Oh my god!!! I never knew you spurted over your computer as we chatted!! That puts a whole new complexion on our relationship, Daisy!!! Eeek!!
I really cannot wait to see what the lush masses have to say about this...
ROFLMAO! I wouldn't know about the wanking onto keyboard stuff, but that right there was funny! Thanx, Shylass and Mazza. I have been known to get crumbs into my keyboard. A vacuum on high power with a screen to keep the keys from getting sucked in seems to work.
Ha Ha. I usually have a home made prepared sex toy for the moment of truth consisting of a towel and a well lubricated rubber glove.
First of all, when guys have a wank they can't multitask. Our other hand is curled into a useless fist usually clutching a pillow or something else that reminds us of our absent beloved. Also; we can't speak, we can't see, we can't breathe, we can't think rationally, if fact we're not much use for anything until it's all over - only then do we start thinking about cleaning up.
This is a tough one to answer. First, as good as a custard filled donut is, it's still not as good as sex. Then there is the issue of control, which admittedly becomes more difficult as the action gets more intense. So, unlike trying to multi-task with a donut, I'm unlikely to cum without warning on my keyboard. However, I have had to clean up after many times.
Thanks for this shylass, now I want a custard filled donut!
this thread is a cream filled yummy that keeps giving..lmao..love it!!
Been there, done that. Have the cum stained tanker to prove it.
I use an iPad and it cleans fairly easily. God bless Steve Jobs and his ergonomic designs!