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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 34
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
I wear tampons, because pads can be difficult to wear when your flow is heavier AND you wear panties that have a narrower crotch covering. I HATE pads, and had to plead my Mom to let me when tampons until she finally caved when I was a freshman in high school. I am allergic to latex, as well as many types of tape and adhesives, so if the sticky part on the bottom of the pad touches my skin/the sides of my inner thighs, I itch SO bad. I seriously used to itch SO bad, I wanted to cry in junior high. You obviously can't adjust in public, and if you do, people assume you need Vagisil, instead of Benadryl. :/ It wasn't until I showed my Mom the redness/swelling from the pad adhesives that she caved. She was uncomfortable with her virgin daughter touching her pussy OR possibly breaking her hymen due to tampon use, which is insane. I want to tell fundamental Christians: your virginal teenage daughter using tampons does not detract from her sexual purity! It's a tampon, people, not a fucking dildo! She's using to be hygienic, not to masturbate with! I went to parochial Christian school until high school, and church on Sunday was the norm growing up. Need I say more? Wearing pads makes playing sports difficult for women, and makes women who have heavier flows--like me--more prone to leakage. It is also infinitely embarrassing to be one of the only ladies in the locker room who wears pads exclusively. Especially when you had menstrual cycles that lasted 7 or 8 WEEKS at times, like I did in high school. I prefer to keep that information private, thank you. On days when my flow is super heavy, I will wear one of those skinny liners, just in case my tampon leaks. I just have to find one where the adhesive won't touch or rub against my skin.

I do agree with Catnip that tampons are wasteful, and so are pads. I am curious about those menstrual cups, but, as I live with my parents, I could never use one at home. My Dad is a physician and my Mom is germaphobic OR nurse, so my Mom would freak if she found out I was using one. "That's unclean!" She would yell. I also wonder if those cups are user-friendly for women with heavier periods, and how do you guys change them in public? At school or work, for example? Do they leak or fall out? And where do you get them? I've never seen them at Walgreens or the grocery store...
Advanced Wordsmith

I agree with you. Betheny said, "Why post it in 'Ask the Guys'?" I posted it here, because most men like women, as opposed to being gay or bisexual, hence I would receive a larger pool of responses from straight men, the type of individuals whom are in my dating pool. It's obvious that most lesbians like licking pussy; they're lesbians! And I'm sure lesbians are great at it, too. I have pussygrinded with a woman and we used our hands to pleasure eachother, but never went down on her, or her me. In retrospect, I wish I did. I didn't, because I had little experience in receiving oral at that time, and was self-conscious/uncomfortable/unexperienced. I hope that I get to fool around with a woman again, but I am primarily interested in dating men. I'm honestly not sure if I would be sexually satisfied in a lesbian relationship. Not to be crude, but I fear that I would be wanting me some cock, and that is not fair to the one you are in a committed relationship with. I love sucking and fucking cock more than the vast majority of women.

But I recently found out I love receiving oral. I want to give and receive. It seems that many men outside of the Lush world, the general male public, don't enjoy eating pussy like these posters. :/ Cunnilingus is not often a centerpiece of porn videos, and I can understand why: it is not always visually interesting, and porn is purely visual. It's a difficult angle to shoot. It is a boring a repetitive image. I think a lot of sexually inexperienced teenagers assume that grown men don't eat pussy because of its lack of presence in porn, but that isn't true. It isn't seen as erotic as it truly is. It's a shame...

To a lot of teenage boys, their primary virgin sexual education comes from pornographic images of fake tits and bleached assholes. This is also a disservice to them later; it could be a rude shock when they find out what real boobs/pussies look like. Then again, I'm not a guy, so I could be wrong.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes. I love sucking dick, giving pleasure to my main squeeze at the time. Why wouldn't I?

I've slept with a guy that was about 4", and the sex was awesome, because he was good in bed, on all accounts. He was super nerdy (even for me), but OMG, he could lick pussy. I sucked his cock all the time, and loved it.

Okay. One of my first boyfriends had the smallest cock I have ever seen. He was under 3", and I did not enjoy sucking his cock, for a variety of reasons:
1. His cum and precum were truly foul. The said bf was very thin, but has the shittiest diet I have ever seen. I won't be surprised if he, despite his frame, gets high cholesterol by age 30. I've read that a poor diet affects your own stuff, and I believe it. Precum, in my experience, usually has a mild or pleasant flavor, but not him. Ugh.
2. He refused to trim his pubic hair, and sometimes didn't clean his junk very well. I live in AZ, where it gets hot. Men, there's no shame in taking showers 2x a day. He truly thought me asking him to trim was silly, yet he expected me to be clean shaven every time we fooled around. His stuff sometimes got funky, and he wouldn't shower, because, again, he thought that was silly. He didn't go down on me EVER, so he couldn't understand the importance of cleanliness and oral sex.
3. He often purposely "tricked me" into swallowing his cum, even though he knew I hated swallowing HIS cum, and I told him to give me warning.
Need I say more? Guys, this is an immature and rude move. NEVER do this, because it will make your girlfriend resent going down on you.
4. A few times, he treated my mouth like it was a vagina. Without my consent. Fortunately, I was able to nip this behavior in the bud at the beginning of our relationship, but it still sets a bitter taste (pardon the pun) in the mouth of your lover about pleasuring you. Again, very immature and degrading behavior (without your lady's consent, obviously).
5. We had other unresolved issues in our relationship, but mostly in our sex life. I wasn't satisfied in our sex life. At all. However; I was too much of a nice girl to cheat on him or leave the relationship. I should have left. Simply put, he made no effort to pleasure me. No oral sex, occasional--but really bad--fingering. At the age of 22, he didn't know what a clit was. I was 18/19 at the time, and couldn't believe it. I was secretly resentful about giving him oral and bj's all the time, because it was never reciprocated.
6. He wasn't grateful. To me, a man that expects oral sex with nothing in return is a dick. Or even expect it at all. I'm your girlfriend, not an escort.

