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ladies can you please explain multiple orgasms and how the ending works? Please read details

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Im confused: If you can just keep having orgasms how do you ever reach the point where your satisfied?

Ill try to explain what I mean: lets imagine for a minute that sex is like eating and the urge to have sex/be sexually satisfied is your hunger. Having an orgasm is supposed to fulfil that hunger and make you feel full. Now imagine your hunger resets after each orgasm doesnt that mean you will always feel hungry for more and never reach that point where you feel full and satisfied?

Lets look at the same example with a car: Say that sex is like the gas tank, being sexually satisfied is when the needle is on full, now lets say orgasms are you trying to fill the tank up, now imagine you try to fill the tank multiple times but the tank just resets its self to empty because theres a giant hole in it, wouldnt that mean the needle can never reach full?

Do women have a point where they are fully satisfied and how do you get out of the multiple orgasms loop to get to the part where your done?

Sorry if Im over complicating things but I would like to understand things better and would really appreciate if you could help and explain things as detailed as possible. Thanks
When my husband and I sleep together, his general rule of thumb is that he likes me to have three orgasms before he even penetrates me. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes I have another while we are fucking. And sometimes I'll have another five or more.

When I masturbate one can satisfy me. On other occasions I've been known to reach around 17.

It's more like when you're hungry and you have a normal meal. Sometimes that is enough to sate you. Other times you have dessert too. Occasionally you have a three course meal. And then other times you have a three course meal, followed by cheese and biscuits, an after dinner coffee and a few chocolates.

As for filling a car, it's like when the pump clicks to tell you the tank is full. Sometimes you leave it at that. But sometimes it's like £48.13 so you fill it up to £49. Then you think 'fuck it's and make it a round £50 by squeezing that little bit more in. And if you overshoot and make it £50.06 you keep going until you hit £51.

Different days, needs, feelings, scenarios, time between orgasms.... It all makes a huge difference between whether one or twenty cums will satisfy me. Your body knows when you're done.
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Quote by kinky_girl
When my husband and I sleep together, his general rule of thumb is that he likes me to have three orgasms before he even penetrates me. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes I have another while we are fucking. And sometimes I'll have another five or more.

When I masturbate one can satisfy me. On other occasions I've been known to reach around 17.

It's more like when you're hungry and you have a normal meal. Sometimes that is enough to sate you. Other times you have dessert too. Occasionally you have a three course meal. And then other times you have a three course meal, followed by cheese and biscuits, an after dinner coffee and a few chocolates.

As for filling a car, it's like when the pump clicks to tell you the tank is full. Sometimes you leave it at that. But sometimes it's like £48.13 so you fill it up to £49. Then you think 'fuck it's and make it a round £50 by squeezing that little bit more in. And if you overshoot and make it £50.06 you keep going until you hit £51.

Different days, needs, feelings, scenarios, time between orgasms.... It all makes a huge difference between whether one or twenty cums will satisfy me. Your body knows when you're done.

That makes sense but I have a few more questions.

As a guy lets say I hold off and have 3-4 multiple orgasms without ejaculating the orgasms feel really good but they dont really do anything about the sexual tension thats built up / the reason im masturbating or having sex that sexual tension still just keeps rising its like your getting more and more excited feeling good but your excitement levels are still rising. When I have an orgasm where I ejaculate that basically releases all that sexual tension whether its sexual tension I just built up at that time or whether it was sexual tension thats built up over days of not having sex or masturbating. It basically feels like all your urges and all your sexual tension is gone. I think multiple orgasms feel good but they are like eating the icing without the cake and Ejaculating is like your getting the cake so its like when you orgasm your eating the icing but your still staring at and craving that cake if that makes sense.

Im curious if women have anything similar a fixed point they eventually need to reach regardless of the orgasms they have along the way? or are womens orgasms different like maybe a womans orgasms take away from the sexual tension so when youve had x number of orgasms your sexual urges eventually get satisfied to the point you reach something similar to what guys get from ejaculation.
Sometimes you just get too tired to have
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
there's no specific point. often i've had enough but my husband can give me more. i guess it's just when you tell him that enough is fucking enough.
Just because we can keep going, doesn't mean we aren't's just means, well we can keep going so why not. Sometimes my last one may not be as strong as my 1st but it still feels good and if we are still fooling around, why not keep going. Sometimes they stay so strong all the way till the last one and I am exhausted and just can't keep going. I have not found a limit to mine, I keep trying though ?
Your gas tank analogy is a bit strange, but I can be satisfied with one huge orgasm, or several smaller ones, but still be able to enjoy more until either my clit gets overly sensitized or my pussy muscles get sore from spasming too much.
In general, women have far more sexual stamina than men. Also, foreplay is usually more important for women than for most men. Men who have the patience and empathy to become experts in various foreplay techniques have a chance to become better lovers. Few will ever be able to experience more than two or three orgasms.
Quote by 69Kisses96
In general, women have far more sexual stamina than men. Also, foreplay is usually more important for women than for most men. Men who have the patience and empathy to become experts in various foreplay techniques have a chance to become better lovers. Few will ever be able to experience more than two or three orgasms.

Cant agree more on this topic.