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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 154
United Kingdom


Advanced Wordsmith
As a single girl, if I was in a relationship, I would love for my other half to request this...............................Ahhhhhhh sighs.. maybe one day
Advanced Wordsmith
Its certainly a turn on for me having a guy cum over me!!!!! great to watch and brilliant to feel!!!! Even better to have some one else clean up.................
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by gunshopgirl

I say let the dust settle and see where it lands. As soon as you move on, that's when he'll reappear. LOL Good luck sweetie!

And so it did, on another site. He read a message I sent him then he went private and has ignored me. I reckon he is up to no good again with some one else!!! Time to move on methinks!!!!! Thank you gunhsopgirl xx
Advanced Wordsmith
I would love to be passenger in the car and start to finger and play while the driver tries to keep his concentration!! of course he would need to have some attention paid to his member but to be able to tease passing truck drivers would be awesome ;) ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Always sleep naked, makes playing with myself much easier!!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Willyc2licu
So sorry to hear about the disappearance of your friend, and I guess, soul mate. I can see why yesterday was such a shit day for you. I have lost a couple of close friends from Lush quite abruptly, one of whom was becoming something very intimate, and I know how it hurts. I have learned to be careful, and to always log off when I am going to be away from any of my computers, although my wife does have her own laptop, and iPad. If she found out about the chats here on Lush, and particularly my relationship with Debbie, I don't expect she would understand, even though I have no expectation of being physically unfaithful to her, and in fact our sex life has been rejuvenated since I became an active participant on Lush. At least I do have Yahoo addresses for some of my closest friends. I hope your friend reappears in your life, or you find someone equally attuned to you and your needs. Love, Will xxxx

I would say we had become close and had a lot of ideas of what we were going to do. I know he is on another site i belong to but no sign of him on there either although he hasn't closed that account. My thinking would be he still intends to visit it again, where as on here he deleted the account. i am single but still clear my browsing history just in case my son needs to use the notebook!!!! I am hurting no one but wouldnt want to either, just had been so looking forward the the intimacy and fun we had planned. but hey ho, life goes on But thank you Will xxx
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Python

I suppose at the end of the day it's a universal mystery.

The lady is definitely right if we can have our cars etc.

What it really comes down to then, if she's happy we benefit - I can certainly live and relate to that.

Thank's ladies and others for your input.0dU3R3zqla1Zy1Fe

Actually, the two can be put together, your cars and our shoes. does it not turn you on to see a lady getting out a car with her high heels, stockinged legs?????? Even car fun with a little naughtiness involving thighs and heels!!!??? Think about it!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by gunshopgirl

Sorry, so sorry. Know how it feels to have an exciting online friend disappear because of getting caught! Well I hope you hear from him again somehow. Next time make sure you have more than one way to keep in touch in case of Lushdisaster LOL

We do but he hasnt been on that either!! He really must be behaving right now, maybe just till the dust settles. We will see but at first it felt like a big part of me had gone, if that makes sense. Now I just get on with it, plenty more folk to chat to on here!!! But thanks for that anyway
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by MollysDream
Just like in real life, I prefer a general chat - if there is some sort of connection it should naturally develop from there. I definitely find it a turnoff when the guy leads in with 'are you horny?' and has nothing else to say. Intelligent conversation is sexy!

exactly. it wouldnt happen like that in a pub (or would it??) so why on here. There are sites where it is appropriate to do so, but on here please guys, keep it real!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Scoleywan

Haha sounds hot haha

It fucking is!!!! take my word for it!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Its an easy mistake to make but a crucial one!!!!! Now I have lost a good friend and dont think I will find another like him sad If I ever have a permanent guy in my life they will know I am on this and A N Other site and will need to share it or have the trust in me that I am his and wont cheat
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by gunshopgirl

It happens a have you heard from your friend?

Nope,not a dicky bird!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Ice cubes at the pussy is such a turn on, as is the vibrator!!!!! I think I would scream with pleasure yes!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Until recently it was a no go area, but during the throws of passion a little digit inadvertently found its way there. I must admit it was most pleasurable so now converted!!!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by emilykiss
Well, yes actually - over coffee first is the safest way to go about it, I think.x

yes I agree, we did and it was really nice ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jack_42

I'm missing something here or can you be more specific about what they are caught out at - visiting porn sites, sending naughty emails - what?

Visiting this site, where we were messaging!!!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
My FWB forgot to clear his browsing history, oooops!! S**t hit the fan, have you ever been caught out and how did it happen????
Advanced Wordsmith
Mine is a pale brown for day wear but have a vibrant red for those more 'seductive' moments when going out!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by BelleduJour

Oh SNAP!!!

All my confessions have already been laid out here for all to read. That's the beauty of having been a member here. Brutal honesty while still remaining anonymous (for the most part) can be an intoxicating elixir that has only proven to turn my world, sexually speaking, upside down and for the better.

Ditto, no one knows!!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Everyone has to lose it some time, by the time you get to my age, there's not too many left!!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Both depending on the mood. Both are important to me but the mood is as well.............if really turned on then hard, and fast, if mellow then def long slow and sensual.
Advanced Wordsmith
I would need to conjure one up first lol smile

But when he arrived I would give him staying power
Advanced Wordsmith
Love wearing them, not to work as not practical there!!! Nice to wear when dressing for a guy, turns them on, especially with stockings!!!!!