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Quote by explore_yourself
That would be different for everyone, but with me, I enjoy some amount of control over the man, and fantasizing about that.

Cool. by control do you mean you want to be on top controlling everything? or telling him what to do? or do you mean it as in the guys tied up or something?
Is there an opposite to cum tributes? Women getting off over a man or woman?
Quote by kinky_girl
When my husband and I sleep together, his general rule of thumb is that he likes me to have three orgasms before he even penetrates me. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes I have another while we are fucking. And sometimes I'll have another five or more.

When I masturbate one can satisfy me. On other occasions I've been known to reach around 17.

It's more like when you're hungry and you have a normal meal. Sometimes that is enough to sate you. Other times you have dessert too. Occasionally you have a three course meal. And then other times you have a three course meal, followed by cheese and biscuits, an after dinner coffee and a few chocolates.

As for filling a car, it's like when the pump clicks to tell you the tank is full. Sometimes you leave it at that. But sometimes it's like £48.13 so you fill it up to £49. Then you think 'fuck it's and make it a round £50 by squeezing that little bit more in. And if you overshoot and make it £50.06 you keep going until you hit £51.

Different days, needs, feelings, scenarios, time between orgasms.... It all makes a huge difference between whether one or twenty cums will satisfy me. Your body knows when you're done.

That makes sense but I have a few more questions.

As a guy lets say I hold off and have 3-4 multiple orgasms without ejaculating the orgasms feel really good but they dont really do anything about the sexual tension thats built up / the reason im masturbating or having sex that sexual tension still just keeps rising its like your getting more and more excited feeling good but your excitement levels are still rising. When I have an orgasm where I ejaculate that basically releases all that sexual tension whether its sexual tension I just built up at that time or whether it was sexual tension thats built up over days of not having sex or masturbating. It basically feels like all your urges and all your sexual tension is gone. I think multiple orgasms feel good but they are like eating the icing without the cake and Ejaculating is like your getting the cake so its like when you orgasm your eating the icing but your still staring at and craving that cake if that makes sense.

Im curious if women have anything similar a fixed point they eventually need to reach regardless of the orgasms they have along the way? or are womens orgasms different like maybe a womans orgasms take away from the sexual tension so when youve had x number of orgasms your sexual urges eventually get satisfied to the point you reach something similar to what guys get from ejaculation.
Im confused: If you can just keep having orgasms how do you ever reach the point where your satisfied?

Ill try to explain what I mean: lets imagine for a minute that sex is like eating and the urge to have sex/be sexually satisfied is your hunger. Having an orgasm is supposed to fulfil that hunger and make you feel full. Now imagine your hunger resets after each orgasm doesnt that mean you will always feel hungry for more and never reach that point where you feel full and satisfied?

Lets look at the same example with a car: Say that sex is like the gas tank, being sexually satisfied is when the needle is on full, now lets say orgasms are you trying to fill the tank up, now imagine you try to fill the tank multiple times but the tank just resets its self to empty because theres a giant hole in it, wouldnt that mean the needle can never reach full?

Do women have a point where they are fully satisfied and how do you get out of the multiple orgasms loop to get to the part where your done?

Sorry if Im over complicating things but I would like to understand things better and would really appreciate if you could help and explain things as detailed as possible. Thanks
Well I'm curious about some stuff about female orgasms...I have given orgasms to women, even multiple orgasms that's not really the problem.

Ill try to explain it the simplest way I can hopefully that will give you a better understanding of how to make me understand how things work for you.

Well for me personally as a guy when I have an orgasm usually I pretty much ejaculate just after it. So the orgasm feels like contractions that feel good and then I ejaculate while thats happening or after it.

I understand some guys can have multiple orgasms too with practice. I myself have had them. The way multiple orgasms work in guys is we basically have to practice to get close to orgasm and just go over the edge or the orgasm without getting close to ejaculating. After 1 orgasm the guy kind of stops stimulation for a bit and then he can do the same again have another orgasm carefully without ejaculating. Then either we eventually lose control and ejaculate or just get tired and just ejaculate to finish.

The part I dont understand:

for me when I ejaculate that kind of feels like all my tension is released, I feel fully satisfied, It kind of feels like I dont need any more sex, I just lose interest in sex.

So whether I have multiple orgasms or whether I have 1 I always ejaculate at the end and thats what satisfies me and gets me to the end a place where I feel like im done iv had enough.

What I dont understand about women:
As far as I know about women who have multiple orgasms is that they can have 1 orgasm then start going again and have another and another.

Do women ever reach a place that is similar to us ejaculating? Do you ever reach an ending like us that just feels like your satisfied and had enough.

Because here is what I thought:

If you can always have more orgasms, what makes you stop at 2 or 3 etc?

If you can just go on and have more and you didnt really reach any place that felt like an ending, don't you just crave more and more?

An example: Suppose you never ever felt full and someone put the most delicious sweets etc in front of you wouldn't you just keep eating them because you never felt full. How would you stop eating those after eating 2 or 3 when you could eat the whole bowl and never feel full.

A bad example but hopefully you know what I mean in terms of female orgasms or do women have a place similar to guys that once you reach it your fully satisfied and dont want sex.

