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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 39


Active Ink Slinger
Yes, yes I have.
Hubby and I had an ad up on craigslist looking for a discreet videographer and someone offered money for a threesome with us.
I guess our pictures impressed.
We declined. I didn't find the gentleman attractive... I could be into the idea, if I was into the person...
Active Ink Slinger
"If I said you had a nice chest would you take off your top and dance around a little??"
Oh wait, you wanted ones I've HEARD not USED.
My bad.
Active Ink Slinger
Omg. I love it.
He was pretty cute... I'd go for it (on my way to work or not ;) )
Girl only lives once....
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by scooter
I was read my rights once

Scooter! Omg! This made me laugh out loud.
...meh, no biggie, I'm just hanging out on Facebook anyway... ;)

For me it depends on whether I am really into a book or not. If I'm into it... I read every excuse I can get. If not... Maybe every couple of days...
Active Ink Slinger
1) There's nothing quite like a soft, sweet...pair of fuzzy handcuffs!

2) I would give anything for a... Double A battery that never dies.

3) If anyone ever found out....that it was me who shoved those empty condom wrappers in my married friend's pockets....I would never be able to show my face again.

4) I wish that just once he would... Let me have control over the damn remote!!!

5) I hate it when... My cat wakes me up at 4am and I can't get back to sleep.

6) Oh, my God, I absolutely love it when... My cat wakes me up at 4am and I can't get back to sleep so I roll over, wake up the hubby, and end up fucking until 8am.

7) The one thing I've never done, but desperately want to try join the mile high club. Now if only I was going on vacation sometime soon...

8) How the hell did I ever... Wake up before noon without 12 cups of coffee?

9) I wonder what it would be like to get paid for... Playing video games.

10) I really wish Tex would just... Take his clown mask off when he fucks me...
Active Ink Slinger
Once! I was doing some catering at someone's wedding and me and another caterer snuck off to get some during the reception... Hehehe...

What? Like most brides and grooms don't do it!!
Active Ink Slinger
Is this being recorded?? Lol

I usually imagine a situation where I am masturbating and someone or multiple someones walk in and watch... I cum to their eyes leering at me... Wanting me...fuuuck.
Active Ink Slinger
I hate to say it but I am up and down more than I would like.

I used to be on All.The.Time. But one day things changed and I didn't know what to do with it... Turns out it was my birth control that was fucking me over. Since then I've changed birth controls. And I have been back to my old self...

I love sex... Love to wake my hubby up in the middle of the night for sex... The nights when I can't sleep... And it's 3 am... You know those nights...

I also love sneaking into the shower when hubby doesn't expect it and giving him a bj... Awesome.

Love sex. On allllllll the time... When my sex drive isn't being messed with anyway...
Active Ink Slinger
O.M.G.... I am such a dirty talker!
I love to tell my man exactly how he feels... How amazing he feels... How much I love his cock and exactly what I would like him to do with that cock...

Oh God, I'm wet just thinking about it.....
Active Ink Slinger
I definitely do this every now and again. Short skirt, heels, sexy top, no underwear.... Something that reeeally shows off my legs...
Nooooo... I'm not trying to attract anyone in particulars attention at work... I don't know what you mean.....
Active Ink Slinger
I've STARTED fights just for the make up sex!! lol

(I'm a kinky buggar...)
Active Ink Slinger
Hey Humdrum,

Sorry you're feeling a little bit of guilt over your lush profile.

I do understand what you mean: here on lush we're all accepted. You can be kinky. You can be naughty. You can let your inner self out of the box... It's really hard to do that in every day life.

I don't understand why we have been taught from a very young age that sexual desires are something to be ashamed of. They're not. They're natural. But society, and probably your wife don't exactly feel the same way.

There is nothing wrong with having an account here. But chatting with other people, and by letting them in you are not cheating on your wife. You're here to feel normal. And that's important.

I would, however, recommend letting your wife in on some of the things you fantasize about. (I say this with hesitation, since I do not know you and I don't know what it is your fantasizing about or your wife's personality.) Try to let her in slowly. Don't sit her down on the couch one day and say,... "HEY! So I discovered I would really like it if you'd do me in the ass with a strap on, while a midget on a unicycle watches."
That's just going to send her running for the hills. Instead, start by telling her you want to buy a unicycle! (Ok, I'm obviously kidding about this... but you get the point. Baby steps.)

I'm assuming that part of the problem is that you're sex life isn't exactly rocking at home so you are coming here to type out some of your sexual frustration. And in doing so you have discovered many things about your sexual desires and preferences. 15 years is a long time to try to keep a sex life exciting. Talk to her about that first. Maybe there are some 'vanilla' ways that you could spice things up with her at home...(hot oil massage that leads to sex maybe?) get a little bit of the sex life back and as that grows, maybe both of your fantasies could as well.
Active Ink Slinger
I never trimmed.. Skipped straight to shaving. I did it MOSTLY for me... Partly because I was trying to get my boyfriend at the time to sleep with me... He'd never go past messing around! Fuck! Lol

I've had it waxed and enjoy it... But I hate the inbetween stages before I can go and get it waxed again! Lol
Active Ink Slinger
I am EXTREMELY horny right before my period!
Like strip you down, take you on my living room set, horny.

I think it depends on the person though. Everyone's libido is different. And sometimes when different hormones course through your body... Well, you just have to get it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by justalilfun
I have heard a variation of this one before.
The guy goes to the girlfriends' house. Girlfriend not home so he waits for her in the living room.
The girlfriends' mother comes in naked and suggests they have sex while he waits for her to come home.
He is greeted by the father and the daughter outside.

Still a good read.... what would you do if it ever happened to you?
Would you 'go there' or be faithful to your lady?

Tough question. To me it's not just about opportunity. Do I get along with the sister? Do I find her attractive? Can I trust her to keep her mouth shut? Lol

Honestly I probably wouldn't go the IN the family. To me that screams too risky and a good likelihood of it getting back to my gf. And why would I jeopardize years of sex for a quickie?
Active Ink Slinger
I know this isn't exactly answering the question, but I thought some perspective from the other side might help.
Shortly after the birth of my son I went through a really hard time where I just did not have a sex drive. At all. Like wasn't turned on, ever. Couldn't get wet when I tried to have sex (and then it just HURTS... so like you're going to want to try again...)
I found out that the birth control and the anti-depressants I was on were KNOWN for lowering libido. (I usually had a pretty good sex drive before this, my husband and I would have sex once a week... sometimes more sometimes less, depending.)
So I switched both kinds and now my sex drive is back to normal. (And then some! Fuck, I'm hornier than my husband some days!... Wellbutrin baby, wellbutrin... seriously. Check. That. Shit. Out.)
Just saying, it's a possibility that if all of a sudden they're coming to you saying they don't enjoy sex or you've noticed a drop in his/her libido... sometimes there's more to it than just not enjoying sex.

So get thee to a doctor STAT!

... and happy sexing. smile
Active Ink Slinger
I could come back and update this thread multiple times a day... lol.

... I think that answers the question. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmm... hard to pick just one.
We had sex in a bathroom in Cuba and got caught once... lol. Fun times.
Centre stage in Cuba? Also fun.
On the beach? Not so great...
Swimming in a pool in Mexico at midnight with other people in the pool.... I think that one's my favourite.

Apparently I'm naughty when on vacation... lol.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm learning the art of the 10second timer self's harder than you'd think!