Ladies, if a stranger walked up to you and asked you if you wanted to see his cock. What would you say?
Yes, I could use a good laugh!
Yeah, so i can laugh in his face and tell him how inferior he is to my boyfriend's.
Latest story:
um no (followed by a swift kick to the family jewels)
I quick hard slap works too.
Then I ran away.
scream murder and get the hell away
JillinJulie said, "I quick hard slap works too. Then I ran away."
Julie, was that after you had a good look? haha
wtf, who cares? nah don't wanna see it
hahaha No sorry hun I didn't back my microscope! that certainly doesnt happen where I live well at least not to me
hahaha No sorry hun I didn't back my microscope! that certainly doesnt happen where I live well at least not to me
I would assume that they were mentally ill.