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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 36
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Thank you, yes I think you're right, he does seem embarrassed. Thinking about it, we had a lot of beer and a long weekend so I feel a bit better about it now. We've had sex since and it was great so I'm not going to worry too much unless it happens again!
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I've had a couple of people come and go in my life who I've just sexted. It's really fulfilling and fun ?
Active Ink Slinger

Embarrassing as this is, I need some help people.

My husband and I have been together for 8 years. We've always had good, fulfilling sex until recently when I've been going through some issues and the sex dwindled to pretty much nothing.... not that he has even tried to initiate sex anyway.

This past couple of weeks ive been feeling much better and Last night we had a bit to drink and went to bed and things started getting steamy. It was all going fine until midway through actual intercourse, he falls asleep! I know I shouldn't be, but this has really upset me. He knows this but has laughed it off this morning as a joke. Has this ever happened to anybody as it's not exactly doing wonders for my self esteem.....We have a great relationship and a great fun life together, but I could die right now I'm so embarrassed.m4SSETXqfH4FfluQ
Active Ink Slinger
A double ( pour!) absolut and diet coke with lots of ice and a wedge of lime...well deserved after a long week! Tgif! smile
Active Ink Slinger
It really depends,

A minute or two if im really horny or watching porn...

Five/ten minutes with just me, my imagination and fingers...

About twenty minutes if my boyf does it for me (alot less if oral!)

Longer if internal sttimulation only.

The best is a vibe on the clit while in doggy. Double whammy, explosions in mere moments!
Active Ink Slinger
Definately hot. A little force is good as long as we all know our boundariea!
Active Ink Slinger
:d/ Acdc, a whole lotta rosie

Now, thats a song to jump around in your pants doing air guitar!
Active Ink Slinger
My ex boyfriend used to think playing with a clitoris should be done the way he would jack off. Hard and really fast. Yow! I had to pretend to come just to make it stop...
Active Ink Slinger
A dry bread roll and a strong coffee cause there was nothin else in the house! Baaaad times man sad
Active Ink Slinger
Charles bronson, its based on a true story but i love the fact hes mental and doesnt give a shit! Xx
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jack_42
[wasn't that possibly the previoums year?]

Born in september, thanks genius! smile x
Active Ink Slinger
This afternoon, had some time so snuggled down and thought about a very yummy lushy! X
Active Ink Slinger
Im six two so i dont have much choice in the matter.

My current man is just under six foot but even if im in heels it doesnt bother either of us. we would still be in love whatever height i like to

But i wouldnt rule out shorter men. I used to sleep with a good friend of mine in my late teens and he was only five seven. But he has an amazing personality, an amazing body and the most beautiful green eyes ive ever seen.

As my nan used to say 'we are all the same size lying down!!!' ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Being a woman is harder than you think, it's not all playing with yourself and pillow fights in our underwear. Lol. I'd quite like to see how men would handle a period, seeing as most of them don't actually get what happenes when we have one. However I think most women would handle being a man really well! At least we know how to give a girl good head lol. xxxx
Active Ink Slinger
Agreed with all of the statements above... and don't forget... take your time, don't go ploughing in like a bull at a gate, take it slow and easy until she's wet enough to get a bit more vigorous (or unless she asks)- nothing worse than being finger fucked without any warm up! and make sure you pay attention to the clit every now and then. I find that if my boyfriend takes his fingers out and plays with my clit in little intervals, when he puts them back in, it feels all the more sensitive having had a little break. ;) xoxoxoxox
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by stephanie
Jack Nicholson taking Jessica Lange on the kitchen table in 'The Postman Always Rings Twice'...

Yes! I couldn't agree more, and also, agreeing with the scenes in 'the secretary', they are so beautiful and imaginitive and the sense of domination in the spanking scene makes me twitch with excitement whenever I see it!


I love the coffee shop toilet scene in unfaithful and the scene in 300 with gerrard butler- hot and erotic.
Active Ink Slinger
eigther something fried, like a greasy sausage sandwich... or something that doesn't resemble food at all such as novelty crisps (monster munch/space invaders/ skips) or pot noodle. I am soooo lucky to have a shop nearby for morning emergency foods!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wildcat
Was Michael Jackson really Diana Ross' Lovechild?

It was always my personal theory that michael jackson and latoya jackson were secretly the same person. However seeing as he's croaked it and she's still around, that might be a wet towel on my theory?
Active Ink Slinger
I can't be bothered to post them to be honest but if you look at my profile page, there are lots on there xx
Active Ink Slinger
lick me out and then clean up the dirty plates.... not necessarily in that order!