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How to speed up my metabolism?

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Active Ink Slinger
Hey guys,

So I have to admit I have been lazy and the kilos have crept up. I want to get back into to fitness etc and want to know what is the best way to jump start my metabolism?
Active Ink Slinger
I know for me it started small workout goals. I just started walking then got into bike riding once it starts you will get your energy level up. May take a bit to get to a certain point but as said start small just get up start moving all I did
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
Brew up some green tea: "It's the closest thing to a metabolism potion," says Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D., author of Fire Up Your Metabolism: 9 Proven Principles for Burning Fat and Losing Weight Forever. The brew contains a plant compound called ECGC, which promotes fat burning. In one study, people who consumed the equivalent of three to five cups a day for 12 weeks decreased their body weight by 4.6 percent. According to other studies, consuming two to four cups of green tea per day may torch an extra 50 calories. That translates into about five pounds per year. Not bad for a few bags of leaves, eh? For maximum effect, let your tea steep for three minutes and drink it while it's still hot.
There are no 'shortcuts'. The fact is, it's calories in, calories out. You can lose weight by simple dieting (yeah, like that's easy!) but you really should exercise as well. Our bodies want to store calories for emergencies, thus if we only diet our bodies will compensate to a degree by burning some calories from muscle. In order to combat that - exercise. Start with simple goals - walk for 10 min. Progress to 15, 20, etc. Then, (body able) jog for 25 steps, walk 50; then jog 50, walk 50; etc.
This ain't rocket science, and it isn't easy. It is... will power and the true desire.
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe I'm strange but I have never dieted and don't understand why people go on about it. I am the same weight as when I was 16. 9st 6Lbs. I just eat when I'm hungry and don't bother when I'm not. I walk a bit and jump on the odd table when I'm playing Johnny B Goode or something so that's my exercise but the fact is I'm teetering on the brink of 70 and never worried about this - doesn't seem fair. I'm not boasting that's not really logical just sort of wondering what the scientific approach - calories etc would be when there's examples like me trotting about.
As mentioned above, green tea is really helpful for speeding up your metabolism, it helps to burn fat.

Eat Breakfast because your metabolism slows down while you sleep and doesn’t start again until the next time you eat, for a lot of people that is lunchtime. Eat a breakfast preferably packed with a lot of fiber and protein.

Start resistance training. Lifting weight increase your metabolic rate. One pound of muscle burns way more calories, than one pound fat. Well after your workout session, your metabolism is still working hard, and you continue to burn calories.

An aerobic exercise program of high intensity is another good way to rev your metabolism.

Snack on healthy foods such as fruits, nuts, and seeds. Eating large meals with many hours in between meals, slows down your metabolism. A small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours keeps your metabolism cranking, that way you burn more calories throughout the day.

Drink water, drink water, drink water.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think Knickerbocker7 said it well. Would like to add a couple of things though.

Firstly, if you're going to drink green tea, don't buy tea bags. Buy quality green tea. You have a great number of choices at your disposal. And try to buy something vacuum packed, because it otherwise oxidises and loses it's effectiveness. And please don't use a general rule like 3minutes for brewing. Every tea is different (some require boiling water, others just below, some 1min, other 2, etc).

I cannot stress the importance of breakfast enough. It doesn't just wake up your body, but also keeps it burning more calories over the whole day, than you otherwise would. What kind is up to you and there lots of articles with more detailed explanations and suggestions (seeing as you're into fitness you could visit,,, etc). If this is a problem for you, you could start with a glass of orange juice or something similar and slowly build up to a proper breakfast.

Exercise is a must, but don't overdo it. Over training is a very bad thing, as it does more damage than good (longer recovery times, more likely to injure yourself, etc). It's best to combine different types, like knicker said. And when you're weight or resistance training, don't forget to train your legs. This will get your metabolism going faster and for a longer period of time, than training other parts of the body. Plus, don't neglect your core (abdominals and lower back).

Water + green tea is a winning combination. Try not to drink juices and similar crap.. most of people don't realize just how bad they really are. Natural juices are another thing, but you still shouldn't overkill, as they are high in sugars.

And if you have a sweet tooth, try switching to dark chocolate (has many more oxidants, much less sugar, so it doesn't cause your body to produce more insulin, is good for your brain, and you can hardly eat as much of it).

Mostly, do it one step at a time. If you try everything at once, you are most probably going to fail.

And people should stop using the word "diet" in that context. It refers to the way we eat, not the way to lose weight (diet =/= weight loss diet). I should also point out that dieting to lose weight doesn't work. Yes, you can lose weight, but not necessarily fat (usually you lose water and your muscle energy reserves, next the body starts losing muscle, builds up on fat reserves..) + almost everyone than falls back into their old habits and ends up gaining more weight than they lost.

Good luck! :-)
Awesome job with the additional points Max.
Advanced Wordsmith
Thank you. Hope it actually helps anyone :-)
Active Ink Slinger
It may seems conterproductive but anytime you eat something you will speed your metabolism. Too many peoples in the morning go hours without eating, it’s very wrong. Also during the day don’t go too many hours without eating a least a piece of fruit or just carry some grapes and have just a few every hour or so, which it will also maintain your sugar at a stable level instead of too many up and down.

