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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 48


Active Ink Slinger
can't remember the titles of movies with very hot scenes,though one which retained was the Sliver scenes of Sharon Stone and Alec Baldwin; especially that from the restaurant where she boldly exhibited herself and took off her panties and throw it to him.....then, she went back to his room without panties, he appeared from her back and fucked her right there while she hold onto a post. Plus the scenes when he fucked her while she watched on the live cams before her. I think it was all kinda hot!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by pretty_little_homo69

Thanks for the advice smile Nice to see a fellow filipino here ;)
Anyway, yes, I've been doing some reading and am trying to learn to moderate myself more. Self control is a really hard thing to master and I honestly struggle with it CONSTANTLY. I actually think that that's why I like it so much when I'm just taken and ravaged during sex. And, I guess, why my stories are written the way they are silly

Really? you're a kababayan! that's nice to know!

You will do good, OK? You already have taken the first step--admitting something. Just take things at a time...
Active Ink Slinger
I just a newbie here and I admit, I also have the same dilemna. (I also have posted a similar post elsewhere) I'm sure there are more experienced people here that can enlightened you more. But, I just like to tell you that if you are uncomfortable about anything, then do not do it! even though, it is so pleasing and self-satisfying. Know what you want but know also what are your limitations.

They are right, it can be OK as long as we don't mix real and reel things. But, it can happen. If you gradually allow it because you are only thinking these are the things that make you happy.

You don't owe those other people anything. So, only you have the option to do what is OK and comfortable with you. Oftentimes, we feel guilt because it's the conscience that somewhat working here--it's a sort of guiding and reminding us what we usually do not like to admit readily with our own selves.

Lush, I guess, is a great site and also a nice community. You can somehow enjoy your stay here without feeling that sickening guilt.

I wish you well!
Active Ink Slinger
with boyfriend? yes, my last BF more often requested it...but my supposed-to-be-husband once caught me masturbating had been very angry with me...
stranger? hmmmm...a few times, the most vivid was in a car, while the newly acquintance was driving beside me
another girl? not yet
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by winky
is soo stupid and worthless. its fun at first. but i hate doing it. no dont ask me to cyber. lets just chit chat about sex ;)

haha! I kinda like your reply...yet, sometimes, it all depends on our real mood...

but more often, i am mostly turned by hearing his/her moans and letting him/her listen to my own moans, as well...

But, to quote winky again, "let's just chit chat about sex..."---heck! because it's more arousing for me...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Beckey
I love sucking cock. it really turns me on. Then I like to follow it up with a good fuck

Me, too. sucking cock and making him cum really makes me wet.

If to suck yours? let's all depends with the mood...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HK4167
If he's cheating his wife now, someday he will cheat on you as well. So, don't go there.

I agree.

I have been there. It was not easy. You can't not help but to be paranoid most of the times. And also, being sleepless sometimes because of thinking you might be hurting another person.

Just to quote a local movie, "Not all happy things are right. Sometimes, right things might be painful. but in the end, perhaps, right things can be happy, too."

He is years younger than me. I loved him, then but I choose to leave him and get hurt, but now, I am guilt-free, as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes. especially, if the SO have no knowledge about it and you do it because you are not satisfied enough with what do you have between you...however, it is another thing if you do it just to heat up your relationship with your SO (don't you think you must discuss any issues about this with your SO because he or she might help you more than anyone else)...and more so, a lot more different if the SO knows all about it and gives consent to it...
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, in the movies and also on a bus ride.

Have you ever fucked/ fucked by two persons, one at a time within 24-hours and without the first one knowing about the other one?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_The_Red
A lap dance for women?
I'd start with a carefully planned and arranged breakfast in bed including a single red rose and served after I cleaned up the kitchen.

Women are not quickly or easily stimulated visually but will respond amorously to a well thought out romantic demonstration of how much you value her.

Well-said...I agree with you...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CharlotteRusse1
I fantasize and get myself off more now than I did when I was younger and unattached. I think it's just fluctuations in my libido, nothing profound.

If one is horny and alone, why waste the feeling?

