I've been on here for quite a while now, but active only recently. I'm having a blast! This is incredibly fun, and I've met quite a few people here.
I love chatting and messaging. I enjoy learning what others enjoy and fantasize about, especially women. It has been educational and changed my views. I've always had typical male fantasies, but learning what women enjoy has changed some of these fantasies to see sex from a female's point of view, which I find incredibly erotic.
I enjoy interacting with all age groups. Having the perfect body of a porn star is NOT a requirement - being friendly and polite, and willing to keep it fun, is. I'm not looking for live meetups. I love exchanging pics though (I'm a bit of an exhibitionist), but as a rule I will always ask first. It may be annoying to some, but that is a rule I abide by.
I'm not dominant or aggressive. I'm fun and playful in sex. I recall when I was between my wife's legs (I love oral sex) my wife telling me jokes. May noy have been the most erotic response, but it cracked me up and I had to stop because I was laughing too much. That's the way I like to be in bed.
I'm not gay or bi, but I'm not against any form of sexuality, and if a gay man is a gentleman and says hello, I'll return in kind.
the ocean, sailing, the beach at sunset, quiet evenings, snow storms, enjoying sex
Places I want to visit: Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland
Favorite Cities: Boston, Manhattan, Quebec, Montreal
Sexual Fantasies: hotwife, cunnilingus, group sex, gangbang (not rough and with the woman in charge), oral sex
Favorite Books
Game of Thrones series, Hornblower series
Favorite Authors
Patrick O'Brien, Robert Jordan, Ursula LeGuin, Orson Scott Card
You all!
Favorite TV Shows
The Crown, Many of the Netflix series.
Favorite Music
Melodious Music