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Over 90 days ago
Straight Cis Male, 48
0 miles · Sydney


Wet ones.

Honestly, whatever she feels comfortable and/or sexy in. But gun to my head, I probably prefer bikini or full brief. I like a bare hip and a covered ass. A little bit silky and lacey/frilly too is nice, but not essential.
Honestly, no time at all. Don't even need to know her name. I've been with more than my fair share of sex workers in my time and I've routinely gone from go to whoa in under ten minutes.

As for assholes...? Probably about forty minutes to beat on that one. The other time was a little over three hours cumulatively over a few sessions.
Quote by CuriousAnnie
I can't but help observe three Australians in the top six, we rock guys.

Aussie Aussie Aussie!

And the other three between to make the Queen proud. Great job, guys. Quite the sausage fest this one, or bangers if you will.

Jesus-fuckin'-Christ, these things are hard to crack! But that's what makes the winners all the more deserving for their incredible achievements. Well done, boys. Really.

Everyone else too who placed and entered. We should all be proud for having our names counted on this day, amongst this company.

Finally to Nicola and the judges, my eternal thanks for another brilliant outcome.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends...
From Psychology Today, Joe Kort PhD interviewed Justin Lehmiller, founder and editor of Sex and Psychology , a website that receives several million page views a year. Dr Lehmiller's research focuses on topics including casual sex, sexual fantasy, sexual health, and friends with benefits. His latest book is Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life.

Here is an excerpt from the interview:

I’d like to talk about your research on cuckolding. Will you describe it?

Cuckolding essentially is a sexual interest where somebody is turned on, or they derive arousal from watching their partner have sex with somebody else. Cuckolding could involve any number of gender and sexual orientation combinations.

Isn’t this considered a three-way?

In a threesome, three partners are all sexually interacting. In a cuckolding scenario, there are three people, but they are not all mutually involved participants in the sexual activity. The cuckold is the person who is watching.

I call it eroticized cheating—the eroticizing of watching your mate with someone else even though you know about it. Is that right?

For some people, it may be. For example, when I ask people, "Where did your favorite sexual fantasy come from?" A couple of people said, "My partner cheated on me, and ever since then, I've been turned on by the idea of my partner doing that."

For some people, I can see eroticized cheating as being the source. But for other people, they may get aroused when seeing their partner sexually pleased and satisfied. There also are those who take great pleasure in knowing other people find their partner attractive, but their partner is still going to come home with them.

I think there can be very distinct psychological motivations.

How do you distinguish between cuckolding and hotwifing? Your definition sounds like hotwifing to me.

In cuckolding scenarios, there's usually a BDSM element involved. The cuckold—the person who is watching—takes on a submissive, sometimes masochistic role. In hotwifing, the BDSM element is not present. You have more of an ego boost motivation.
Just coming out of stone fruit season down here in Australia, and I gotta say plums have been going down a winner. Can't get enough.
Don't worry about any of that. Just write. Write 'em all.

Every single word you write makes you a better writer. So write as much as you can. You've got three ideas, you've got three stories. Four if you go for both options in the third.

The challenge for you will be in making each of those three or four stories engaging in their own right, given they're all a very similar theme - someone needing to stay with someone else and having sex with them. I would argue a very valuable exercise for a writer wanting to develop their craft.

As I say, don't worry about what's popular. Don't worry about what other people think. Just fucking write! Then write the fifth one, and the sixth, and the seventh, and so on. Learn from each one and make the next one better.

Best of luck.
Definitely sloppy. It feels better, it sounds better, it looks better. It's dirtier and much more sexy. It's also easier for the woman to both physically do and get excited about. To say nothing of her lips and tongue in control at the sensitive end.

The few times deep throat's been attempted on me, it was this edge-of-your-seat cliffhanger moment to see if she could actually do it. Neither of them could, by the way, only managing about two thirds to three quarters down. It was a challenge to be overcome. There was no losing ourselves in the moment.

