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Over 90 days ago


Active Ink Slinger
Aside from the mismanagement of the medical supply chain, why blame Trump? At least 30% of Americans are crazy and lack common sense. Trump didn't force them to sing in choirs, go to rallies, have family gatherings, hang out in large numbers in indoor bars. He didn't forbid them to wear masks. Americans just hate their neighbors. Masks save lives - who the Hell cares? Infect your grandma, or someone else's. They think the numbers are fake and it's all a Democratic, socialist, communist, Black Lives Matter, Jewish, Muslim, gay, Gates, plot. Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, avoid crowds, stay safe.
Active Ink Slinger
Not many Lush members seem to know that I write realy interesting stories. "Flanders" and "Extraciricular Swim" are micro and would take only a mnute to read. "Only Dinner" is worth a read, too.
Active Ink Slinger
I will verify that you are entiteled to the happiest of birthdays and unlimited more. Happy birthday Henke!
Active Ink Slinger
On the roof

Will someome Pleeeese read and comment on "Extraciricular Swim." It's micro- will onle take a minute
Active Ink Slinger
Techgoddess - Sorry! I didn't look at the previous page. And I'm a little quick to call people idiots. But I'm so distraught that people don't take the virus seriously, including the president. And I read such crazy and bizzar things here. And No, 72 isn't too old to pay someone to deface your skin and possibly leave you with a very nasty infection.
Active Ink Slinger
I knew her last, but not her first name. She was the office manager of an office I had to visit and reorganize the sales staff. She had generously arranged for me to spend my first night in town at her home.
Active Ink Slinger
I knew her last, but not her first name. She was the office manager of an office I had to visit and reorganize the sales staff. She had generously arranged for me to spend my first night in town at her home.
Active Ink Slinger
Venessa - I mean every word I say, It's only words and words are all I have to wish you the happiest of birthdays.
Active Ink Slinger
You're not too old at all. Have "I'm an idiot," tatted across your forehead. With the virus rampant, what you really need is to create a large inked opening in your skin for the virus to enter. Wash your hands, wear a mask, keep your distance, stay inside, be safe.
Active Ink Slinger
Terri - I'll let you break and give you two shots to each of mine
Active Ink Slinger
I not only respond to comments, which are few, but I make an effort to read one of the commentator's stories, if the commentator is a writer. This has led me to read interesting work and make friends that are worth making. If a writer is too busy to acknowledge comments she/he shouldn't publish. There ims a process involved and the writer should conform to the process.
Active Ink Slinger
A woman who is really interested in sex has a very short, trim landing strip, plain or in the shape of an arrow, or even a heart. A guy doesn't need to be hairy either.
Active Ink Slinger
I was suposed to say something nice about the person above me, but you're the chick who put Cummings and Wiesel on the same list, so fuck it!
Active Ink Slinger
Stormdog - Sorry! By published authors I meant people who have had books published or stories published in anthologies, not people published on Lush. Your attitude toward those new to Lush really enforces the need for a comp restricted to those who are new. You might see how much correction I need and check the correction that changed a needed plural to a singular. In the last comp, of 3 winners and 20 mentions, there wasn't one without an art emogi. The judges see familiar names and know who writes well. The work should be judged without the judges being aware of who wrote it. (If that isn't the case now.) If you do't want to punish Lush long timers by exclusion, have a comp restricted to long timers, or better still, long time very best writers.
Active Ink Slinger
Sprite Sorry, sorry, by published authors I meant people who have had books published or stories in anthologies. People published on Lush (who have been here 30 months or fewer,) are fine. In the last comp, of 23, winners and mentions there wasn't without an art amogi.
Active Ink Slinger
I would like a comp restricted to those who have been on the site 30 months or fewer, are not comp winners and are not published authors. At least half the judges would come from the same group and judging would be based on content, not how well the entry was embellisshed with art.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm on lush writing, but if you'll read "Cum for Extraciricullar Swim, " in micro I"ll read several of yours'.
