you the link.

Whichever way you decide to go, you should purchase a license to use the images. As Nicola said, Shutterstock is reasonable. I have also used, but they are pricier.
Another source is Dragon Guild Publishing, who offer premade covers done by Reed Lane (she did the cover to Profane Grace), and I believe it's a flat fee of $25. Only the title and author's name need to be added.

One writer/editor I know had a title pulled from Amazon just because it had the word virgin in the title. It was posted back up, but only after the publisher wrote to protest their ignorance. They have no problem collecting their cut from the sales of many thousands of titles of erotica, and then randomly fuck with small, independent authors and publishers because it makes them look like they're "paying attention" to morality...or something like that. They're full of shit. Do you think they'd ever dream of pulling a huge seller like 50 Shades of Illiteracy? Smashwords is much more user friendly, and last I knew, they would assign your title an ISBN number for free. On Amazon this can be costly.

Still, as one who's already made this mistake, it's not worth publishing anything that's already been available for free. Your audience has already been there and done that. Keep writing and posting stories right here where you can build a good, loyal readership. Give them stories they can read for free because they good folks (if not totally nuts) but publish something they can't get here for free...and don't be quiet about it when you do.
Chances are your cover art was a bit too revealing. I think it also depends on who is doing the review of your stuff. Some people are more picky than others.

You can always try going through a publisher. They tend to accept more work if you have a publisher, even if it's just a small time one.
To publish on Amazon you can not have any; ass, nipples, vaginas, penises on the cover, not even a hint through lace panties.

You should be careful about using words like; child, children, daddy, mommy, teen.

Amazon will block your book if there is even a hint of anyone under aged in the story if you publish it as an erotica.

Someone mentioned Smashwords and their partners. Yes, Smash is a bit more lenient but Ibook will block your story based on similar words that Amazon look for.

Re-read your story, check for anything that might be "too much". Check for descriptions, like "his load squirted out of his big fat cock and ran down her face." That would not go well with Amazon.

I have had to re-write a few of my novellas to get past the bots and humans they use.

Good Luck!
This post is not about content. I think I'm safe there, but I don't want to publish under my real name. I have a professional reputation to maintain.

How does that work?
If you know and understand Photoshop or Gimp you can do your own cover. Amazon looks at the covers carefully as well as the descriptions of your books. Contents are less likely.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer
Quote by Hasabrain2
This post is not about content. I think I'm safe there, but I don't want to publish under my real name. I have a professional reputation to maintain.

How does that work?

Come up with a pseudonym.
Quote by nicola

The safest way is to buy licensed images from sites like shutterstock. $49 buys you 10 images.

As for Amazon, it's a bit of a lottery. I get the feeling they are really tightening up their policies of late, where erotic fiction is concerned.

Amazon has always been picky. When I started, all I knew was that they hated mind control, anything with minors, , or . They also flagged things based on blurbs like "girl/boy", "sister/brother" or graphic references to sex.

OP might have gotten flagged for some of that, or his cover art may have showed too much tiddy.

"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

I recently went through the book cover art journey. Started by searching for websites that make covers, but found them to be largely uninspiring and expensive for what they do. Those that offer to make custom covers such as 'Go On Write', request you submit the images fro ShutterStock and then they do the rest (which is not much) so not a good deal. I think best solution is per Nicola's suggestion above. Buy 5 images on Shutterstock for $49 and then design the cover yourself on Canva for free.

I haven't had to run the Amazon censorship gauntlet yet, but not looking forward to it. Suspect its even tighter now in 2020 as looks like the original post is already a few years old.