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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Female, 39
0 miles · Red Bank


Is there a site that lets you publish graphic erotic novels/comics that contain nudity for monetization? I know Smashwords allows erotic literature but they don't like nudity.

Quote by Seeker4

No idea. There was a move to support more graphic storytelling here back on Lush 1.0 but it got lost in the big upgrade so now I am not sure. Probably should put this in Ask the Author or Writing Resources. Might get more responses there.

Alrighty, wasn't sure where to post. Thanks smile

Hiya everyone. I have a question. Is there anyone on here that publishes erotic graphic novels/comics? If so where do you publish? I was told Smashwords but apparently they don't like nudity, even though they publish adult content lol.

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this but not sure where else it would be appropriate. It may or may not be occult related depending on your viewpoint. I'm not sure what I believe when it comes to witchcraft, ghosts, etc. but I've seen things that remind me to never rule anything out.

That being said I've had this strange phenomenon lately where this girl I knew 12 years ago I can't get out of my head. I randomly started thinking about her out of the blue and while at the time of knowing her I was friends with her but was never romantically involved at all (not saying the interest was never there as she was attractive and there was chemistry there, but she was with someone else at the time). Anyway, we've since gone our separate ways and I haven't seen or spoken to her since college "12 years". Now suddenly I have this obsession with wanting to know how she is doing and what happened to her over the years. Her only social media account is Facebook and it hasn't been active in 7 years. I even went so far as to check a "background check" site and the last thing mentioned there was 3 years ago. The more I research, the more I get this pit feeling in my stomach, almost of dread as if I'm afraid to find out what happened.
A few days ago I had a dream about her where we were talking together on a bus and I was explaining to her that I was happily married, and the moment I said that her smile faded and she turned around.

I'm trying to wrap my head around what this possibly means. Did something happen to her and she's trying to communicate with me from the other side? Maybe I'm just going crazy...

I've now been married for 8 years to someone 10 years younger than me. She was 20 and I was 30 when we tied the knot. Now it hasn't been without its bumpy roads at times but no relationship is perfect. I will say this though, we are much closer now than we ever were 8 years ago and love each other even more. It's honestly just one of those things where it depends on the people involved and the situation.

I think most people here hit the nail on the head but let me clarify. Looking is not cheating. Your spouse or significant other doesn't suddenly become blind just because they are now with you. Remember, they saw attractive people every day before they met you and they chose you over them. Take pride in that instead of letting jealousy rear its ugly head in your relationship.
Now that being said, if your partner acts on this attraction behind your back, then yes this is absolutely cheating. If your needs are not currently being met in your relationship, that should be discussed with your partner before looking elsewhere. During this discussion, you may find more things out about your partner that you didn't know before that will either make your relationship flourish or destroy it, but this conversation needs to happen. If you know for a fact that you no longer have feelings for your partner, do the respectful thing and break up with them before moving on to someone else. Yes it will hurt and the conversation is not easy, but it is not fair to anyone involved to string them along.

I just completed my first premium comic. It's 18 pages with 39 panels, all rendered in Hi Res. It's Tabloid sized in PDF format and only $2.99. You can purchase it at my Gumroad account below (Note: This is also available on my Patreon).

Amy is invited to live with her co-ed from college Alyson. Little does Amy know, Alyson's house is a little unusual as she is soon to find out while taking her first shower in the house. Magical fantasies await in this comic short where you'll see water-based tentacles along with body part possession/sentience.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by calx86

Well hello everyone. I'm sure there's a lot of new people on here since I've interacted on here last. Between working 2 jobs and picking up new hobbies I've kind of fell off the face of the earth so to speak. How is everyone?

Well, I'd have to take a poll, Alexis, but from the backchat I'm getting here, I'd say that people in the southern US of A are all complaining about the cold, while the people up north are saying, "Time to break out the barbecue!"

Alexis, we haven't been formally introduced. I'm me, but most people call me Bear. That's because…well, because I am. A polar bear, that is. And no, I'm not a bi-polar bear, although my uncle Albert was the first person to go to both the North and South poles over land. You could look it up - Albert P. Crary.

Rumps asked me to look after the bar while he stepped away for a few hours. That was several months ago – although he did stick his head in once to check that Big Bertha was still OK. So, I guess, I'm the bartender – at least for the moment.

It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome back. Feel free to feed the jukebox. Can I get you something?

Well, you're right about the cold lol. Although today it was in the 50's and rainy. I'll take BBQ any day though ;).

Ooo that's pretty cool. Well glad to meet you Bear. I bet you have a lot of neat stories from where you live.

I'll take a simple Martini. Just need to wind down as I continue to work on my comic issue ;).

Thanks again, and the pleasure's mine ;).

Well hello everyone. I'm sure there's a lot of new people on here since I've interacted on here last. Between working 2 jobs and picking up new hobbies I've kind of fell off the face of the earth so to speak. How is everyone?

Hey everyone, just wanted to post and show that I have completed my first ever premium animation. For those of you familiar with my writing, it's based on a similar premise of "Night of the Living Pussy" where through magical means, a girls breasts and nether region become sentient and begin to play with her.