The point of that list is to say that I am not a size queen. Yes, he had the smallest dick I've ever seen, but our sex life sucked for other reasons.
Advanced Wordsmith
In real life, usually when I hear someone use the word "cunt", it is used in a derogatory way. An insult. Gross. For that reason, I usually dislike the word, because of the context it has in my real life. During my senior year of high school, someone actually wrote "cunt" and "stupid cunt" and "bitch" all over my first car (in that nonpermanent stuff, thank God) that was parked in front of my parent's house. I never found out who did it, but I had to wipe it all off before school that day.

That being said, in porn, when a woman tells a man to, "Fuck my cunt harder!", it can be hot. In a raw, sexual context, it can be sexy.

Unfortunately, that is not the context in which I usually hear the word. I associate the word "cunt" with a degrading insult, sigh. Not good.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love watching a man masturbate, usually in the context of mutual masturbation. Unfortunately, I have yet to catch a lover in the act, but I have fantasized about it. I have had to coax it out of them, sigh.

Mutual masturbation can be a deliciously erotic treat. I love to hear him making himself groan. I let him watch me pleasure myself, and watch his cock swell. I tell him not to touch me; just watch. After a couple minutes of giving him a show, I tell him to pleasure his cock, slowly. I love watching him enjoy himself, and knowing that I turned him on. I made his cock hard. It makes me feel very sexy and desirable, confident. If and when we fuck afterwards, this confidence improves the sex, for me anyway.

Sometimes, when I am close, I will let him complete my orgasm with his tongue, and he usually obliges.

I also love surprising by beau with mutual masturbation. When I know he will find me, I love laying on his bed, half-naked, pussy dripping, rubbing my clit without abandon. I look into his eyes, and tell him how much I want him, how I couldn't myself. The reactions I have received have been 100% positive. smile

I have watched porn of men touching themselves, and enjoyed it. It has a rawness, an amateur, Peeping Tom aspect to it that I enjoy. I like girl-on-girl porn, but a lot of it is SO overdone. With 2 women instead of one, there is often too much fake moaning, and seemingly forced enthusiasm. Gay porn can be alright, too, as long as it isn't cheesy. Again, I like a certain rawness to it. Men groaning. Reluctance. Passion. The men in gay porn also seem to have better bodies than a lot of the guys in straight porn. Why is that?

- Meg
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't have sex/naughty fun with married men, or men in serious relationships or men that are taken, in any regard. Major no-no. I prefer my sexual pursuits without a steaming side of guilt. I had a 8-month relationship with a man in his late thirties when I was 19-20. A lot of people judged me, because they assumed he was married or had children. He wasn't. He didn't.
Fortunately, I have never cheated with anyone, or on any ex-lovers.

Sir: if you are having naughty fun outside of your marriage and your wife does not know about it, it is cheating.

The harm is that by fucking other women, YOU ARE BEING UNFAITHFUL TO YOUR WIFE. The one that lives in your house? The one that wears your wedding ring and has your last name?
The harm in such behaviors is that you could emotionally devastate your wife. I want you to consider how she would feel if she found out you were fucking other women. Would she be: sad? angry? depressed? ambivalent? feel betrayed? apathetic? If you think she would be devastated, angry, etc., then commence at your own risk, or not at all. The United States has divorce court for a reason; the price for your actions could be your marriage, or your future happiness within the marriage. If you genuinely think that she would be apathetic, and not care at all, I would advise you to talk to her about having an open marriage. With her consent and her consent only could you commence in fucking other women (somewhat) guilt-free.

I agree with other responses in the forum, in that you are a "bastard", because any "fun" you may have isn't necessarily "harmless". Don't justify any potential behavior if it doesn't deserve justification. If you want us horny Lushites to tell you it's okay to cheat, I won't agree. We may be horny, but that doesn't mean that we don't have a conscience or a moral compass.

I am no marriage guru, but it sounds like you need to communicate more with your wife, and tell her you are feeling desperate/sexually deprived. Have you talked to her about this, given her a goddamned chance to remedy the situation? Open marriages aren't for everyone, but--if you were considering cheating anyway--don't knock it.

Just my thoughts. I didn't mean to be harsh.

