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Over 90 days ago
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United States


love the facts. I wasa stripper for a year, it was fun, adventorous, a great confidence builder!! got to be careful, it is easy to get wrapped up in the fast life. kudos to women everywhere trying to make a living, the smartest business women in the world!!!!
The almighty fight over discipline!!!! I have 5yr od boy, 4 yr old boy and a 9 month old daughter. plus step kids that are 12, 7, adn 5. our house is nuts!!!!! lol. I will tell you that between the ages of 2-5 and it is crucial for the parents to keep the kids busy. Seldom can a child of this age entertain themselves for long and as soon as they're bored, yep, here comes the crayon all over the wall adn the jumping on the bed stuff. You have to entertain them. And i know all to well that after a day of work the last thing you want to do is have a lengthy discussion about spongebob with a three yr old, but you have too. i learned a trick, i was bad about coming in, throwing down my work stuff and launching straight into the nightly chores, while the kids start squabbling and fighting and runing adn jumping and wrestling. The trick i learned was, that i needed to come in and spend my first half hour home sitting down adn listening too or playing with the kids. usually, that half hour of attentio is enough to satisfy them until i get supper done, and theyll go off to play happily. It's not easy, but necessary if u want peace. sometimes, i'll cook supper and he'll take the boys out to play catch or ride the four wheeler. you and your wife are a team, team up!!! i alos love the tip about getting her into hobbies. my 5 yr old is extemely hyper, he never stops. caused us a lot of issues, he even suggested once that we get him put on medicine, that was a huge fight, and i almost left him. i told him we need to step up and find ways for him to use all his extra energy. anyways, we got a trampoline and he jumps for an hour at a time on that thing. we put him into tball adn he is thriving and he loves it!!!! and after practicing in the sun for an hour, he is tired and ready to rest. there are ways and you and your wife need to communicate more. don't let the greatest symbol of your love, your children, wreck your marriage. and, at the end of the day, remember to take a few quiet minutes with your wife, just the two of you, even if its just sitting on the porch or curled on the couch. come together, you'll both feel better knowing your in this together. good luck!!!!!!
haha!! looks like they pissed off hte wrong woman!!! hahahhahaha!!! women should never be underestimated!
you have been sheltered. Please pardon my frankness here, but its sounds as if you dont know any better. someitmes sheltering children is good, but when taken to the extreme, it gets them into more trouble, like not knowing how to say no. Or not knowing and being able to express what you want. You are kinda immature still, and that is not bad, but its not good for where your at. If you feel a stronger need and want to be cellibate, do so!!! You arent even enjoying the sex, adn i can tell you as a girl whos been around, if you dont enjoy it your wasting it!! all your doing is being a cum dumpster for some jerk. I suggest you remove yourself fromt he temptation since you find you cant say no, and surround yourself with other cellibate people. And love yourself enough to get to know yourself better and better understand what you want for yourself, then go for it!!!! good luck sweets, take care!!
Quote by intelutside
Quote by ali2teaseu
Wasn't this recently asked? My only advice: careful what you ask for.

Quote by Lisa
Fantasy is one thing, but when you start bringing emotions into it you could end up with a result you never expected/wanted.

The idea of it might be enough of a turn on for her. She may not want anything more than that.

they've already said what was in my mind, useless to repeat it. hmm... all i can type is... For me i'ts weird. she's your wife, I mean she should be like a special gem that you would not let others to touch only you. hmm.. something like that . I hope I made my point

i agree. my lover and i are both openminded and very willing to accomadate each others desires, one desire is being with other people. we talked about it and agreed, another person is fine to play with, i will not fuck another man and he will not fuck another woman. I am allowed to play with another woman while he watches and i have, we have watched another couple. the point being, we love each other and hold our sexual bond as a sacred thing. i do not want another woman experiencing the same thing as me and he doesnt want another man coming near me, im his. we TALKED about it, came to these conclusions, and are happy. Read my'll see what i mean, the story is true. i will occasionally play with another woman and she with me, but the actual joining, thats saved for us....noone else. COMMUNICATION!!!!
Quote by Milik_The_Red
Another point you should think about is how is the other man is going to react long term. Having sex is a emotionally powerful act and it is very possible that this guy down the street that you mentioned
may not be willing to except a one time encounter and probably won't be excited to have you watch the next time h wants your wife. Are you prepared to have him pursuing her? Is she? These are just some of the possible ways this could become a problem. Another is will he be discreet, or is he going to tell other guys that you wife may be in play?