Active Ink Slinger
Don't imbibe - Will someone, anyone, please read and comment on "swim" in micro. It will only take you 2 minutes to read
Active Ink Slinger
I spent my first college year at a junior college where, having little interest in classes, I played a lot of bridge in the student union. One of the bridge players was a leggy blond who discovered over coffee that I practically passed her house on the commute to school. We decided to car pool. Which is a long introduction to telling that she was the first female I ever heard say, "fuck," which she shouted out the car window at someone who tooted a horn. Soon she was complaining about her period and telling me about being fitted for an IUD. She went on to complain the her current boyfriend's cock wasn't sufficiently large and anyway, her girlfriend was a much better lover. Graphic descriptions of sexual encounters made the commute go quickly but made it difficult to concentrate on driving. One morning while telling me how her girlfriend knew how to lift the cover of her clit with her tongue, she noticed a bulge in my pants and asked if I wanted (needed) a blow job. Like an idiot I thanked her but told her we were almost at school.
Active Ink Slinger
Biden presidency
Democrat Senate majority
Democrats retain House
Reform tax system
Imigration reform
Reinstatement of international treties
Incremental steps to universal health care
Social Security increase
Steps toward guaranteed anual wage
Active Ink Slinger
As it's the week of Memorial Day, please read In Flanders Fields. It's micro, will only take 2 minutes and will satisfy your obligation to really think about Memorial Day. I'm hesitent about self promotion but it has been reviewed kindly by some of the site's most gifted writers. And then I'll read your best story.
Active Ink Slinger
Some of you who run might want to read: "Once A Runner" by John L. Parker Jr. It is thought of as the definative book on distance running. When I ran in college and took Track and Field Method for credit we wer told that you never paracticed at the distance you were going to race. You ran short for speed and long for endurance. My Osteopath told me I should have quit running at 40.
Active Ink Slinger
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. Pls read micro - In Flanders' Fields
Active Ink Slinger
Both Artful Dodger and Buz denegrated the VA. You haven't said they are off topic. Pres. Trump is slowly privatizing the VA and vets are being given vouchers for private care. The VA was given as bad example of what universal health care would be like. It is a good example. I attempted, in my ignorant way, to point that out. Sorry my text and spelling offended you.
Active Ink Slinger
I doubt if the Artful Dodger or Buz have ever visited a VA facility, much less been treated at one. I can only speak for the VA medical care I have received. I have always been able to access care when I needed it and been treated with great courtesy and respect. There is never more than a 15 minute wait when you check in to see a doctor. The Navy coremen who take blood pressure, etc., are courteous and business like. Doctors have time to listen and offer alternatives. I pay a $7 co pay for a drug that costs more than $1,000 a month. I can access my medical records on line and any VA specialist I see has access to my complete records. I am very healthy. The VA has accessable mental health, weight loss and drug addiction programs. The VA didn't tell me to "Go fuck myself," I was told to come in and be healthy. The VA is one of the world's most efficient health care systems. Ninety eight percent of Vets getting VA care would not want it privitised.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with 24 of the 26 statements made by Well Made Male. Not agreeing with 2 probably makes me a Liberal and not a Progressive. !. No one needs a gun. You're more likely to win the lottery than have to defend yourself against an armed intruder. But a gun in the house means your kid can become one of the 2,500 that die of gun shot wounds yearly. The 2nd Amendment gives one the right to join the National Guard, not own an AK 47. 2. Sure, let's let the wonderful Palestinians , who are just awfull to women, and blow up Jewish pre schools with rockets, have all of Palestine. Over the decades they've rejected every opertunity to have a state . They are poligimists who teach their children in school that Jews are donkeys and apes and need to be killed. Gaza functioned well when Israelis ran it. Now it is an open sewer. The West Bank is more than big enough for peaceful coexistance. Now instead of talking Abbas wants to incite violence.