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1 week ago
Fluid Male, 35
0 miles · Texas


The best way to eat bacon. Wrapped around a cream cheese stuffed jalapeno. Also my infamous Bacon-Salad Patty Melt.
Only once, she was my first kiss and kinda slutty. Three weeks later the heat was gone and things came to a screeching stop.
Walking up to the warden and telling him to blow it out his ass.
MILF is catchy, quick and fun to say. Hopefully nobody is saying it in formal company but I see no harm in slang being used among friends. Cougar does sound worse but silverback is just as bad.
Quote by Guest
I say Nay because if it was the other way around of her waking up to see me eating her out she'll b pissed, hell that nearly any woman, so nay is my answer
The first nay, and the second one.
I will say nay. Simply because I live alone. If an unknown is in my house. I do not want to wake to a blow job.
"Playdohnuts"- curse that I would use in school. Nobody knew what it meant. Teachers would get mad. Classmates would laugh at their attempts to punish me. Ha ha ha !! Playdoh Nuts- little specks of playdoh (or any type of dough) stuck to your hand or clothes.
Example: urgh! There's mud on my shoes. Playdohnuts!!!
Oh heck no! I talk about some very digusting things on Facebook. Don't want my Lush friends knowing my secret life. ;p
2008 senior year of high school. I asked the girl out. As I recall, she said not now because she was planning on moving for college. So we stayed friends, graduated and lost touch. Then in 2010 we reconnected on facebook. Made small talk and chit chat for a year. Sent her a message to hang out and she ignored it. Couple months later I tried to talk and nothing. Next month asked her what was wrong and dead air. Now I am sure dating is off the table but is there hope for a friendship or should I give up?
I once thought ghost were real. Forces that stand alone and haunt at their own pleasure. Kinda like Casper or the t.v. show Supernatural. Now I see them as extentions of our subconscious. Formed through our instinct and animated by our imagination.
Being a virgin is not hard for me. People I tell either do not care or give me the "shocked" look and stop including me in their graphic conversations. The only thing that gives me pause is when I try to date someone and keep getting pressued to "prove my love". It does prove to much for some to handle being told no. They start feeling unappreciated and shortly break up.
Quote by niceguy89
75.50 guess i'm just boring.

One year and 2 months later went up to a whopping 186.10. smh
Drinking -I consider mine a hobby
Shooting -non-competitive
Herpetology -not a job without the degree
Going to bars -not the same as drinking
Movies -comedy, action, and action-comedy
Musicals -ever since Technical Theatre in high-school
Reading -Adventure Fantasy (Eragon, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, Ranger's Apprentice, The Sword of Truth, Et ceter)

also close to the bison and badger.

An elephant personality is a person whose deliberate movements exude confidence and calm in all aspects of his or her life. While maybe not the king of the animal world, it is surely a member of the royal family. With an imposing physical presence and kind, spiritual demeanor, it moves easily through life where few barriers can hold it back.

There's a touch of cool in the stoic elephant that's appealing and reassuring. In all probability this composure stems from the knowledge that they have no natural enemies; even the lion and crocodile personalities pay homage by giving them a respectful berth. Only the unpredictable tiger has been known to trigger any semblance of anxiety in this otherwise fearless animal.

Slow to anger, they can sometimes exhibit a violent temper and use their powerful personality to humble and drive off unwanted intruders. Active during day and night, elephants take naps whenever the urge strikes.

When elephants set their minds to something, they don't waver in their commitment until the task is complete. Their intelligence, combined with a formidable personality, gives them a terrific advantage in business and social affairs while their communication skills make them first-rate leaders. Trustworthy and honest, they always let others know where they stand with regard to their feelings.

In business, elephants are usually found in leadership roles as executives or company presidents and, although highly paid, are never ostentatious with their wealth. In the top echelons of political office, elephant personalities are far more likely to be female. Male elephants are not as predictable as their counterparts, and females are more likely to maintain an even temper.
Just when I thought it couldn't get worse. smmfh breast implants for a tattoo.ggW8k1ZbpfnXzW0o
Quote by cherryrebel
Recently I had a conversation with my boyfriend and his mates about girls with or without make up.

Surpisingly, all 8 of them said that they thought a girl looked at her most attractive first thing in the morning, with no or very little make up on. Afterall make up is an illusion. But seriously, when I am rocking this look, I don't get half as much attention as when I'm made up to the nines. Hence the question...

Make up? or no make up?

Looking at you original post you could be asking two different questions. Anytime a guy wakes up with a girl "first thing in the morning." She is going to be the hottest thing in the world to him. Hands down. It's either love, lust, or groggy hangover eyes depending on the relationship. Although I think you were trying to ask what gets the heads a turnin' and the pants a burnin'. That is a hard question to answer. Seeing as not every man thinks the same. My personal opinion = plain jane. The less make up you wear tells me you have confidence with you apperance. No matter how hot she is high self-esteem beats heavy war-paint everyday of the week.
the cashier took 30 and gave back 5. which made total payment for the room 25. the sticky fingered bell hop stole 2 leaving a dollar for each of the 3 friends which is a total of 5. the three amigos only think they paid 27 for the room. 30 -3 =27 (which they know about) 27 -2=25 cause the bellhop stole it.
I've been researching pussy for the last 11 years. While I found thousands of intresting facts. All that time could have been better spent doing some field work.
thanks dudeness92, but that response is lacking lotz of important details. most of which can't be figured out until the zombies start coming through the door. What type of caliber would be best for instant zombie termination? How much force does it take for a bat to be effective? How long can zombies survive without eating? these are a few in hundreds of questions unanswered. So stockin up is not going to be enough. who ever wants to survive is going to go through alot of trial and error. sadly the error part will most likely result in death. happy hunting everybody.
Ha Ha thank you bunny12. Although It seems foolish now to point out I am no Fat Bastard. I am still classified as morbidly obese by medical standards. Kind of like a number 4 on the "Fluffy scale". - gabriel iglesias
Being a fat guy myself, there is no way I could out preform someone that was in shape. At least as far as speed, energy, and yes penis size is a factor. However, the study did state that increased levels of female hormones could make overweight lovers last longer. Which boils down to a longer session with a undesirable partner. So it goes to prove this study is completly pointless.

On a side note to some of the other post before mine.
I do consider myself a "fat geek" that has figured out cunnilingus. (at least in theory because field testing is hard to cum by.)
There are two types of zombies. First, the zombies that come from still living or recently dead bodies. (some people make the mistake of thinking only humans could be turned by the virus. You should not forget most large animals could be affected also.) This first group will be fast, strong, and will be able to produce human speech/sound. they will be the main threat for three to five weeks. Until the decaying process tuns them into the second type of zombies. Which include bodies that have already been buried or the remains of any from the first group.
When the time comes you should have or be able to gather enough supplies for at least two months. supplies should include food (or a way to hunt/ grow food) clean water, weapons, ammo, a heat source for warmth and cooking, and the right clothes for staying warm. I would also recommend a strong and secure shelter. the typical house is not zombie-safe, easy ways to fix this are to board up any and all windows, doors, and crawl spaces.
Q: what did the fish say when it ran into the wall? A: dam
Q: what do you call a sleeping bull? A: a bull dozer
gum from under table

would you rather have a high paying job you hate, or low paying job you love.