i agree. i would have the other man be an outsider. you dont want someone with any emotions involved. keep it simple adn to the point!!!! id probably go out of town for this escapade! after all, the point of the whole thing is to live both of your fantasies and strengthen your bond right? you dont want to switch to her finding a better partner down the street......keep it impersonal, keep it pure hormonal bliss.
I believe that is a very normal fantasy sweets. and since you both get turned on by the idea, and you know she loves the idea, set it up. its probably that you're wife is nervous and shy, she probably doesnt want to come out and say to you, yes i want another man! kudos to her for thinking of your feelings. Id find a guy thats willing, secure a hotel room, take her to it and have him be there. she will probably be so surprised, she wont know what to do. i know someone that had another man walk into the room after they had already started fucking, she was so into the sex that all she could do was look surprised, things took their natural course from there, so you could try that too, that way your wife doesnt feel so much like she is being disloyal or a whore. just jump on it and i doubt either of you will regret it!!!! Kisses!
I feel your pain, been there. lonely is the worst feeling in the world. You need to find a good friend to spend your lonely nights with. Stay busy. Eventually you'll find someone to snuggle and love and cherish and argue with. Til then, find a friend, keep yourself busy, and continue giving us your awesome advice!!!!! i hope you find happiness love!!!
forget them. if you want a relationship with them, forget it, you'll never be able to trust them again, no matter how hard you try, and thatll make yall fight a lot!!!! with no trust theres no relationship. of course if you want to keep him around and use him as a sex pet, well, thats a good idea, but dont try to make a go of a relationship. youll be wating your time and heart and energy!!! follow your gut........and go get his best friend....lo ;)
sounds to me like your man wants his cake and extra icing on the side. no, if he wanted you, he wouldnt be tellin her he loved her. he probably still feels, and always will, a strong bond with the mother of his child, but if he is in love with her, he needs to be with her. sounds to me like he is scared it wont pan out so he is keeping you on the side. my lover has children with another woman. he doesnt ever have personal talks with ehr, let alone spend hte night there. and id be damned if he ever would spend the night there!!! sounds to me like he is to much of a coward to break it off with one of you, so he is stringing you both along for his benefit. He sounds like a coward and an ass. is it possible to love two people? sure, i believe so. but if you love someone , you dont want to hurt them, and you shouldnt. you should grow some balls and have enough respect to cut someone loose. holding on to both is selfish and disrespectful. just my opinion of course, you sound like you've been placed as the fallback woman. ever heard hte country song "why dont you stay?" look it up, might hit hime. good luck adn i wish you happy days.....~cremey~
I'm not a fan of cheating. I do believe that if you committ to a marriage, you're in thru thick and thin. I also believe if you are completely unsatisfied, either grow the balls to work on it or get the fuck on. don't stay in a relationship that brings you no satisfaction, whats the point? but on the flip, you need to be honest with your wife. talk to her, express how you feel, try to understand why she isnt into sex anymore. sometimes, its simply that, she too is tired of the day in-day out routine. she is probably feeling stressed, and stretched thin, and tired and bored. if this is the case, as her husband, you should dtep up. treat her to a spa day, give her the credit card and arrange for a friend to pick ehr up for a dya of shopping. take her to a nice hotel, out to a nice club, spoil her a little. everyone needs a break and everyone eventually winds up feeling stuck. anyways, if she refuses to communicate adn you feel like you just cant stand it any honest with ehr, tell her, and leave. no point in stayiong with a person when theres no conectin there. i agree with the fact that few marriages make it without one or the other cheating. staying committed to one person forever is very hard. things get to routine and boring. but i do believe, and i know i have already said this, i do believe if you say "i do", you need to put in the work to fix whatever went awry. cheating on the sly is a cop out and is unfair and disrespectful. if you feel you need somehting more sexually, tell her, be honest. i know quite a few married friends who were more than happy to accomadate the others desires. a few good GF's of mine even allowed another woman in the bed adn her and her spouse are very content and more in love now than in th beginning. i guess that with time, things and people change. theirs wants/needs/desires change. If you commit to marriage you commit to the work. cheating on the sly should not happen. if you arent married, well, do what you do, but in a binding marriage, you need to step up and fix the shit or leave. i do believe paople take the vows of marriage to lightly these days adn only keep their vows when its convenient for them, its not the way marriage should be, but thats another forum isnt it???!!! haha......kisses, ~cremey~
