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Over 90 days ago
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Quote by Metilda

Well it's interesting to look back and see how much things have changed.

I've now written over 50 short stories and have a substantial career as an erotica author going for me... And I still get stories kicked back from time to time. Just - not as bad.

In fact, my readers have decided I have some sort of standard in my writing (??) and now I'm held up to it (??) because they're mean! So mean! (lol - kidding. I love ya!). My readers will call me on my shit if I let too many errors slip by, though. Rightfully so.

...I've been writing & posting on the inter-net for over 15-years...I've written over 500 short stories...if people follow you from one web-site to another for 7 or 8 years...would that be considered a loyal reader?...what I find funny is how often I find my stories posted by others...a few years ago my stories kept showing up on the Alaska board of CL...I sent the person an e-mail telling him to repost my stories all he wanted...just credit me with them...he added my credit & posted them for a couple of more years...
Quote by Liz

Your kind ain't welcome round these here parts. smile

...I'm sure I don't understand...what do you have against 'Comic Sans MS'?...
Quote by xXMister_TXx
I wanted to open this topic for discussion on my story series It's the small things that count.Not begging for appreciation here just wanna get feedback both positive and negative on my stories.Discuss story development,characters,tips on what to improve and if you want feel free to suggest how the stories should continue.I want to make my stories much more fan-friendly and interactive

. my opinion the more realistic/true to life the better...
...if you're describing a sex scene...use one out of your own life...more realistic & believable...
Quote by xXMister_TXx
hey guys last week I started to work on a new story series but there is always something wrong with it. I'm hoping to find somebody who can help me with the editing. As far as the story goes it's about a very beautiful lesbian girl talking about her adventures in college

...its been so long I'm sure the story is either published or you have moved on...either way if you still need help I'll be glad to proof-read your submissions...
Quote by paradisetitty
I tend to write slow and soppy stories filled with lust and tension, but is that what you want?
I wonder sometimes if people come on the site for some quick wank material or to read about genuine situations.

In short I want to ask this. Do people on here prefer flat out porn with girls squealing obscenitys and men with huge cocks and seemmingly limitless supplies of cum?


Do you prefer the slow burn, lust, tension and erotica you might find in a softcore movie? (Think Shannon Tweed, but in a good film!)

...the number of hits you get should answer that question...if you're getting 3000 hits a week...people like what you're doing...
Quote by shancey

Is there any true story publish here,

. stories may not all be 100% true...BUT the sex scenes are based on things that happened to me...
Quote by AdrianCf
Hi erotic story lovers.

I am looking for a serious proofreader(s).
Someone that can help me with my English language issue's.

English is not my first language, although I do live in the US.
Speaking is not a problem, writing is not a problem but the grammar rules are.

I posted so far one story which was accepted.
Another one I tried to post was rejected.
Time after time after time, and each time for grammar mistakes.

I correct the mistakes ( as far as I can find them ) re-send it and get rejected again.
The problem is that some grammar rules are completely different than what I am used to.
And that makes it hard to correct them.
It is a habit thing :-)

An example would be question marks and such.
In my language we use a space :

Is that correct ?

English does not use a space :

Is that correct?

I know that :-)
But to me it looks a bit weird and I notice that when I write I "forget" it.
There are more rules like that and I could definitely use some help with this.

The story that I am writing is a story about a fictional town.
And it's hard to describe the real format.

There are a few "lead" characters that are part of the entire story, almost like a novel.
Some "secondairy"characters are having their own story line almost as a "side novel" within the overall story.
And some stories are short stories but they take place within or around the fictional town.

Point is that all stories are in the same area, and characters can appear everywhere.
So far I have over 25 "chapters" ready but I am a bit scared in posting them.

So... anyone interested ?
Off course I will credit you within the story.


...I would be happy to give it a try...
Quote by FilthyFantasies
I have seen a few people on here who take requests just wondering if anyone is interested in writing me a sex story if i give you some details.


