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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMindedMom
Hey boys,

I sometimes like to play with my clit while my husband is fucking me. I worry that this might make him feel like he's not satisfying me, so I have to do it myself, but that's not the case at all. When I've asked him about it, he's told me he doesn't have a problem with it and that he likes when I do it. I pretty much believe him, but I also don't think he would admit it if I was making feel like less of a man or lover.

So, guys, my question is: Does it bother you at all if your partner is basically masturbating herself while you fuck her? Does this make you feel like she's telling you that you're not getting the job done, or are you honestly okay with it?


Perfectly normal Rachael a lot of women only reach orgasm through clitoral stimulation keep on rubbing.
Active Ink Slinger
I have lived with a baldness since my mid twenties. A bald head doesn't increase ones chances of diabetes but carrying too much weight does. I guess people are attracted to others for all sorts of reasons and lack of hair is of no consequence.
Active Ink Slinger
I think the thought of having two women pleasuring me is exciting. However, the other side of the coin is the worry of not being able to 'measure' up and the after party jealousy. It is probably best left as a fantasy desire.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by poizenivy
Wow guys! I so wasn't thinking of getting fucked on the spot....I just wanted to know what you all would think and how you would react.

Dudalicious: first of all, "fugly" is not trademarked, God I hope you were joking on that one. And I would hope that men would try to be honest about their looks....or is that wishful thinking on my part? But, I guess you're right, it was a rather stupid question. My bad.

To all of you that would call a girl! So glad I live where guys are not so uptight. I have actually done this, as I said, in nightclubs and have never had anyone respond the way you all are.

Sorry if my question offended.

Your post can't have offended it was after all just a question of what if? any way you got a good response.
For me I would be just a bit shocked but its only a kiss and if it was a passionate kiss I would return it.
Active Ink Slinger
I like enough breast to hold, however, I like all breasts!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I'm the same way. I don't drink much white wine, but if I do, it's always in the summer. And it's almost always Sauvignon Blanc - I find it more crisp and refreshing than some of the sweeter Chardonnays. I really dislike sweet wines.

When I have wine, 90% of the time it's red - mostly Cabs or Syrah/Shiraz. I love heavy, rich wines that have those dark chocolatey, oak, blackberry or leather overtones.

I agree, I tend to drink whites and less heavy reds in the summer mainly because they can be chilled. However I love Cotes Du Rhone and Claret with meat and cheese but to be fair..I do love wiiiine. smile
Active Ink Slinger
I would go , but not sure whether I would 'get me kit off ' though ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I would go , but not sure whether I would 'get me kit off ' though ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PersonalAssistant

we sure get some silly questions ....

let us know how that goes for ya, MaryLewid ....

*wondering, what the fuck is a "decent avatar"?

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by easy_rider75
I know for me it started small workout goals. I just started walking then got into bike riding once it starts you will get your energy level up. May take a bit to get to a certain point but as said start small just get up start moving all I did

That's what I did got a bike pounds dropped off then in the winter months I joined a gym and go 3 or so times a week. Good advice
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SydneySider

This is a joke right?? I dont think thats a good idea..for anyone.

Porridge and dried fruit is good and I have half a banana before and a glass of milk and the other half of the banana afterwards. smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Legsman

Obviously not that've totally misunderstood the question. It was a question asked for a woman's perspective. Why would any guy feel insecure about the size of his dick ?

In the real world as long as one's member is big enough to make love will get no complaint. Mind you mine is at least 12inches so there (only joking 13" )
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Sophie_Williams
If you hate exercise then diet is the key ... well it is anyway, but exercise lets you get away with treats. You need to eat lots of fruit and veg, and slow releasing carbs like sweet potatos, oats, wholemeal etc. And I know its really hard but limited carbs 4 hrs before you go to bed, no sugar in your teas and coffes either, use sweetners. Eat carb in the day and post exercise, they weight will fall off, dont rely on protein and no carbs, ull get defined, lol like muscles, not big muscles but ur muscles will show xx

This is true, exercise plus eating sensibly will see pounds fall away. Try weighing your food and you will soon get used to normal amounts and avoid processed foods if you don't already cook meals that only take an hour from start to finish (eating) and you won't get too fed up.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by thesexynun
smelly bodies...for goodness sakes use some soap

and on the other spectrum, too much cologne

hello if I wanted a nose shot of your cologne gentlemen when I am ..ah down there..i will smell your bottle!

Ok I've got it, bath once a week whether needed or not and easy on the ' instant bath'.
Active Ink Slinger
Never measured it but its never had any complaints and has given LOADS of pleasure.VLv5LmTBVPbAt04R
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by thesexynun
bathroom lipstick....

oh and don't forget we all are having pillow fights in there

to talk about YOU...isn't it clear yet smile

Ha! I knew it
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mazza
I used to drink in this pub. Hoping that my friends and everyone else are okay.

Listening to the eyewitness reports on the news, I am so proud of Glasgow tonight. Puts me in mind of the foiled terrorist attempt here some years ago - (be clear that I do NOT think this was a terrorist thing in Glasgow tonight, and it looks as though some heroic piloting may have saved lives)

But, in true Glasgow fashion, a gemme luggage handler at Glasgow airport dragged one of the terrorists from his car and gave him a kicking... He was hailed as a hero and kind of epitomises the place for me...

Billy Connelly pays him a nice wee tribute...

[url=]Billy Connelly on terrorist attack in Glasgow [/url]

I'm so proud of my city and its inhabitants tonight... smile

Hoping no one has been seriously hurt.
Well said Mazza!, as we now know nine people have been killed and a number injured. I was not surprised to hear of the bravery of Glaswegians what a fantastic effort from ordinary folks.
Active Ink Slinger
When I heard it could make one blind, I only did it 'till I had to wear glasses.
Active Ink Slinger
I like your thinking MF, but I personally would leave things as they are. I wouldn't like tadpoles exiting my willy or any gore. As a man the week off sex once a month can be looked upon as a short break save ones energy for a bike ride or some such diversion
Active Ink Slinger
It depends on the meal, I have always liked French wines and imho still hold their own against 'new world' wines. I like a red Cotes du Rhone or Bordeaux with red meat, a white or rose with white meat or fish. Chablis nicely chilled is great on a warm day in the garden (yard). But I do love wiiiine ;)
Active Ink Slinger
I have two daughters love them both, of course. Both have partners and own homes now. Lunches out are getting dear ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Been there before too. Lisa is quite correct you have to get out there and meet people join a club or try out some sports and you will make friends. Best of luck
Active Ink Slinger
I've enjoyed morning BJ's but I have never woken up during one .I'm missing out lol
Active Ink Slinger
Seems to me that you need to be a bit of a dom here and tell whoever has annoyed you, prob Felix and the other twerp, to Eff Off lol