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Over 90 days ago
Male, 46
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
This guy changed the way i feel about music. His voice just stops me. Shame we never got to see him rock out. Ive gone from a poppy mood to a more sentimental mood, Ha only took 3 songs. Here's one of his songs to fall in love to.

Active Ink Slinger
RIP Charlie Haddon who dies this weekend, believed to have taken his own life, a month or so ago this tune managed to get me up and about and ready for a night out.

Active Ink Slinger
"Utopia. The Greeks had two meaning for it: eu-topos, meaning the good place, and u-topos meaning the place that cannot be."
Active Ink Slinger
"Utopia. The Greeks had two meaning for it: eu-topos, meaning the good place, and u-topos meaning the place that cannot be."
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jillicious

Theres Savannas old (and my favourite ;o) ) av hidden in there.
Active Ink Slinger
Its absolutely possible to fall in love over the net, online everybody can be the perfect person. You have time to take consideration over every word you type. Theres no moments of reflecting later and thinking "I wish i had said that" when you have time to consider your reply and access to the delete key, every sentence can hold great wisdom, comedic effect and romantic overtones.
Almost six years ago i met someone quite by accident online, it was in a music chatroom and something just clicked between us, we shared the same music tastes, she laughed at all my little jokes (and she was gorgeous!!!). I was in a relationship at the time and really wasnt looking to find anyone, online or elsewhere. It got to the stage where when she came online and i heard her buddy sound my heart would skip a little and I'd get butterflies in my stomach. Feelings like that made me realise that the relationship i was in wasnt working for me anymore, and in fact should probably have ended a few years earlier. I ended my relationship and told my online beau. The online relationship kicked up a gear at that point and we decided after much deliberation to meet.
Meeting in real life is the test, suddenly all our little idiosyncracies are on show, we dont have time to reflect over what we say before we speak and the real you, rather than the you you wish you are is as naked as the day.
Having said turned out we quite liked each other quirks, sure it wasnt easy and there was a lot of refinding the person we each had fallen in love with.
Two months ago we got married and we both couldnt be happier. I think we were very lucky to find each other.

In the case of the original poster yes you can fall in love online, so remember that when youre harmlessly flirting with someone, for the other person you may be showing them what theyre missing in their own relationship, she may not love you... but i can bet you she loves the idea of you and that is enough to leave everything she held true behind.
Active Ink Slinger
be putting off until tomorrow what should have been done last week.
Active Ink Slinger
"Oberon" recently had a status update that made me think of this vid, Its one of many in a series called Derek & Simon.... and theyre hilarious!! Check em surprised)

Active Ink Slinger
Band of horses are brilliant, my favourite by them at the moment has to be .........

Active Ink Slinger
This weekend i am headed to the coast for my stag weekend! No idea whats happening as I've been kept firmly in the dark. I am however expecting much debauchery in my final weekend of freedom.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
Quote by chefkathleen
We don't need pictures of half naked women or men to know we have the better looking homo sapiens.

true- but it is fun to post them- here's a good salute, to Memorial Day

Ok ignore my previous post... im moving to the states... oh and ill meet you there Xuani!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by freefallin1309

I'd be willing to bet I could kill you with a rock, trust me ;) As well as the other mentioned ranged weapons. So you're saying we should ban any way to kill people at a distance? Make them get more up close and personal? That would be no problem to many thugs who live day and night on the streets learning how to fight, not to mention prison, ever met someone who spent time in prison? Ever fought one? Then they get up close and beat you to death instead. All they need are natural weapons for that ... hands, feet, elbows, knees. You're blaming tools for killing, that in itself is a major fail, blaming that poor harmless inanimate object for what the wielder did.

I think the point we're missing is that a gun is created with the SOLE intention of killing. Everything else has another purpose. Ill await your educational reply on the true purpose of a gun!
Active Ink Slinger
As an outsider of both, but an observer of both I would have to say i would most like to travel to the US, to experience a different way of living the western culture. But if i had to move Id want to live in Canada, different enough but with enough of the same core values.

tuppence added!
Active Ink Slinger
I've just read that American scientists have finally developed a vehicle that can be run on water..... sadly it can only be ran on water from the Gulf Of Mexico.

wakka wakka wakka

(sheds a tear)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrNudiePants

Are you suggesting that Great Britain's criminals have all peacefully rolled over and died, now that handguns are banned there?

No, actually most criminal gangs in Great Britain are carrying knives because knives are much more accessible. Should it be that every household in the UK had a gun to steal from a burglary then most gangs would have guns, as they dont then our main concern is knife crime, not guncrime.
Active Ink Slinger
You ladies are rampant! Cant even clean yourselves without getting dirty! Naughty!
Active Ink Slinger
It has to be said, Chopstick crimes are through the roof here in the uk. And the whole ' a criminal with a gun is less likely to go ahead if he knows everyone is armed' argument kinda falls down if you consider most houses have numerous knives in their properties but yet crime continues.
Active Ink Slinger
When going thru this thread i have had my own opinins forming in my mind ready to type down when i reached the end, however with each of DamonX' entries he's stolen each and every retort i had prepared... even including the blah blah blah comment.

So Ive come to the conclusion.... What Damon says double it and imagine a cute dog puppy saying it.

Over to you Damon!

PS If Damon suddenly comes across all mental then i may retract the above comment.
Active Ink Slinger
I've no issue with it at all, the only thing i object to is the "No warning" menstrual sex, nothing breaks the mood faster than finding you have a red right hand/joker smile/flaming cock.
Kinks are exciting for a reason.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
Quote by stang

First question - was would you stay with a person even though they were a complete loser or over look their many faults if the sex was great. The sex is the only positive thing in the relationship and nothing else.

I would never be 'with' that person in the first place, but this is the kind of relationship that works as 'fuckbuddies', where they might drive you crazy for all kinds of reasons, but your bodies work really good together for sex.

Quote by stang

Second question - is the flip side you are with some one and everything in the relationship is positive but the sex. Would you talk to your partner about it and try to improve things in the bedroom or would you just move on to someone else or have something on the side.

This is my nightmare- one of many reasons why marriage sounds REALLY shitty to me. I meet so many guys who deal with this kind of problem, and they all deal with it in different ways, but it's not a problem I ever want to know personally- I wouldn't handle it well, just like I don't handle commitment very well in general, even when things are okay.

The idea is to marry someone who is crazy in the sack X!! Theyve got to tick every box and show you some boxes you didnt even know existed before you even consider marriage.