...I've done this several times for people...give me an idea what you have in mind?...
Quote by nigelsnaughty
Hi all,
I'm finding that I very much like to think up, and in turn write erotic stories.
I put my first attempt up a few weeks ago with the help of Lisa.
I do though have a serious problem with my grammar and layout.
I've spent time going through the various help resources available in the forum.
But more often than not end up confusing myself.

So I thought I would ask you guys, I would like to show someone my stories,
and get there help to show were I’m going wrong.

Many thanks in advance Nigel.

...I would be glad to help...
Quote by xxSnakePlisskenxx
Looking for a Lush member to proofread my latest story.

...I would be happy to...
Quote by DakotaKid
Are there any good stories you know of or is there a category for first time or early sex life? I enjoy hearing about experiences people had. I just read about a first time girl on girl and it was really good. Thanks

...I have a lot of first time stories...if they'd make a section for it...
Quote by CollegeboyRP23
Hey i was thinking about writing a story but I'm not sure how to start. I like to write and i love Roleplaying but does anyone want to help me write a good super sexy story?

...send me a rough out line of what you have in mind...& i'll try to convert it into a postable story...
Quote by mikeymc10
Hi everyone
I am a new by here and just wrote my first ever story. I am keen to upload it but wondered is it best to have it critiqued first or just get it out there?
It's a bout 8,000 words and is a female first person perspective.
Not sure if I have posted in the correct section but any help will be gratefully received.

...I would be glad to read it for you & critique it for you...
Quote by Guest
This may seem an odd request, but does anyone know any good gay/bi-sexual stories that don't involve anal? I'm a bi-curious guy and I'm trying to explore that area of my sexuality, but anal play just doesn't appeal to me (in any context!)... also, am I weird?

...almost any of my stories...
Quote by Metilda
I've been working on a plot for a BDSM story (trying to be realistic) and one thing that strikes me as being highly realistic is a dom who hasn't quite figured everything out yet - and makes mistakes / issues.

However, when I ran it by a friend who lives as a Submissive, she criticized his lack of perfection and didn't like the idea. She used 50 Shades of Grey as an example of how a story is written about an imperfect dom - and Christian is an asshole for it, and there's nothing redeemable about him. Basically: she doesn't like the imperfect dom in her erotica.

But - to me it's real, and i bet you more doms are 'imperfect' rather than 'perfect' in real life. So I'm sticking with it.


...I wouldn't think so...
Quote by jollylolly
I read for my own pleasure, so don't really need or expect to be thanked for it. If it's a friend's story, it's nice to get a thanks for a comment, but I'm not bothered if I don't.

...I agree...I read to entertain me...not to get a thanks from someone...I appreciate votes & comments...but to me there not that big a deal...I'm more concerned about hits...I consider anything under 1000 a failure...
Quote by Stacie202020
Does anyone know of any stories where one female is talked/tricked into interracial sex by a friend of hers.. Possibly one or both of them are married.

. but if you would like...I'll try to write you one...
Quote by SamHarper
Do you prefer more detail or less detail when you read an erotic story?

I've considered leaving some details up to the reader; i.e. writing in such a way that if they prefer big boobs they can make them so, or imagine smaller boobs instead... letting them apply their own preferences to the story (and potentially broadening its appeal), but making the story more vague.

Is it better to leave such details to the user's imagination, or to put in more detail from my imagination/memory in order to make the story feel more 'real'?
What do you think?

...I like details...
Quote by wantyourpussy
not sure if im posting this in the right place. if not please move it
ok ive been here on lush for afew years now reading and chatting, the thing I was wondering could we have a true story section where people can upload true events ???
just a idea

...even if my story isn't true per se...the sex scenes are almost always based on actual personal sex scenes...
Quote by Metilda
If you have a common name the odds are higher that you'll come across it in erotica - or any other story for that matter.

How do you feel when you see this?

I get paranoid and refuse to read the story, actually. "I did no such thing!" LOL I can't get past it. LOL

...I assume any name I see on the net is if I see my real name it doesn't bother me...
Quote by TerriC
I've only written a couple of stories so far, and they've all been sent back for major editing. My latest, yet to be published, suffered a similar fate. After I re-read it to fix it, it was just bad. It needed way more than some dialogue and punctuation edits, it needed to be scrapped. Anyone else ever have this problem?

