I for one sure hope the bush isn't making a come back. I lived through the seventies, eighties, and nineties. I was almost positive that I would die from a hairball. I just narrowly escaped that fate, because that ugly bush finally went out of fashion.
My mind is powerful enough to know that spaghetti doesn't look like worms or that rice doesn't look like maggots...it's also powerful enough know that a woman is a woman even if she doesn't have hair there.
Just my thoughts!
It was before Nov. 2009...that was when my wife was first diagnosed with breast cancer,and it was a bit before that event...maybe a year or so! I have to admit that she wasn't the one to stop the sex.
Mostly Scottish, or Irish, or Australian, but some English accents can get the heart pumping. BUT! it has to be from a lady person....guy accents don't do much for me. Example; Billie Piper or Kiera Knightley, could say anything she wanted to me and my jeans would get sticky....Hugh Grant...not so much.
Bostonian, New Yorker, or New Jersey accents along with all Southern (US) accents make people sound illiterate (TO ME!) BUT! again I have heard a few ladies (don't know where they were from) with a southern accent that I could listen to all night and into the morning.
Just Sayin'
Pussy for me. I have fucked in the ass before and while it was really nice there is just something wonderful about the missionary position and a nice pussy. Pussies evolved to have a dick inserted and a dick evolved to be inserted there. And the feeling of our bodies rubbing together, and to be able to look into her eyes and watch her expression...! If someone wants me to fuck their ass I will but it just wouldn't be my first choice.
WOW! I think it may have been on the day this thread was started.....if not it was a little before.
WOW! I think it may have been on the day thread was started.....if not it was a little before.
Pretty kinky!
Grats! You're 61% kinky!
You kinkscore is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do!
"Breakfast Club"
"Dances With Wolves"
The first three "Borne" movies
not in any definite order, and the some others.
The only water sports I like are done indoors or in a meadow in the woods. Sorry but that is truly the only water sports I like.
Well! Yes I dated one many many years.
She wouldn't let me have sex with her but I could do a lot of other things. She was a fantastic kisser, by the way. She would let me suck on her nipples and finger her slit and clit....But Gawd Damn she wouldn't let me get her naked and have my way with her. I told her I would let her have her way with me but I guess she didn't want to take advantage of me.
I love receiving golden showers from a lady. I can't quite but into words what I love about them, but a few people said that it seems to bring a feeling of closeness or intimacy...I tend to agree with them. Other's have said that it is the nasty or nature of sharing something so (usually) private...I find that true as well. It might be that there is something mysterious about the way a lady pees because with a guy everything is out in the open -so to speak. With a lady the urethra is hidden between those wonderful, delicious, sexy labia and unseen. (Sorry for getting carried away describing the labia....they’re just so marvellous.)
Sorry wasn't thinking clearly. This is an "Ask the Gals." question. While I am not (no doubt) the most manly guy here I am still a guy....so I should have kept my situation to myself.
SORRY Ladies.
Well!.......Yes there are many, many, sexual desires and fantasies that I have never shared with my wife, and never will.
I had tried a few times during our marriage to share/communicate some of my fantasies with her and always got shut down immediately. Then about ten or so years ago I decided that I WAS going to talk about it (stupid mood I was going through at the time)and....well things didn't go well after that. Got so bad that as soon as the subject of sex comes up I go away. Sometimes I just go into my head sometimes I physically go away. I will not let my wife know ANYTHING about my sexual side. I opened up about things and she used those very same things to attack, abuse, degrade me.
Sex is completely non existent in our marriage now and has been for 'bout five years.
There are just too many for me to pick only one. It depends a great deal on what day it is and which actress is on the screen or what model is in this magazine right 'NOW'. I think -for the most part- that there very few women that are not sexy. Most every lady has something about her that just knocks my socks off...To try and pick just one...I don't know!!!
Back in the seventies it was Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here". More than one lady liked to take off to the slow, smooth tracks of "Shine on You Crazy Diamond"...Heat up with"Welcome to The Machine"...take it home with "Have A Cigar" ...and cool back down with 'Wish you were here"...And then snuggle up/ spoon to 'Shine on You Crazy Diamond". In fact when one of my ladies got married (about a year or two later) we were all sitting around talking.(I didn't know her new husband and he didn't know me) we started to talk about music and she looked over at me with a wonderful sexy smile and a twinkle in her eye (in her sexy white wedding dress) and said to me "I really like ...What was the name of that album we used to listen to....Oh yes it was "Wish You Were Here...that's right. I really like that album a lot". I knew that I would be back over to see her in the future...without her new husband being there. She told me later that she couldn't listen to a track from that album on the radio without her panties getting wet.
Now of course that was a long long time ago and mind sets change. But it was great music to get Naughty with at the time.