It's called "Penelope's Parts Want to Play". It's about a minute and 45 seconds long (which is a huge feat for me). Rendered in Daz Studio.

You can view the teaser I created for it below:

If you become a premium member of my Patreon, you get free access to the video below:

If you don't want to make a monthly commitment and just want to buy the animation, it's $5 and available on my Gumroad account (only a couple of things on there so far as I just created it, stay tuned for more paid content).

Thanks again,

Much Love,


Hey everyone, I haven't been active on the site for a while but that's mainly because I've focused most of my time in my semi-new hobby creating 3D animation. For those familiar with what I've written on here in the past you'll know some of the themes I specialize in (Living clothes, sentient body parts, fairies, living dolls, living mannequins, or really anything sexy with something magical or fantasy involved.)

Anyway feel free to take a look:

Uploaded some 3D stills I've created but I also have live animation that I've done as well:

I render 3D art via DazStudio as a side hobby so figured I'd share some of it here. The below images involve an enchanted lingerie store.

The story behind the pictures is about a 19 year old girl named Tracey who is a bit of a punk and breaks into the lingerie store to steal some expensive intimates. She finds pretty soon that this place is not normal once she realizes that the mannequins are alive. Intrigued she stays to have a little fun...

If not more. Hell, tie me to the bed, one of you sit on my face while I eat your hot, wet pussy. Two more can suck on my tits while running your fingers down my belly and sides. Lastly one is between by legs eating my hungry snatch. Make me cum till I pass out!!!
Honestly we started off as a fairly vanilla relationship. Didn't dabble into BDSM until a few months ago. It's always been a fetish for me but my first time being a dom. As far as where I met her, she was a fellow bridesmaid at my brother's wedding.
A little late to reply on this one lol, but personally I don't think the enjoyment of being whipped has anything to do with whether you're straight, bi, or gay/lesbian. It's a fetish shared with all orientations. Shit, I've been on the giving and receiving end of a whip in sexual play and I still tend to prefer women ;).
Okay so question from the newbie here smile. I am a dom in my newly established S&M relationship and we're dabbling in some new territory with a vibrator restraint. So far we're been using bed restraints and a blindfold while I tickle and tease her with a feather. I usually finish by eating her out and rapidly licking her clit until she begs me to stop, or the same with a vibrator. It usually takes about 30 minutes to reach the point where she cannot take anymore. We decided to add a new restraint and a magic wand vibrator to our playtime. I ordered it but sadly it didn't come in time for Christmas.

Has anyone on here had experience with the Magic Wand vibrator? If so, how long before your first orgasm and then how long before it became unbearable?

The below pictures are what I bought for us :).

And of course I just now realized I'm in the "Ask the Guys board" but my answer is the same either way ;)
Only if their partner mutually agreed but even then I would be hesitant. I refuse to be a homewrecker and threesomes tend to be complicated.
Quote by Beffer
Who says sex can't be 'intimate' just because it's casual/sport sex with someone other than your mate? Some friends-with-benefits relationships go on for years, and the intimacy can be quite profound. Sometimes it is even with new casual partners too. Just because there isn't a lifetime commitment involved, doesn't mean sex can't be emotionally satisfying as much as physically.

I guess you’re right. I could have worded the question better. I guess I meant like truly without consequences no strings attached. Like if you wanted to be naked on the bus or at work, and on break decided you wanted public sex and no one batted an eye. It was just common place.
Quote by FirstBlush
Nothing to do with the topic, but your new avi is [/quote

Thanks ;)
Quote by seeker4
Sounds like the beginning of a new story for the fantasy category. To be honest, I think sex would become boring in such a world. Growing deeper in one's connection to another person(s), is part of what livens up sex and makes it interesting. There's only so many purely physical orgasms you can have before you need other stimulation. That's why I don't write many "stroke stories". That's not what interests me about sex and sexual relationships.

Yeah, I kind of see where you’re coming from. Failed relationships just have me burned out I guess. It would just be nice to scratch an it h every once in a while with no consequences ya know?
Strange question right? As humans, we naturally get attached to whomever we mate with. I'd be willing to bet there is no such thing as a truly "no strings attached" sexual relationship, but I can't help but ponder from time to time. What if sex was just something you did amongst friends and a common everyday activity? What if it wasn't an uncommon occurrence for you to engage with sex with a stranger simply out of sexual attraction and nothing more and there be no consequences?

In this strange hypothetical world, public nudity is widely accepted and you engage in sex out of instinct with whomever you're attracted to (consensual for all parties involved of course), to fulfill a primal urge in the same way you would grab a bite to eat when you're hungry. If you're on a bus and you see someone hot and bothered or masturbating, it's a polite gesture to lend a hand

This could be heterosexual or homosexual, sexual acts of course ;).

What are your thoughts on this type of world?

Figured this was worth a chuckle haha. It's an oldie but a goodie. Hope everyone is having a good evening!!!