Half an hour of exercise will speed up your metabolic rate for hours after you're stopped the exercise.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Active Ink Slinger
There are several things one can do to speed up their metabolism. First and best way to get your metabolism going is by eating. Yes, eating. Whenever we eat iur metabolism in a sense is activated. But the key is to eat small healthy meals and snacks throughout the day. Great snacks like celery & carrot sticks are perfect. Do not drink with or right after meals, give your body time to digest and remember to chew your food. The enzymes secreted while chewing are the initial place that metabolism starts. Another crucial reminder is NOT ti at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Carbohydrate intake should be nmanaged with the majority of them being consumed early on in the day. Next step is that dreaded word, EXERCISE. Just do it. It is such an important aspect of a healthy body and most of us don't get enough. Here's a little something you may not have known, a good cardiovascular routine (jumping rope, jogging, stairclimber, etc...) will speed your metabolism for approximately a 12 hour period afterward. Whereas a weight-training routine (bench press, flyes,crunches, etc...) will speed your bodies metabolic rate for nearly a 24 hour period. Diet & exercise are key in making your metabolic rate increase. Good luck and if you have a question please PM me.
Active Ink Slinger
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I've lived this for some years now. It works : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Active Ink Slinger
I have tried the following with excellent results:

- Normal American breakfast.
- For lunch my usual diet without any restraints, with a 10 block walk right after, even with a nap after the walk.
- For dinner just two whole wheat buns with some chocolate milk.

Now to speed up your digestion, nothing like black coffee. It will also speed up your metabolism.
Quote by nicola
Some great replies.

Exercise is a given.

A Thai friend of mine swears by ginger and chili. I don't think I've ever met an overweight Thai person in my life. They put a lot of spices in their food, particularly chili.

This article confirms what has been said here:

Thanks for sharing Nicola! I wasn't aware of the broccoli and foods high in calcium tidbit.
A dietitian told me having 6 or 7 SMALLER meals per day is better for boosting your metabolism than having 3 larger meals.
Active Ink Slinger
Only fruit in the mornings, Walk everywhere it's practical to. and now don't shot me Go Vegan or at least try it for a period of time
Rookie Scribe
If you hate exercise then diet is the key ... well it is anyway, but exercise lets you get away with treats. You need to eat lots of fruit and veg, and slow releasing carbs like sweet potatos, oats, wholemeal etc. And I know its really hard but limited carbs 4 hrs before you go to bed, no sugar in your teas and coffes either, use sweetners. Eat carb in the day and post exercise, they weight will fall off, dont rely on protein and no carbs, ull get defined, lol like muscles, not big muscles but ur muscles will show xx
lots of good advice boost metabolism weight work is more effective than aerobic work...aerobic will give you a short burst of increased metabolism, mostly during the activity but weight work will boost for a longer period...its all about balance and lots of whole foods the less cooking the better!
Active Ink Slinger
there have been lots of good points....from spices (yep i agree never seen heavy Thai person) to the green tea straight or diluted in your daily water...and lots of water.

Exercise is a must always and forever, we werent to hibernate all day and night...get up and move.

When i had some health issues shortly after i got married my German doctor said...donnot look at this as a is your life and this is a lifetime change!
Thanks Dr. Weber smile
my newest :)
Active Ink Slinger
Try a redbull before a workout
Candy Connoisseur
Quote by funsprung28
Try a redbull before a workout

This is a joke right?? I dont think thats a good idea..for anyone.
Cardio, building more muscle mass and keeping your body nourished, never overly hungry with more proteins and whole grain carbs will speed up your metabolism.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Sophie_Williams
If you hate exercise then diet is the key ... well it is anyway, but exercise lets you get away with treats. You need to eat lots of fruit and veg, and slow releasing carbs like sweet potatos, oats, wholemeal etc. And I know its really hard but limited carbs 4 hrs before you go to bed, no sugar in your teas and coffes either, use sweetners. Eat carb in the day and post exercise, they weight will fall off, dont rely on protein and no carbs, ull get defined, lol like muscles, not big muscles but ur muscles will show xx

This is true, exercise plus eating sensibly will see pounds fall away. Try weighing your food and you will soon get used to normal amounts and avoid processed foods if you don't already cook meals that only take an hour from start to finish (eating) and you won't get too fed up.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SydneySider

This is a joke right?? I dont think thats a good idea..for anyone.

Porridge and dried fruit is good and I have half a banana before and a glass of milk and the other half of the banana afterwards. smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by easy_rider75
I know for me it started small workout goals. I just started walking then got into bike riding once it starts you will get your energy level up. May take a bit to get to a certain point but as said start small just get up start moving all I did

That's what I did got a bike pounds dropped off then in the winter months I joined a gym and go 3 or so times a week. Good advice
Active Ink Slinger
Most people have mentioned what I would suggest but I also add juicing to my menu it's a quick immune system reboot and great to jump start a metabolism