If women do have a thing similar to guys where you feel like its enough how do you get to that place? how many orgasms does it take to get you there? How can I be sure when I am with a woman I am getting her to that place and i am not just leaving her when shes really craving for more? Is there anyway a guy can understand this.

It would be great if any of you ladies could help me understand. Please be as detailed as you can I really appreciate your help.
Thanks everyone for getting back smile I'm reading everyone's responses please keep them coming smile
Quote by Chrissyy
So here is my take…women are very specific about what turns them on visually and men are not so much. In other words…boobs in general…big, small, fake, real…makes no difference, many guys I know are just generally turned on by them. Some guys are turned on by a perfect body or the perfect ass and some guys like a more “real world” natural every day body. Men are generally, physically turned on by all of these things and none in particular.

Women are a bit more specific. Yes, a nice looking, well-built man is a turn on, but it is more than that. The look on his face, the look in his eyes, or the idea that he might touch us that is really the turn on. Not so much just his looks, but what we imagine we would enjoy doing with someone who looked like that.

Women, (me) are turned on by the way someone makes her feel…..and that includes the way they look but it also includes when they do certain things that make us feel good. If a man (or woman, because make no mistake, women are turned on by women too), looks at us a certain way and they have other physical attributes that we like to see, that affects us. If someone touches certain places like the small of your back as you enter a room or brushing hands when reaching for something, even if by accident it can send shivers down my spine and fill my mind with what else I’d like them to do. A simple act of brushing my hair off my shoulder has my head spinning sometimes. (right person, right circumstances)

Physically what does “turned on” mean? To me, it could mean a whole host of things but I think in short it is the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your body by a touch or a smile or a look from across the room by someone who is pleasing to our eyes. It is a high that we want more of right now! I feel warm inside, tingly all over, and yes, wet when someone is, says, or does something that sparks my libido into high gear.

That is just my take…we are women though and we are not all the same, thank heaven!

Hey thanks for getting back, really interesting to know. Most guys I know personally they are like you said so they are mostly into breasts or butts or both and dont have a specific type they are into.

Me personally I do have specific types but I try not to let women know what they are so they don't feel bad about it if they don't have those specific types I'm really into and I'm not saying they are a total deal breaker either like I would still date someone and give them a chance or if they were friends with me in the past and I knew shes a decent woman has a good personality I would still give her a chance and it wouldn't matter.

Me personally I dont like fake breasts or butts, I prefer natural even if they are small.

I think all breasts and butts are beautiful but theres just certain types that just turn me on a lot more than others.

I'm into women more that have small to medium breasts,
I dont understand why women want to have their breasts enlarged when there's probably more guys like me out there that are the opposite and prefer small,medium natural breasts. I mean I kind of like something not too big that I can hold and feel in my hands.

Butts I do have a few specific shape im into aswell.

Mostly women that visually turn me on or that Im just attracted to have those specific things about them but I have dated women who started out as friends or just got to know them randomly and they didnt have those specific things about them but other things about them turned me on/ things they said/did got things started and I think once iv thought about someone in a sexual way like what might happen in bed etc then I find it easier to be turned on by them again like next time I see them ill think about the same things again. So looks aren't everything things can just start and you start feeling the right things for that person.

I mean I do think about all those things as well the look on her face, the way she looks at me, smiles at me,that look in her eyes, I think about the way she touched me as well, things like when women move their hair to the side, fix it or play with it etc, when you touch us or brush against us.

we are turned on visually as well but other things you do turn us on as well or add to it making us want you more.

You said women are turned on by other women? would you say all or most women are into other women? Is it a curiosity thing or would they just prefer another woman over a guy?
Quote by pink_pussy


Nice to know smile thanks for getting back to me
How long do you normally masturbate for?

Whats the longest you've masturbated?

What got you so horny?

How many times did you orgasm?

You dont have to answer all just answer what you can the more the better.
Hey Gillianleeeza, what kind of things have you masturbated to? I dont mean all the obvious stuff(porn etc). I mean different things like maybe a guys picture or something belonging to a guy or fetishes or other things that you just got off to?
Im just curious about what women do when they masturbate.

Tell me about all the naughty things you've done, different places you've masturbated and things you've masturbated to.

You dont have to answer all the questions but the more details the better...

What have you masturbated to?

Do you have any masturbation fetishes etc?

Where have you masturbated?

What have you masturbated with?

How many times do you do it in a day/week etc?
Iv always wondered if women are visually turned on like us guys are?

By visually turned on I mean like the way we check out womens breasts, butts etc and it turns us on.

Are women turned on by us in the same way?
Its not that Im saying it cant happen or doesnt happen its just Im a guy so I dont know what its like for women.

Whats the same as us looking at your breasts, butts etc? Do guys have anything that turns you on like that visually?

If your turned on visually by a guy what exactly do you feel sexually? what happens?

Iv asked women before but I always seem to get answers like:
women go for personality,
women arent visual,
women need to be touched,
seeing a guy topless does nothing for me but then ya can see the way they look at you when your topless.

Then there's articles and stuff that stay women aren't visual etc but then some women tell me that things are the same for women its just they arent willing to admit it.

Im confused and dont know whats real or fake anymore.

Would be great to hear from some women about how things work for you?
