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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 155
United States


Yes. Feels and as mentioned earlier, smells, so sensual
This is a tough one to answer. First, as good as a custard filled donut is, it's still not as good as sex. Then there is the issue of control, which admittedly becomes more difficult as the action gets more intense. So, unlike trying to multi-task with a donut, I'm unlikely to cum without warning on my keyboard. However, I have had to clean up after many times.
It's perfectly fine to be naive, or uninformed, but there is no reason to be embarrassed about it. I think it's great, that you're comfortable enough to admit something you didn't know, and ask about it.
Shape and size are not as important as how she feels about herself. And I think, that is shown by how she dresses. Whether sexy or not, it's how careful she was in choosing her clothes.
Thanks for the info. Can't wait to check them all out.
Just big for either, doesn't do it for me. A women's body is more than the sum of its parts. It's the way she carries herself, how she feels about herself which comes across as sexy and beautiful. That said, I'm more inclined to watch a lovely butt in tight jeans or a tight skirt.
I often wake up hard and aroused, but without having a orgasm
Simple answer: Yes. It enhances their figure, and in an erotic manner covers their "naughty bits" ( to quote Monty Python).
I'm not sure the sex of the author is as important as his/her's topic, writing ability, imagination, and content. However, there are times when I prefer the perspective of a man, as I can out myself in his shoes (although hopefully his shoes and all other clothing is long gone). And other times, when I want a completely different viewpoint.
Having her tell me what she wants me to do to her, and what she is doing to herself
Let's be honest. We're all here because we're interested to obsessed with sex. And this is an easy forum for delving into places where you might not otherwise go. So yes, I have fantasized about having sex with another guy, and chatted with other men, with the ultimate aim of cumming.
Of course it depends on the story and how hot it gets me, whether I masturbate to it. Almost all make me hard, and if they don't I usually don't finish them.
As with most anything, if you both enjoy it, and it's not hurting anyone, go for it
First, I wouldn't want you to delete your pics as they're very very sexy. But you have to ask yourself, if he's being unreasonable asking that. And maybe that answer would come from asking yourself, how you would feel if he did the same; sexted and posted pics of himself.
This isn't exactly a new story idea, but I'm writing about a male voyeur watching 2 women. The women are attracted to each other and are performing sexually. The story is from the male's viewpoint, but I am having some problems relating to the women. How attracted are 2 women who are basically straight? What sexual acts might they perform on each other? It's primarily from the voyeur's viewpoint, but I would hope to get it right from both viewpoints.
I have to go with the lotion moistened hand job. It's easier to control, and can last much longer, as it seems women don't want to give a BJ forever,
When I first look at a woman. I quickly scan her, top-bottom. Assuming she is good looking and sexy, my eyes are drawn to which ever part of her is the sexiest; whether it be her face , legs, ass, etc. Of course I don't stop there, but look at all the interesting bits as they become visible. And of course, I try not to stare, or at least get caught.
Quote by naughtyannie
If he's a nice guy and wants me to swallow, I will. But I like the feel of hot cum on my tits.

I do always swallow if I'm giving oral to someone at a party or club - that way it's easier to go back to the party without worrying about having cum on your face or clothing smile

A practical way of handling it. Is that something you learned from experince?
I'm writing a story which contains orals sex and would like some input so as to create a realistic event. When giving a guy oral sex, what do you do if/when he cums? Pull away, swallow, accept but spit it out, etc?
Sure, why not. It's no more gay/bi than stroking it, and many of us have gay/bi fantasies in any case. the only thing keeping me from it is that I'm not a contortionist.
What isn't there to like about BBW"s? They are soft, cuddly and oh so much fun. Of course it depends on how they feel about themselves, but that's true of all of us. The most beautiful woman might not be sexy because of her demeanor. The picture on your profile of the woman riding a cock describes it all.
Both. It depends from which side I first see a shapely woman, but if I see her boobs first and am attracted to her I almost always turn and watch her pass by. And it seems if her ass or boobs attract me, than the other also seems shapely too. I guess if she has one, she also has the other. Size isn't as important as shape and proportion.
Quote by jeff970
While reading to get aroused (and I assume that's why you read these) do you prefer slang, ie: tit, cock, etc or proper language, ie: breast, penis? Is the use of a word a turn on or off?

Do you prefer fairly tame slang such as boob or pussy, or like or accept harsher language such as cunt?
There is a similar question at "ask the guys". On a regular basis, how often do you feel the need to masturbate. Do you do it just until it feels good, or to orgasm? What causes you to need to masturbate; porn videos, or pictures, stories, getting home after a date, etc?