That, and the actual sound of a woman gagging on a cock jammed down her throat is a massive turn off. I want to hear her soft voice humming and moaning in pleasure, not sounding like she's dry heaving.

Sure, there might be some cultural norming hanging over from porn, but for me, there's something so arousing about a woman who wants to be covered in cum. Borrowing from Joe Duncan's article on the psychology of double penetration, "some men, myself included, find sexually liberated women extremely attractive, and a woman who’s in touch with a deep and carnal sexual drive that they put into practice can be downright sexy. A woman who’s willing to be selfish and bask in her own hedonistic pleasure of sex is a turn on".

Further to that, "there is an endearing nature to the fact that many women are willing to lower their own egos and help facilitate their partners’ exploration of sex within the boundaries that they feel are comfortable". The intimacy of accepting a man's seed, particularly in such an overt way, can be an incredibly loving gesture. It can be an almost spiritual experience.

It can also just be a bit of variation to spice up the routine for partners who usually come inside. The Wednesday night shirts-on-lights-off special can get a little dull after all.

But notice though how all that is dependent on her willingness to participate as an equal partner.
8 and 9 to take away, and a bottle of water, from a little hole-in-the wall Burmese curry place.

Chicken and beans, and vegetables for those playing at home. Served with rice of course.
I like to dress mine up as a twenty-two-year-old flight attendant with big boobs. My wife is unsurprisingly unimpressed.

If you want a laugh, there's a couple of guys who've been kicking around down here with a show called Puppetry of the Penis.
A vagina's a muscle: it can contract and expand. In fact, that's exactly what it's supposed to do.

If you just lie there and starfish it, it can feel pretty loose.

If you blast your pelvic floor, you can get a lot more control over it, which can make sex a lot more pleasurable. The same's true for those with a penis. In fact, I'm baring down right now.

Regardless, a woman who's going to let me stick things in it...all good. Don't sweat it, just enjoy yourself.
I've got one in the hopper for this one. Pullin' the leaver now...

Oh, and while we're at it, can we please ban Tam this time?
Krav maga's my jam. It's done wonders for my confidence walking through the seedier parts of town. And while I often limp away from training sessions covered in bruises, it's actually helped me manage some chronic pain I had from a car accident a few years back.

Brutal as fuck though. Just learning some of the moves in slow motion makes me feel sick at the thought of using it for real. If I ever actually do have to bust it out, it's on. No mucking around.
Some men are growers and some men are showers.

I myself am a grower, about three to four inches when soft and around six to seven when hard. I haven't actually busted out the measuring tape to get an exact number, but I'm told I'm pretty big. Of course, what else are women going to say in the build up? I do struggle getting the tip into a specimen jar when collecting a urine sample regardless of rigidity, so I figure I'm doing all right in the girth department.

Showers are the same length regardless of stiffness.

As for toileting, we've never splashed down. While hard though, I've definitely mashed up against the inside of the bowl. I don't know what young-guy utopia Buz is livin' in, but my balls don't shrink back into anything when I'm on the can. I've actually pissed on my own nutsack more than I care to admit.

Then again, the boys do tuck in pretty tight when I'm jacking it and right in the custard zone of a good edging session. Still, they're stayin' on the outside.
Writers aren't responsible for the feelings or actions of readers, only readers are.

Having said that, the purpose of fiction is to entertain, and to a lesser extent in some cases, educate. Good writers will deliberately try to evoke emotional responses in readers in pursuit of that goal. On that basis, I think writers should be thoughtful of the influence they wield. That's why most villains face justice or redemption at the end of the story. You don't want the KKK's publishing arm putting out stories about their members burning down black churches and getting away with it in an attempt to incite impressionable youth to violence. That would be bad. And you know, fuck them.

But retreating from my logical yet absurd argument above, BDSMing a cheating husband for a naughty little thrill on an erotic website isn't the slightest thing to worry about.