...mine got sent back for simple things...when I first started posting on here I posted 1 a day for 5 days...they all came back because I used numbers instead of writing them out...then a couple came back because I repeated the title with the text...then a couple came back because I had my file number in parentheses by the title...I've written over 500 short stories so without the file number its hard for me to find them...I'm dyslectic & see some words backwards or whatever...what I type is not always what I see, so I got burned on that a couple of times...most of the time spell-check will catch it...but if its something like was & saw...they are both real words so spell-check wouldn't catch that...but I finally got 5 posted & 1 pending...
Quote by chriskayaks
I've published a few multi-part stories with varying results. The first in the series has good voting turnout and great comments, but then the votes and comments taper off dramatically with each subsequent chapter.

I've tried to read other multi-part stories but always seem to lose interest after the second or third installment. There are several authors that have ten or more parts to their stories.... have they experienced the same results???

How do YOU read and react to stories that have multiple parts??

...I haven't been here long enough to judge...but on another site my part 1 will generally have 2000 or so hits...part 2 will only have 1000 to if I'm lucky 1200...part 3 will be only about 500...people have a short attention span...too many parts & they loose interest...
Quote by Metilda

And this is why we have tags smile

Yet even though I love male-female oral, I tend to write more cocksucking and deep throat. That's even more appealing to me. Going down on the girl tends to be part of the whole 'foreplay' deal for some reason. It goes hand in hand with sex. I've never actually found the zing in writing a pieces solely about that . . . but there are several of my pieces that are only about cocksucking.

Occasionally an oral-only or oral-mostly scenes shows up in my longer works.

...if it was a pussy eating story...they couldn't write it without comparing the pussy to a dew covered rose opening it's petals to the morning sun (IE: her lovers tongue)...
Quote by Metilda
It's hot.

But to be honest - if the author does't think it's hot I discourage writing it (well - anything). If the author isn't into it then it's going to make for lame writing. So if it doesn't thrill you or you can't see the appeal, don't bother. Plenty of people will write it - you don't *have* to.

...well said...I totally agree...
Quote by TristanGale
It's odd - I have what I think of as a more feminine hand when it comes to writing erotica. However, I don't seem to find much in the way of a female audience. I am very happy for the audience I have and grateful the opportunity to share and have my work critiqued and enjoyed. Yes, I've read the statistics that women tend to like women writers, but is there something I might do to attract a female audience?
...have you tried writing lesbian stories?...
Quote by BlackGranite10
can anyone point me in the direction to finding true stories on LUSH?
...where the story per se is true or sex scenes are generally based on true experiences...I'm bi and since I've has sex with a little over 500 women and close to 400 men...I have a lot of experiences to draw from...
Quote by DanielleX
I've read the whole works of Sherlock Holmes more than once, but there are some bits I don't get. Like in the Valley of Fear. Sherlock Holmes is discussing a secret code with Dr Watson and it refers to a page number in a book:

"Hardly that, Watson. You will, I am sure, agree with me that if the page be given, the number of the chapter is immaterial. Also that if page 534 finds us only in the second chapter, the length of the first one must have been really intolerable."

See, what I don't get. How can they think the first chapter was really long just cos page 534 was in chapter 2? What if chapter 1 was short and chapter 2 was really long?

I have some more questions too.

Danielle xx

...all I know about Sherlock Holmes is that he was a drug addict...
Quote by CherryRedGirl
What do you dislike when reading erotica?

I don't like when things happen to quickly, but I also don't like when the introduction drags on. I don't like when it's not very realistic.

I dislike when the writing sounds too clinical "i put my penis in her vagina".

And I don't like when semen is called "cream".

What about you?
...the expression 'man-pussy'...
Quote by Meggsy
How often do you as an author go back and read your own stories.
I have done it - but rarely.
...I have a file where I story my stories by categories...whenever I pull up a story to post I re-read it...of course I'm dyslectic...& what I actually type isn't what I its more necessary for me than the average person...spell check catches a lot of mistakes...but not always...