Sex in the office, and also one of the upstairs rooms over the Bar...
Yes when the fingers are doing the right things....
Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I fantasize about it a lot when having fun alone. Imagining them so turned on by me they have to work their hard cock. mmmmmm
Sense of humor. Has good, positive, people around him. Genuine and has confidence even if not the guy most women go for at first. Sweet but still a guys guy and someone who just enjoys their life. Men who have this, get better looking in every way. Hot! Totally hot!!! oh, and of course make the girl/woman a priority. Let them no you are thinking about them... NO GAMES!!!!
For me, that is crossing a line that would hurt my love. Just me I suppose. This is fantasy, reality would be crushing to say the least.
Does, Writing Erotic Fiction Count? lol
Who has the sexiest, hottest, most erotic profile picture. The one you keep going back to because you get turned on like no other?
For me... fist hitting g-spot... I get completely lost... fucking amazing.
Masturbating. Vibe that hits clit and thick dildo hitting g-spot at same time
Generally on with wife when we cyber, and when I am chatting she takes care of me and vice versa. Works very nicely....
What is your second ( lush of course is #1) favorite Porn site to get you off sexually?
Ladies, What was your scariest first? Eg. Getting touched, handjob, blowjob, sex, anal, group.
One part compliments
One part Kisses
One part eye contact
then a whole bunch of touching, with some ohhhs and Ahhhhs
I would rather it be personal, instead of generic....
Husband and Wife of three children, own a bar and a teacher/
this is by far the most disturbing thing that I have seen on this site....
Plane on way home from Vegas. I won!
So, who have you fucked when you were at work? Ever surprise someone where they work with a sex break? Who, where, HOW????
yes, it is when the dildo with the suction cup comes in hand....
Loved this series, as well as all of HBO shows.
Yes, I could use a good laugh!
I agree Jen A. hot. but she has to be boring as all hell in the sack.....
Lifeguard, always wet
almost no clothes on
usually have something in their mouth that they like to blow (whistle)
Tan lines
What female Celebrity do you think is the wildest sexually?