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3 weeks ago
Straight Male, 69
0 miles · Mashpee


Greetings, I am a sixty-seven year-old guy who picked the name of heelzanpearls in memory
of my dear wife who passed away spring of 2010 after twenty happy years of marriage.
She was a lovely woman, a great friend, and what a great cook! Shortly after my wife passed 
away I happened to meet a lady, Rosie, thirteen years older than me. Rosie liked me as I was,
the rough bearded biker kind of guy who as she said, "looked ruggedly handsome."
Rosie passed away on April first of 2016 and though she lives with Jesus, she took a very large
part of me with her. So many nice little things remind me of my wife Dorothy and Rosie, they
both loved that I enjoyed writing or trying to write erotica and told me things from a woman's
point of view and that I will always remember.

Currently I am trying to increase my smarts on English and all the parts of a sentence so I can write erotica and not give the nice mods here the want to go into a coma or feel suicide is not all bad when they see I submitted a story.

Death, it plain sucks but there's not a thing I can do about it, all I can do is be grateful for the
memories I have and get back to living, I am not trying to be cold about my losses as their
memories so warm my heart at times. What also stinks with a BIG S is loneliness, Having
had a wonderful woman in my life for thirty-one years and suddenly ladyless, I feel now with 
the loneliness I suffer as if something in me up and died and what is sad is I don't even
really care anymore. I married a Dainty dearness Jan 06 2019 and a year and 2 months later
taken away by pneumonia and sepsis. No Condolences from anyone in my family that stinks,
it must be covered up by their fake act of catholicism, but the day to day loneliness and the 
nights are bad at times. . .One can do alright in other ways but loneliness is like dampness
in ones heart and soul, it literally takes a spark or two out of life and it doesn't do much for
ignition magnetos either.

I'm an avid biker, having ridden back in the 70's It was once again time to get a motorcycle
between my ass and the asphalt. So the day b4 Thanksgiving 2012 I bought an old but
running 91 Harley Sportster, put some $$ into her and now she can really kick some ass.
I ride roads like 301 and 41.

I did buy another Harley, a wide glide a fine cruising bike and had a stage 1 upgrade done,
the bike now sounds like a Harley, deep and rumbling, not like a high-class sewing machine 
it sounded like b4 the upgrade

Not long after meeting Rosie, she moved in with me as she wanted to spend her life with me and
shortly after asked if I was allowed to have a dog as I lived in a mobile home park. I was able to as
long as the dog was under fifty lbs. so we started looking for Pugs in the paper, Rosie found a breeder
and by fall of 2011 she once again had the dog she loved, a Pug. Rosie was so happy as we drove
back to the house in my pick-up truck and bandit has given back to us all the love we gave him.

I am also into collecting telegraph apparatus from Western Union and can read Morse from a sounder

I enjoy practicing piano and sketching in charcoal. Also writing stories about the goings on
between older woman and younger men, some being a bit on the side so those stories
are elsewhere on the internet. When I write a story, I like it to be in a city or town I am
familiar with, I could be in Worcester, Taunton or Braintree, Mass or maybe Sarasota or
St.Petersburg Florida and the ladies my imagination conjur up are always at least ten years

Favorite Books
The Rumpole series by John Mortimer.
books by John Steinbeck , The pearl, Mice and men
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield, Christmas carol

Favorite Authors
Charles Dickens, John Mortimer

Favorite Movies
Smokey & the bandit 1 &2
Scent of a woman
Cassablanca, African queen by Humphrey Bogart.
Grand Torino and others by Clint Eastwood.

Favorite TV Shows
N.C.I.S. with Gibbs, DiNozzo, Abby, Ducky, Tim McGee
Ben Matlock
Andy of Mayberry
Perry Mason
The honeymooners
Golden girls

Favorite Music
Classical by Chopin and Beethoven
the pops, songs from the 60's an 70's
Connie Frances and Petula Clarke
country& Western,Moody Blues,eagles

Bob Dylan's older works


Age: 56 - 70
Distance: 50 miles