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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 48
0 miles · Midland


Can you make this an audio story? 1. I want to hear your voice..and 2. I'm feeling too lazy to read
It could any of those things. If I see something i like....I will either olge fora bit, or i'll ogle and than comment.
Quote by trinket
Aaaaaaaaand still trying to bury my post ???. Thanks for playing along. That is all.

Did I tell you guys I AM going to Barcelona with Boss? ?

Your boss? At work?
The extra money would great. Unfortunately im not into dicks. I wonder what women could sucker into paying me...

Note to self... become more attractive and charge women for my company
Quote by trinket
Large Boobs Are Great Companions

They still let you post around here?
Quote by ginger86
no thanks... below

Ouch...that was a bit harsh. He might be a hell of a kisser!
Quote by DamonX
I'm just about to watch it....

I feel like ST is one of the most overrated shows on TV. I get the nostalgic 1980's pseudo Stephen King thing that they go for.....But I just wasn't enamored by the first season.

Maybe I'll watch the first season again before diving into the second.

I thought the 2nd season was pretty good. Has a half-life feel to it. That's a video game from the 90s
Quote by trinket

Lol, says you who drives around doing wheelies on a forklift all day and thinks he's working

The firklift isn't going to move itself!
Quote by trinket
I went to my place of work and pushed pens and paper around my desk for 8 hours and they paid me. That's what I did for money.

Oh probably pushed stuff around for 3 hours tops!
Quote by trinket

Of course not. I'm sure your butt is cute but you know that popping sound you get when you pop bubble stuff you use to protect fragile stuff? Kinda like fire crackers? Yeah that.

Im pretty sure that's called bubble wrap...not bubble butt