I like that last statement! who else can argue to that?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rainy_Shiver
I think this thread is fantastic! It's wonderful for women to be talking this way. It's such a masochistic thought that men are constantly in a state of sexual arousal and that women rarely masturbate. Granted, here on Lush likely a lot of us are more in touch with our sexuality and honest about it. It's sad to think about how many women think their own bodies are "gross", and touching themselves is not something they could allow themselves to consider. What I struggle with is my fantasies over reality. My husband and I have a fairly normal, healthy sex life, but sometimes I can burn myself out during the day masturbating (while doing other things, of course. I'm not just sitting around all day with my fingers up myself). Before any one judges my relationship and tells me there's trouble in paradise, let me just say that I don't agree, and I think it's important to spend some quality time with yourself, delve into your fantasies just to check in and see what's going on.

Sorry to ramble, but I guess I wanted to chat a bit. Thanks for indulging me. start, it's quite hard to bring into words what I like to know about other women, to be able to understand and completely accept my own uniqueness...but here, I learned that I can still live my reality but does not have to throw away my inner self into shame and hiding...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jezziebelle
I know I connect with my Lushie friends and they definitely pick me up when I'm down, but when I'm dating someone seriously I don't generally use the site, I feel sort of guilty about it. If they're into it too, then that's cool, but a lot of times it just makes people uncomfortable or jealous and the emotional connection with my real life love life is more important to me so I try to avoid drama or hurt feelings. Plus it just makes ME uncomfortable. If I'm in love with someone and they are filling all my needs, I feel no need to use the site other than to just monitor my page/stories. To me,, when people disappear I always think they have something going right in their real life, and I try to be happy for them.

I guess, I have to agree with you...
Active Ink Slinger
Yes. It was not expected, though. We were from different worlds, wherein just one day, our lives happened to intertwined. He can never be mine, but those were one of the happiest days of my life, simply because I have been free to be me with him as if he sees through me. I no longer need to pretend whenever we were together. But, as whirlwind as it was, it was short lived. The pain that I felt then broke and almost shattered me. I thought I can not surpassed it but simply accepting everything and allowing all of it to happen in gradual stage by stage phases brought me where I am now--moved on...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by cocokisses

I'm with you on that one Steph, sometimes its more like 5 times a day but I came to grips with my libido some time ago. Now having said that, I do at times try really hard to restrain myself in order to prolong the next session. In some respects I even deny myself the pleasure of orgasm so that it builds and builds until OMFG!!! Yes, I can relate...

Really? sometimes I think being single and unattached is also the reason why I think I have to restraint myself. I used to date and go out, but I stopped because I already feel uncomfortable and guilty. But I know that deep inside, I am still the wanton woman that I truly am!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by 1Zratedgal
So are you saying you do it? Or are you asking about how to go about it?

Now from my perspective, you have to realize, I have to get off at least 3-times a day, Morning, Noon and Night! But when I can't get my morning fuck I still have my toys, and imagination ready. And if that's not enough Lush and internet are always handy!

I believe it is a good thing to give it a rest once in a while for brief periods of time.
It helps to relax and let some sensitivity increase since you've probably overstimulated some nerve endings and touch receptors.

Hubby and I will drive each other crazy and do this in preparation for some events or trip, to purposely turn up the desires and intensity.
It will make me crabby and somewhat Bitchy but it also can turn our sex into a rough, fuckfest, which is something to look forward to!



Thanks, this is enlightening! and I am saying how do you go about it? The topic is a amongst my circle of friends and I am embarrassed to confess anything to them. But maybe here, I can get different ideas...
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a newbie and it's really nice to be welcomed like this...thanks for thinking about this...
Active Ink Slinger
yes, several times, on TV, but its either we forgot about the film later or turn it off
Active Ink Slinger
Pretty kinky!

Grats! You're 58% kinky!

You kink score is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by jerseylynn
I enjoyed having a fuck buddy, as long as emotions stays to the side. Once emotions starts to creep into it then things starts to head south and sometimes it's hard to recover what you once had. But, remember a fuck budd is a friend not a bf or gf and it's not a relationship, it's just 2 people enjoying each other.

I completely agree with you. Though, in my part, I also try to be loyal to them...when I still had a fubu, he was the only one whom I was going out with, same with the next guy that followed him....

Our only condition was no saying of "i love you' (because I believed then that it was being dishonest) and no demands of time, etc. If we want to go out and/or fuck, then we will contact each other... then, afterwards, we will go on with our own lives separately...

I had fubus at the time of my life that I chose a lifestyle where I must have sex at least every now and then, a sort of of stress management and at the same time, to have fun and pause from my stern work settings then. We really just enjoy every minute we were together.

I do not regret doing that or ever passing that time; though now, I guess, I already outgrown the fubu thing and stopped going out now.