From what I've learned from the writing classes in the past, is to write from my personal experiences. I try to base my stories off of these experiences or what I know. It makes the writing process easier and adds some authenticity. Though I still enjoy to write about my fantasies as well.
I'm a very private person and it takes time for me to warm up to people both online and in real life. I'm down to chat but keep it civil. Currently I am working on my masters after a few years of working in broadcast journalism. So if you have any questions on interpreting the news feel free to ask.
Interests Writing, drawing, and cheesy movies are how I like to spend my free time. I also dabble in video games here or there. I've been an active nudist for the past five years of my life though I've become less active since I moved. Also if you want to talk baseball or hockey, I'm down.
Favorite Books I always enjoy books written by comedians. I really enjoy history based stories with a narrative.
Favorite Authors I've never really had an author who I found I must read everything they make. I usually select my literature based on genre or plot.
Favorite Movies National Treasure Meatballs My Cousin Vinny
Favorite TV Shows Sons of Anarchy Breaking Bad King of the Hill The Simpsons