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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 155
United States


I have a butterfly shaped birthmark on the back of my left calf.
Quote by curious3045
The first time I saw Lone Survivor it had me choked up very much... I couldn't find the picture of the helicopter ride at the end of the movie but I still get chills when I watch it and listen to the song....

Here is a link to a clip.... Look up Lone Survivor Trailers...

I have to agree Lone Survivor was a tear jerk-er for me too...but then I have sons that are serving.. and one does a lot of the stuff like in the movie. So it was hard to watch...I will definitely not watch it again
I love The Beach at Jimmy John's it's my new obsession every Saturday..oh that and stopping at Cirilla's just a few doors down. Sometimes I browse and sometimes I buy, I mean, really what girl doesn't like a new toy now and then.
I would be open to meeting up with someone...after chatting and getting to know them....of course that is a fantasy of mine and I recently published a story on that concept....Maybe, Someday....I hope my maybe, someday comes true
Well....technically yes I sleep naked...but I much prefer to sleep entwined with a man
Having a bad currently the song on my list is...Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer ....guess I am just trying to muster the courage to finally say I am done with his shit and move on!
Quote by bonnierabbit
I realise I probably sound like I've recently been hurt and I'm just venting. Honestly, I'm a big girl and I'm genuinely asking.

Why do men spend time and effort pursuing you and pestering you until you finally relent and start thinking they're kind of cute. Then just when it starts getting good... POOF, they go cold and disappear.

It's not just me, other women tell me this happens all the time. Really, what's up with that? You guys confuse me.

Completely understand...I started a relationship 9-10 months ago with a guy that I have know for LOTS of year and when I was finally ready to commit to a relationship he disappears.
My inspiration comes first from my own fantasies, then I add in some real life experience...which could be my own real experiences, something I saw or heard, a conversation or even a suggestion from others. (So beware you may just inspire my next story!) I have always loved to write and journal on a daily basis. I was a little nervous publishing my first story, but after all the good responses I got I was encouraged to write more. Still new at this but I am enjoying writing and reading all the stories on here. I always have several stories in the works and I find I do my best thinking while I walk my 4-5 miles each day...sometimes I almost run home as my mind and body are ready for some sexual relief.
Can't say I ever called my man "daddy", but it does turn me on to have him say "come to daddy" or something along those lines. I also find it sexy to turn the tables and use "momma" "momma wants some of that" etc!
I also liked the revenge mu h so that after reading this a week or so ago that it got my juices flowing. I just had to write a story that has now lead to two.
I have to say a hairy chest is a turn on to me...I love running my hands on a guys chest and the feel of hair is just delicious!
Not true....I had to try's just other hard cock...much like any' not the color or the size it is but what he can do with it!!!!!!!!
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right...Susan Tedsechi
Reese's peanut butter cups or anything dark chocaolate
Naked always...beside it would give the firefighters and neighbors something to talk about if they have to rescue me!
Get a tattoo on my thigh when I loss 5 more pounds...oh and save up the money! Lost over 20 lbs this year. I've been on a plateau this last month need to find a way to boost it again.
I hate when someone calls and says, "Who is this? You just call my number." If I wanted to talk to you I would have left an effing message!!!
Kissing or nibbling my neck or his hand rubbing my inner thigh.
Over 250...but that was back in my younger days....I always believed to needed to try them all to be able to judge which were keepers and which were tossers. Unfortunately most 18-20 yr olds are tossers, more concerned about themselves and less about my pleasure... maybe that is why it took more than one a night sometimes.
I love them both...I would say depends on my mood. But usually one leads to the other...Start out making love and end up fucking or start out fucking and end up making love. But never just making love...way to gentle for me.