The tone in this thread has turned nasty and, for unknown reasons, overly defensive.
I suggest we leave it there as it now seems to be less than helpful or friendly.
There was quite a lot to unpack there, and I didn't quite grasp it all (apart from Georgia O'Keefe's Poppy paintings) but I hope you work it out SD.
Thanks for your responses, I just find myself wishing there were more kissy type words when I'm writing.
Another of my wishes would be for more (and better) synonyms for Vagina.
There are seemingly thousands for Penis but only two or three good ones for Vagina.
While we're on the subject, one word I can't get along with is PETALS ~ my vagina does not have petals!?
Maybe I'm growing the wrong flowers in my little garden but I've never looked a some petals and thought, "Hey, that looks just like me!"
Thank you Kornslayer (two of my favourite bands) and Liz for sharing your thoughts, experience and knowledge.
Words for which you wish there were more synonyms.
My vote would go for KISS ~ writing these sexy stories I am often finding myself wishing there were more words for kissing.
SMOOCH is nice but not very sensual, PECK is too prudish, SNOG is a bit too comical to convey tenderness (and I'm not sure American readers are familiar with snogging).
I'd like to hear any other writer's thoughts about words they have to repeat time and time again.
I didn't expect to find this thread here but I've enjoyed reading it.
I'm friends with a lot of bands, sometimes I write lyrics for their songs.
I can twaddle around on a guitar, heavy metal pedals make me sound half decent (in my ears anyway).
Frustrated, but listening to 80s thrash metal is helping to vent my steam.
Enjoying those killer goth nails, they look vicious. Can imagine them stroking my skin....
That's a nice question.
I have a google map of Vancouver (Canada) open when I'm writing, it's the location of all my stories.
During my last story I had google translate open, to help with some Slovenian phrases.
It's not google but I have thesaurus .com open all the time I'm writing.
Quite often I look up the difference between American and English words and spellings: who knew that the word tea-towel would be a mystery to so many US bloggers?
Thanks for the reply Floo,
I'm not sure how to form a group, perhaps someone else reading this would want to get it off the ground?
I'd love to get some Lush writers and readers opinions on my stuff.
How do you feel when you go back and your read your own stories from along ago?
Mine go back over ten years, I skim through them thinking: I don't remember writing any of this.
Usually they seem quite bad, when I read my old stories, but then I don't have much faith in anything I do. I wonder how bad my current ones will look after a few years.
Does anyone know of a place to upload/share stories so they can be reviewed by other writers?
Zoetrope Movie Studio has similar thing, where you have to read and review three stories or scripts before you can upload one of yours (I've tried out some screenplays there) ~ I think it would be lovely to have something like that for dirty stories.
Thank you for all your responses. You were all very helpful. It was never my intention to be rude to anyone by starting this thread.
Sadly, I have hit a brick wall at Lush, I shall have to remain only a reader here.
As for other things, yes it may depend on the nationality of the moderator. We do try and take the stylistic intentions of authors into account and apply a light editorial touch for clarity only where necessary. And I try to leave dialogue alone unless it's a typo or badly punctuated. A random example:
"Fuck you want?"
"What the fuck do you want?"
Thanks for your reply, most helpful.
Your example made me remember an Elmore Leonard book, a Mexican badass says "The fuck you lookin' at?" and it captured with one line the guy's personality.
Thank you for all your replies, I wasn't trying to be rude... I had no idea the moderating editors were approachable.
I wouldn't like any volunteers to think I didn't appreciate their efforts.
Apologies if I came over as ungrateful.
Is anyone else unhappy with how their stories are edited?
If a mistake is spotted then fair enough but I find they take stylistic decisions.
They chuck in commas willy-nilly, sometimes changing the meaning of a phrase completely.
Worst of all is that they replace my interesting words with bland clichéd ones.
Are the editors American? Maybe they are taught different punctuation rules in school?
That may also explain why they are unfamiliar with good old British words like 'Thwap!'
If a cock hits you in the face, it doesn't go 'TWANG' unless the character has had some kind of metallic implant.