I agree with most of the replys. I too am a very submissive person, i want my lover to take me, im not the taker. my new lover who i love very much, he was fine with that, but, well, after a year, he wasnt, he said i got to take over sometimes. its really hard for me. I thrive on someone coming to me and taking me, telling me what they want. I almost cannot operate as the dominate one, i lose my sex drive and everything. but because i do love him adn i want hiom happy i started working on it. and just because he said he wants me to take over does not mean he wants me to beat him or whip him or anything. he simply wants me to come to him and let him know i want him. he wants me to lick him all over and push him back and suck his dick like im worshipping it. he wants me to use him, so i do, i ride him til i cum over and over, and he doesnt. and usually, as already mentioned, he ends up taking over in the end. he usually ends up breaking out my toys while im on top and using them on me while i suck him. or when i bring him to the point of cumming and dont let him a few times, he usually ends up flipping me over and fucking the shit out of me. so take your time, worship him, make him feel like he's your world.......go with the flow and have fun. Tip: sometimes i'll read some hott stories on here or look at erotica, then when he gets home, i'm hot and ready and i gonna get it whether he likes it or not. the other day, he was in a bad mood and cranky, well i had been reading a few stories on here and my imagination was running and so was my sex drive, so he layed in the bed (his mistake) and i went to him with the yaya, whatever, im taking it anyway. needless to say, he wasnt cranky when we were done and i was satisfied. If you find something that makes you feel sexy, you'll be more confident in taking the reins....i usually try a nightie, that shows just the bottom of my ass. ia gree with the teasing him all day too, i do that, bend over in front of him, wear a slutty shirt, kiss him sensually, rub up and down his back, slap his ass as i walk by, swing my hips while i wash all builds up to make him unable to resist and its fun for you!!!! good luck, enjoy!!! let us know what you do!!! much love,
A hot bubble bath with bubbles and epsom salt. A few beers, a long, deep massage. someone rubbing my head. my lover talking to me, about anything, its the sound of the voice that soothes me. a neck and shoulder rub, always works too!!!!
My tattoos symbolize some important things to for fake boobs, well, i'm for anything that makes a woman more self confident, but, ya, people take the shit way to far......can you sya dolly parton?????? lol, gigantic, unlifelike boobs are a turn-off. boobs that are so stiff you cant squeeze em, what the fuck is the point. all natural is the way to go, but do what you do just be you!!!!!
i have brown mixed with red, all natural. ima fuckin freak, ill try anything once.......i do believe brunnettes and reds do it better
i'm deeply sorry for your pain! You'll probably never find an exact answer sweets. but I agree with some of the above posts, she had some deep issues and more likely then not they had nothing to do with you. It sounds to me that she was depressed before you left her, depression can make people act in ways they normally never would. It sounds to me that she was a tortured soul. Just look deep inside yourself and ask yourself did you love her the best way you knew how?? regardless of her own demons, did you do everything you could to love her? If you find that you sincerely believe that, beyond little faults and failures, you gave her your everything, let her soul and yours rest in peace honey. Wishes for peaceful days honey..............
i love clear water, adn i love paris hiltons can-can........there is also a avon perfum i like and others love called crystal aura..........most days i wear clear water or a body spray............crystal aura is definitely one i keep for going out!!!!
If I'm in a love-making mood, i want it deep inside me.....if i'm in a fuck me right now mood.....well, i just want it!! in my face, down my throat, all over my ass.....its really hott when he's getting it from behind and pulls out and cums all over my that!!! I love to watch him is soooooo very yummy!!!!!!
where do i start?
Racism pisses me off, any form of hate pisses me off actually.
people who judge piss me off
having to repeat myself pisses me off
listening to stupid people pisses me off
rudeness pisses me off
snobby people piss me off
hi ya'll!! i was just wondering if i am the only one in this world that has masturbated at work???? Let me know if you have or the craziest/riskiest place you have cooled your fires!!??? have fun!!!
I usually wear a slutty tank top to bed, one that stops right at the bottom of my arse cheeks. but if its hott, or if i'm hot, i wear my soft and silky skin!!!!