- Meg
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm not a size queen, so I don't need a huge cock, or really fantasize about huge, 12" cocks. That being said, I enjoy/value girth more than length. My pussy is <6" in depth, so feelings of "fullness" come from the width of a man's cock, and not the length. I also do not relish the feeling of my cervix being rammed, so I don't really want anything >8".

To answer your question, a cock that is average in length, but above average in thickness would be incredible. Don't forget: the actual hardness of a cock is important, and a huge cock isn't that great if the hardness is compromised. Cock rings aside, men: don't smoke or drink in excess or live an overall unhealthy lifestyle; your sex life and the circulation to your cock will pay the price. Also, my ideal cock would last >5 minutes of fucking, spew tasty precum (I recently had precum that was oddly foul), does not have any STI's, actually gets hard when desired/be responsive to stimulation, be clean and pleasant, and be attached to a kind, sexy man who is amazing in bed. Is that so much to ask?
Advanced Wordsmith
Until about a year and a half ago, I had never received what I now consider decent oral sex. I honestly thought that cunnilingus was something that only a select few people participate in, and that most men dislike it. For a long time, I was extremely self-conscious about the looks/smell/taste of my genitals, and was mildly disgusted with my girly bits. Fortunately, I have since discovered that not all men hate giving oral, and some, in fact, love it. I decided to create a survey for such men, to gain a better understanding of their desires. To the [sexy] men who go down: I love (and appreciate) you guys!

The Great Cunnilingus Survey

1. Why do you like eating pussy? What do you like about it?

2. At what age did you start eating pussy, in relevance to the age at which you lost your virginity? Did performing oral come right away, or later?

3. When performing oral on a lady, what pubic hair style do you like best? Is it different from your general preferences on the subject?

4. What can a woman do to make your experience of eating her pussy even better? What can she do to turn you on?

5. What can she do to turn you off from eating her pussy?

6. Think of the first time you went down a woman. Did you like it or no? Was your love of cunnilingus immediate, or did that come later?

7. Have you gone down on a lady in any unusual locations? If so, where?

8. When a lady moves around a lot while you perform oral on her by actions, including: swirling her hips, legs shaking, pulling your hair, digging her nails into your back, wrapping legs around your head, etc., does this bother you or do you find this distracting at all?

9. Honestly: do you like the smell/taste of pussy?

10. Optional: Describe the sexiest or most erotic time you have ever had while going down on a woman.
Advanced Wordsmith
Some women can pull it off, some can't, and I sure as hell can't.
I think women look prettier when the makeup doesn't own them.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm not sure that I can say yay or neigh on this question, as I have never seen/encountered an uncut cock. I would love to experience one--hold it, lick it, suck it, fuck it, stare at its unique form. But, I haven't. The only thing that concerns me about the potentiality of not liking an uncut cock is that I read once that women have a higher chance of developing a UTI while sleeping with an uncut guy. I've had UTI's, and they're terrible. I don't know about you, but I'll pass on the sensation of pissing needles, so, no, I have not come to consensus on this topic.

Thoughts/experiences, ladies?
Advanced Wordsmith
How often do you Masturbate?
Around 4 or 5 times per week, on average.

What is your record times in a day?
I wouldn't say that I've masturbated several times a day, but I have masturbated for hours at a time.

How long do you normaly last?
Anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. If I masturbate any longer than that, then I am both very horny and I probably have gone without sex/masturbation for awhile.

Have you ever used a sex toy or a object?
If so, what did you use?

I've tried vibrators, but I find them to be painful, even on the lowest setting. Dildos are nice for the 'fullness' sensation, but I really don't use sex toys on a remotely regular basis.

Place you usually do it?
My bed.

How many fingers do you put?

Do you like watch porn?
What kind of porn?

I do watch porn. I do not watch porn everytime I masturbate, though. I'll watch it about once every week and a half. Most of the time my own fantasies or erotica or just my hand(s) are sufficient. Kinds of porn I watch: amateur, less "staged" porn; men masturbating; girl-on-girl; guy/girl; I watched some gay porn last week. I don't know why. Although I have a high sex drive, I consider myself to be fairly vanilla--no BDSM, no k9, no anal, nothing too wild or crazy.

Has anyone caught you?

COMMENT REMOVED BY ADMIN. Please do not post information regarding sex under the age of 18

Do you masturbated in a public place?
If so, what place(s)?

No way! Always in private!
Advanced Wordsmith
Oral, both giving and receiving. I only like 69 with girl-on-girl sex, not with men, though...
Advanced Wordsmith
I have been with 5 men (one of them I really don't "count", sigh) and 3 women, 4 if you count mutual masturbation? I'm 21, btw.
Advanced Wordsmith
Hi, everyone. I'm new here. I'm a woman, and I love kissing/foreplay... well, I love sex in general, lol. As the title indicates, I want to know position-wise, how you all like to make out. Personally, I love them all, but I am partial to A., sitting in a guys' lap. I love feeling/teasing his hard on, and this position gives him convenient access to my pussy if I'm wearing a skirt/dress, as well as my breasts. I've had some great makeout sessions in this position.