It takes thousands of years to create a reef biosphere, an oil spill to kill it within days.
These oil companies disgust me.
The thing is all the freakin oil companies give a shit about is money bottom line. They don't care bout the damage they cause to the planet I mean if they really did they could have had that thing capped in a week. Yeah sure the thing may be a few thousand feet down but crap we can send a man to the freakin moon yet can do something like this? BULLSHIT!!!! I'm with you Nic I hate the oil companies myself one of the reasons I don't drive a car and yet I'm a hot rodder go figure lol. I'm no tree hugger but I do hate seeing shit like this happen time and time again. Yet the government will stick their nose in other peoples business and yet they won't get the balls to stand up to big oil?
Welcome to a country of capitalism.
Oil field industry is one of our richest industries. If it goes under we're fucked. Just sayin...
*This post was preventively censored.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
What pisses me off is that the area I live in lives off the oil field. BP not such a big deal, but if this were Halliburton, Holy Shit we would be screwed. The oil field is our leading industry with the gun industry close behind it. Why mess with your 2 leading industries? Besides the worlds gonna end soon, so why does it matter? *heavy dose of sarcasm*
There has to be a better way ......but this is the way the big oil companies can make bigger to them it will just be another tax write off
The efforts I speak of pertain to the proactive, not reactive, and I am speaking in terms of the entire energy industry, not just BP or big oil. A few questions to ponder...
Do you drive a car? Ever flown in an airplane? Do you use items made of plastic? How about soap? Ever take aspirin for a headache? Do you ever eat food that is not produced in your yard? Do you use electricity?
And now that you've put thousands if not hundreds of thousands out of work, where do you suggest they go in this economy to feed their family and put a roof over their heads?
I agree that big oil needs to clean up it's house but, putting thousands out of work to do it isn't the answer. I don't think we should be so blase' about any large company failing and putting so many people out on the street. Our economy is in a precarious balance now as it is. That could well be the straw that breaks it.
I never said that they shouldn't be held accountable. You misunderstand. I'm just saying that to close them down or for them to go out of business isn't going to help anything at all. I'm well aware of what this oil spill means. I live near the gulf coast and it's going to hurt my state as well as the others more than we'll know for years to come.
I am in New Orleans for those who know me. I hate to say this but its Katrina all over again. No malice to any of my friends on the east or west coast or even Fla. But had it happened there thngs would have been done much different. At least that is the wasy it seems. We didnt matter after rh storm we came back and now this. Both Bush and Obama gave the Iraq speech and so far the EPA has done nothing WHen the marsh is ruiend it is not coming back. Maybe we shoud exert our power and suceed and take the mouth of the river maybe then they will protect or at least try to make things right but i dobt it
Maybe I did misunderstand. From my perspective, it sounded like you would rather limit damages to save the company rather than hold them accountable for every dollar, even if it means bankruptcy for them. I can't think of many examples where a company is better off going out of business, but i don't want to hear the possibility of that for BP stated as a reason to limit their financial responsibility to everyone else affected.
If it sinks the company, I hate it for their employees that had the bad luck to work for such irresponsible executives.