I've borne the wrath and death threats of the infidelity trolls on another site for one of my cheating wife stories. It's horrible, I know. Reading that hatred in the comments is really stressful. My heart was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach. Why the actual fuck would someone want to murder me and my family because of 1,500 words of fantasy? It's crazy.

And they're sad.

That's the thing though. It's all about them, not you. Sure, it's hard to move past, but you can. Just block them. Delete the comments that attack you and the content rather than the writing. It's still jarring to read the new comments that come in - I checked last week - but you've got to develop a thick skin if you're going to do something creative and share it with the world.

Good luck. We're with you.
Option C: write what I want when I want and make a shitload of cash. Hey, if we're going to fantasise, let's do it properly!

Gun to my head, I'd go with B. The freedom and creativity is much more appealing. The whole convention thing would be a bit of fun too.

I had a very brief taste of churning out the smut under a false name for a publisher and it kind of sucked the fun out of it. Here's the story outline, now write! Put more emotion in it! Certainly a valuable experience, and probably something I could get used to. Hell, on the road to Option C, I'll probably even grovel back there to see if I can get a few more credits on my query letter to try and land an agent. But long term? No...t at this stage.

Morgan Hawke's got a good thread on what it's like in the publishing house engine room. Make no mistake, it's a job.
Quote by VioletVixen
I don't need to know every little goddamned thing all at once - said wannabe smut-writer, Violet, whose bright pink, silky smooth wavy hair sat tied with a frayed green elastic hair tie in a messy bun atop her petite head, her pinker pert lips pursed with subtle admiration for the anonymous, witty writers of the tawdry, steamy Lush website, a dash of dewy perspiration leaking from her makeup-less eye-holes.

Bright pink, silky smooth wavy hair, you say? Oh, my... Crushing hard.

As for the OP, bang on! Stephen King says as much in his On Writing. A couple when you can't possibly do without, like colour. Bright pink, for example. Tell me you can't see that in your mind's eye.

A little more thought to verb and noun selection can say just as much. Erection instead of hard manhood, eased instead of slowly pulled, marched instead of walked quickly, sneered instead of said angrily, etc.
Get her the hell out of there before my wife got home.
Definitely the booze. I'd much rather crush a pussy than a tinny.
Thumb her.


Seriously, if it was going well and I had a view to getting into a relationship with her, I would ask her if I could kiss her. I play a pretty long game down the deep end, which is all about respect.

If I wasn't sure at the end of the night, I'd probably leave it with a kind smile and an intention to give a second date a chance. I'd do a next day call back in that event.

Obviously if I wasn't into it, I'd thank her for the date and say goodbye.

And if it was clear nothing was going to come of it, but we both just wanted to settle to bang one out, then what the hell are we talking about here? I'd already be looking for my pants and swiping up an Uber.
Technically a vibrator, but I didn't always turn it on. Does that count?

Wasn't really my jam though. That and I was panicked I'd lose my grip and end up on world's funniest x-rays.
I apparently look five to ten years older. Fuck them!

It's all in my hair. I've got this Richard Gere thing going on.
Leftover butter sausage casserole.

That's sausage casserole with a butter chicken sauce mix because that's all that was in the pantry. Actually pretty good.
Two. It was a sensual massage around sixteen years ago that went quite well, thank you very much.

The massage went out the window pretty quickly, kicking off with a three-way kiss. It progressed to the tidy little blonde, Olivia sitting on my
face while the brunette, Natasha jacked me off. I gorged myself on Olivia's pussy until I got carried away and licked her asshole. We then finished things up with me kneeling over Olivia and Natasha wanking me off onto her tummy.

They were lovely. Apparently a couple of school teachers supplementing their income in another city during the holidays. I regret only seeing them the one time. Olivia was absolutely perfect and I crushed on her bigtime. It's funny, she never took her bra off.