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4 days ago
Straight Male, 58
0 miles · Pennsylvania


Okay I've asked this in the past. Does lush not use a sweep to remove someone that has tried to bomb your story. I've had this now happen multiple times but this one is the worst yet. 56 votes 5 stars. 10 votes 4 stars. And now just have one person rate it with a 1 star.

No it hasn't gone away. It appears it has something to do with Crome since I have no issue logging in using Edge. And yes when you try and log in it stays on the log in page no matter what.

Since I've upgraded to Platinum I have yet gotten a badge or symbol stating it. It's only showing up checked on my profile page.

So since today I'm not able to log into my account using Crome. I've cleared the cache thinking that might be the issue but no. It will not let me log in at all.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

I've submitted two stories under Lush 2.0, and am working on a third. I'm having two, massive problems with the process.

I write my stories in MS Word until they are in semi-final form, then copy and paste them into Lush's story entry thing. The problems are:

The vertical line spacing does not work. If I simply cut and paste, I get an irregular mishmash of single and double spacing. I have had to go back into the Lush story editor, and manually delete and re-enter EVERY SINGLE CARRIAGE RETURN. This is particularly true with dialogue, which the most recent two stories have in abundance.

The other problem is that neither bolding nor italicizing transfer from Word to Lush, which, again, means I have to go back and re-do every single instance of such.

These are both major pains in the ass, and I would very much appreciate it if they were fixed.


I had luck with using firefox to fix the italic and bold issue.  But I did have to fix the vertical line spacing still.  I also us MS Word and then copy and paste into lush.

But I'll hold off posting anything new myself until this gets fully resolved.  I've already talked to several other author friends of mine that have all but abandon lush and went to other sites in frustration.  I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt that they're working hard to resolve the issues.

Okay so I guess we can't do attachments in email's anymore either?  I use to be able to attach a pdf to someone so they can give my story a once over to see if I missed anything before uploading for approval.  I just tried to do this last night and noticed there isn't any attachment settings.  Was this missed or is that the way it is from now on?

We never get to pick and choose where love will find us.  It can happen any place at any time.  Lush isn't any different. 

In the real world you find the person attractive. But be honest with yourself.  It wasn't until after you've talked with the other person that you started to feel something more meaningful.  

Lush is just doing it in reverse. First you chat and them. Then you see what they look like.  Chances are the look aspect took a back seat. 

Yes. It did just go live. About three hours ago so thank you for looking into it.  But unlike every other story I've done. This time I never got a email telling me it was approved. So I guess that must be messed up also.

If you were truly in love. You will never lose that. It stays with you forever.  No matter what the other person has done. Yes the relationship is over. Unless you want to torture yourself over something that can never be saved once the trust is gone.   

I've been divorced for over 35 years now and I can tell you that when I gave her my heart it was until I drew my last breath. 

If you still can still feel something for that person consider yourself lucky.  At least you got to experience something that today is very rare to come by.

Do you know if the back log of stories is a lot now or did something happen and my story got lost along the way.  I uploaded it tuesday and I haven't heard anything since.  

Sorry if it appears like I'm being a pain but I really don't trust this new system at all.  

BTW I also noticed that if you copy and paste your story in firefox you have to add an additional space between sentences or the sentences will run together. Unlike crome were I only had to copy and paste but that one had other issues. Like your story not even getting uploaded.   

My question is we use to see who was follow us.  For the life of me I can't see where I'm able to do that anymore.  Was that function removed?  We can't see who or how many people are following us anymore?

Well I guess my last chapter will never get post then because it's 9,981 words.

I've been trying to find out if the max word count is still only 10,000 words but haven't been able to locate it on this new web format.  Can someone please let me know if it's changed or is still the same.

thank you.

I had a running series going before the jump to this new format and even though I asked the mod to please make sure it got linked to the series since it was no longer listed.  It's a stand alone now.  Is there anyway for that chapter and the last one I was going to list to get linked correctly or no. It's not possible?

So when I send a message to a friend I can no longer know they responded?  I have to open the window and see?  Or is this also getting fixed since we use to get alerts?

I gave up even trying to use my phone since the same thing happens in google crome every single day.  And forget about using the lush app because if crome was working it wont once you install the app.  So....  I'll stick with using my pc until they get around to fixing it.

I have tried several time to get myself verified.  But so far. Nothing! I opened a ticket and was told to post the problem here.  I followed the instructions to a T and still I am showing unverified since last thursday when I first uploaded my photo with the paper showing the correct information.

Ok deleting your old story and creating a new one that you past does work. My story was approved and was live the next day.

That being said. The story has a hell of a long blank space at the end.  Also the first sentence is showing an additional space between paragraphs.  Neither is showing up in edit mood at all so I can not fix it on my end.  

Lastly we use to be able to see what the mod might have corrected/ fixed for us once the story was approved.  Does that not exist anymore?  If so then how do you expect us to see where our mistakes were so can at least learn and fix it in future stories.

We use to get a forwarded email from our other email account that we registered with lush that listed comments, lush email's etc.  Is this not a thing anymore?

Okay so if what I'm reading is correct than the story that I tried to get posted since friday didn't as of yet because it still says draft when I look at it.  Even thou I've hit the submit button.  Is this correct?  Or from now on you can't tell if the story was actually submitted or not.  I'm sorry but this is very very frustrating.  Besides all the glitches with it not keeping you logged in if you leave the site.  You took away most of what us author's use to be able to do.  Like put our stories in any order we liked.  Seen which stories were trending or which author was trending.  Also I couldn't add my latest story to the series that I was currently running since this new site only allowed one word instead of a sentence.

I let the story dictate as to how it should be written. Do I want my readers to know how only one person feels, see things, and act in the story. Or all of the people in the story.
I find it very important to try and pick a good name for the people I'm writing about. Some names just jump out as to what type of a personality they are portraying. Example. When I hear the name 'Charles' I picture a stuffy old guy set in his ways. vs. 'Iris' which to me would be a woman that is up for anything mysterious or chancy.
I write for me and nobody else and like it that way. I don't think I would ever divulge to anyone I know that I write erotica many because I wouldn't want to deal with all the questions as to why I do it and why I choose the topics I did to write about.

Maybe someday if the right lady ever comes my way that I feel open enough to share my darkest desires with I might change my mind. But until then I'm very content keeping my writing to myself.