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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 45
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
research the topic that you want to write about. that usually the beginning for me, but as far as coming up with ideas that is something that is a hit and miss with spurts. sometimes i can sit down and just type away and the story sort of writes itself when you really get into it.
Advanced Wordsmith
most likely nope.. but then again one really never knows until the time falls upon us.
Advanced Wordsmith
maybe the question should be what was the oldest you gone out with.. I was in my mid 20's she was in her mid 50's.. great times..
Advanced Wordsmith
streaming tv from the internet getting caught up on the shows that i have missed.
Advanced Wordsmith
not to much here.. sorry mexican goddess.. you guys lost your quarterback.. sad
Advanced Wordsmith
That is just rude and inconsiderate of someone's feelings. Just because this site is sexual in nature, doesn't mean that all men are pigs. it only takes one person to mess it up for the rest of us. what an ass..
Advanced Wordsmith
help out my friends that are in need with a big party. oh yeah supply canvas for above.. lol
Advanced Wordsmith
everyone here on lush a happy early thanksgiving. smile It's that time of the year where we break our diets for some good food. :) Enjoy all.
Advanced Wordsmith
no just got thrown out the window on that one.. HELL FUCKING NO!!! Have you lost your mind and drop sanity off a cliff??
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Danand
I dislike making generalisations. Especially about the opposite sex.

Despite many opinions to the contrary, men are people too (they're a little less evolved than women, but hey, that's not their fault.) And being people they are prone to a wide variety of individual difference.

I will say this. The one thing that might actually be common to all men is their utter refusal to stop the freaking car when lost and already 15 minutes late for the social engagement you're headed to and ASK SOMEONE FOR FUCKING DIRECTIONS.

It's about the only thing I can think of that really gets on my tits, seems to cross all cultural, religious and socioeconomic boundaries and actually be true of everyone with a penis.

Even gay guys are like it.

how do you think us men find new places to take a woman. getting lost never just taking the scenic route. lol.. that is how we find our way around traffic as well.. smile
Advanced Wordsmith
if i deem her ugly then she will fit into the friend category and nothing will come of it. no second thoughts about it. why subject a person to disappointment. would you yourself wanted to be treated like that ugly kid that no ones wants to play with??
Advanced Wordsmith
it wouldn't matter to me because it would be rude to call your parents by their first name.. its always been mom and dad for me..
Advanced Wordsmith
for the nfc the Panthers..

for the afc.. i have to go with my Raiders..
Advanced Wordsmith
women telling me how to drive.. can't stand a side seat driver.. i bought a muscle car for a reason.. if i wanted to be driving in the slow lane i would have bought a slower car..

man excuse.. my car doesn't start to run right until it reaches 100 mph.. lol
Advanced Wordsmith
i have to agree with Anamber. I have had the pleasure to go both up and down in the age scale. It really depends on the person that you are with. do they have an open mind that is willing to try different things? that is what keeps a relationship interesting.
Advanced Wordsmith
i guess it depends.. if its cold, i wear my boxers, but prefer to sleep in the nude..
Advanced Wordsmith
Honesty is always the best policy. sometimes honesty hurts the ones that you love, but they have to know what you're thinking. It will also put a strain on friendships. if they are a true friend they will understand that you are saying something out of unconditional love.
Advanced Wordsmith
Some tattoo's are a form of expression while others want art. i firmly believe that a good tattoo artist that takes pride in their work will alter the design. point being is some places will look better than others. if they have done many tattoo's then they should be able to suggest the best placement. I have four tattoos myself and each has their own story behind them. So if you want to look at it as art fine by me. i could care less what others think. bottom line.
Advanced Wordsmith
I like to stay in shorts mostly just in case someone does a surprise visit, like the police. lol
Advanced Wordsmith
I may not say it all the time, but you do things that reassures them of unconditional love. something as small as taking out the trash for them on garbage day.
Advanced Wordsmith
heights. and when i use to be a bus driver hitting a motorcyclist. (thank god i never did because it would have been game over.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Dudealicious that is competition, but along those lines. i only have one sub in my car and i had to amp my inside speakers so i could her the words of the song. I'm not the type that likes to have his music being shared with everyone. i bought it for me to enjoy. you can barely hear it when standing next to my truck vibrating.

although i do recall this one time i put a chick on my truck and when the sub hit she jumped off squeezing her legs together.. lol
Advanced Wordsmith
I have one car that i hooked up with some sounds because i just can't stand stock speakers. they don't get the quality that I'm looking for.

The question is do you get inside and ride or keep walking?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by AnnieLuvsToFu
I like to lap dance with my panties offsmile and so do the lucky guys!

to bad I'm not one of those lucky guys..
Advanced Wordsmith
I feel that if you post them as you write them, the story might lose it's substance due to a deadline for later chapters to finish your story. I would rather spend the extra time to finish off the story over just having something posted.
Advanced Wordsmith
Sometimes I just walk away and listen to music. I will also turn my attention to watching television and another thing in my arsenal would be to just write another story. I have also been known to just stop writing for a week or two to gather my thoughts as life gets rough. Sometimes surfing the internet or watching television will give you an idea or a starting point.
Advanced Wordsmith
I believe it has it's benefits as well it's downfalls. On the uptake of things, you are sharing ideas hoping for feedback on the idea, which will hopefully lead into another great idea. You also gain the benefit of another person's experiences that you yourself might not have experienced or had the same experience. I love bouncing ideas off of my friends to see what they may think about a certain topic I might be writing about.

Downfall is you have to be open to their reactions. I know for me, since my friends are usually the ones that I'm bouncing ideas off of, they tend to be more harsh. I would rather know I might be heading down the wrong path.