fraidseams 31 Jul 2020 More Than A Feeling A wayward teenager absconds from home to meet a man old enough to be her father We headed out for dinner after he’d pissed on me. I swallowed most of it, the rest he did over my face and into my hair, which had lacquered on the walk downtown and now hung over my eyes in taught, bolshie curls like I was some sort of wanna-be teen movie star. The place he chose was on west eighty-sixth, and it struck me as the sort of schizophrenic diner that serves suits and soccer moms by day and hookers and suicidal...
fraidseams 12 May 2020 It's A Shame About Duncan cuckolding my boyfriend on a nudist holiday I hadn’t intended to cheat on Duncan. Well, okay, yeah, I obviously did mean to cheat on Duncan. But prior to arriving in France, I’d never thought myself capable of it, mostly because it seemed unlikely that Evan Dando and I would ever meet. For the record, let it be known that I tried stoically to abstain - but against love and lust, stoicism rarely stands a chance. And Duncan did introduce us, so really, it was his fa...
fraidseams 17 Apr 2020 People Will Talk Shopping for a new bed leads to unique kind of bonding. The three of us went out that Saturday and bought a bed. It was her idea. I chose a wicker one. The plastic ones looked cheap and I liked its oval shape and the way the individual rattan strands intertwined so ornately - and it had a lovely soft cushion that I could curl up and sleep on too. ‘Someone’s going to love this!’ The young man on the till beamed, peering over his counter top in the hope of seeing the four legged...
fraidseams 23 Mar 2020 The Girl I Call She Husband humiliates me with his young, beautiful lover. I didn’t really look at my husband at first. My eyes fixated on her - on those pretty young cheekbones and pert lips, with not a wrinkle or blemish daring to tarnish her silky skin. She couldn’t have been more than twenty, with long slim legs and a bust that defied her petite frame and elfin waist. I hated her for it. Any woman would’ve done. I thought of my own tits - he’d always loved them. But she was at least a cup si...