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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
1&3. Made partial attempts at #2 but never under ideal circumstances, so eager to try again. Not interested in the rest.
Advanced Wordsmith
A fresh, clean, neutral smell is essential. Too much perfume is distracting. An unclean smell is a turn-off, especially when it comes to me giving her oral. The smell of feces makes me lose my erection. You're laughing but you'd be surprised how many times a woman has told me "it shouldn't matter" or that I'm "the one with the problem" on each of these issues if she refuses to bathe.
Advanced Wordsmith
I can't adequately describe how erotic it is for me. At the same time, I highly doubt that any of the women portrayed are actual lesbians. But I go along with the fantasy.
Advanced Wordsmith
It depends on the woman! A little something sexy can both tease AND cover those most distracting flaws. On women with few flaws, a want access to as much skin as possible.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Metilda

Is this question to me?

Well for the more 'civil' things like actual compliments as opposed to cat-calls and the like . . . it depends on the situation. The last time a guy gave me a compliment as he walked by I blushed and laughed and it made me feel good for the rest of the day. He didn't act unruly or drunk in any fashion. We were walking by each other in the mall and he thought he'd spend half a second saying something about the way I looked.

LOL - okay well it was also Halloween and I was dressed like a slutty nun. I mean, play the game biggrin I didn't mind.

Aside the festive spirit, the more complimentary stuff still doesn't bother me. Might be the highlight of my shitty week, who knows.

Only one time do I recall someone saying something to me about my tits - not necessarily complimentary, more along the lines of a drunk redneck - and because of the state I was in (just spent all night and day in the ER as someone close to me clung to life) I was too drained of energy to feel anything at the time. Only later I actually dwelled on it and ultimately wrote a book about woman who had the power to inflict injury using telekineses.

Yes, I was asking you! And thank you for the additional information! It's very helpful to know more about your thoughts!
Advanced Wordsmith
Thank you for your response, honeydipped! Your perspective is much appreciated!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by sprite

yeah, should have pointed out that it can be a trigger for anyone who has been sexually assaulted and can often send a survivor into panic attacks.

That's an important comment--thank you.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Meggsy
I wish I had a dollar for every one I have been given.
I ignore them and don't look to see where or who it came from. Having been a professional nude model it takes a lot to get me going these days.

Thank you for responding! I appreciate your perspective!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by BethanyFrasier
These things only happen to me infrequently because I live in a small liberal college town now, but I lived in and around the OSU campus in Columbus in my twenties, and I got attention constantly from strangers. I'm usually not threatened by it, but for a couple years after my , I was wigged-out if it happened when I was alone. My sister lives in Brooklyn, and she gets harassed all the time, but she's even more self-confident than I am, so she can handle herself in any situation. I'm kind of in awe of her!

Thank you for your response! It's great to hear your perspective on these things!
Advanced Wordsmith
Thank you for your response, Metilda! It's great to hear how these kinds of actions have made you feel.

Do you mind if I ask a follow-up question? You mentioned that you're not bothered by quieter forms of expressed "admiration" from men you don't know in public as long as he's polite--what would you consider to be the basic rules of etiquette governing these circumstances? (Perhaps this is a controversial subject now because the basic rules of etiquette are no longer broadly understood.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Metilda
Whenever I've received this type of attention (not often - because I don't live in the city where people like that tend to be)... I think they're either drunk, high, or highly mentally unstable.

It doesn't have an emotional impact on me. I don't feel humiliated because someone else is potentially drunk.

And I tend to think they'll find a bench and sleep it off.

Thank you for responding! I appreciate knowing how you feel on this topic!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Lauradj
To have someone you don't know, yell obscenities at you or mimic sexual gestures is humiliating, especially if it as a public place where there is a lot of foot traffic and lots of other people around. I was mortified, the times it happened to me.

Thank you for your remarks! Do you mind if I ask: How do you feel about comments if they do not include obscenities or sexual gestures but are still public and still focus attention on you?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by simplyjohn

Firstly you have to be a friend with a member to leave a comment on their profile. This being the case go to that members profile and scroll down to the Friends Comments section on the right and the box entitled Add a comment. In that box you can insert text, emoticons, YT videos, images etc. using the buttons you will see above the box. Finally click on Post.

Thank you! Okay, I see the "be a friend" part, I see the "Friends Comments" section. I see no "Add a comment" box. Does that mean that the ability to add comments has been disabled?
Advanced Wordsmith
Thank you for your responses, Sprite! I appreciate you taking the time to tell us how others' actions affected you.
Advanced Wordsmith
I did meet a sex partner online and then later met in person. We met on iVillage, a site for women that is no longer in existence. It worked out well for 2 1/2 years, if you call a long-distance relationship working out well. We lived in far distant parts of the U.S. and were able to get together for three long weekends despite marriages and children and lay-offs and other such difficulties. Those were blissful times for both of us and some of the happiest days of my life. I wish I could go back to those days. She divorced her husband during those years. I'm still married and hope to be divorced soon. She dumped me because of my marriage and other criticisms of me beyond my control. We are still good friends. I don't regret anything and I don't think she does either.

My advice would be: Be honest with each other. Keep both eyes open at all times and both feet on the ground.
Advanced Wordsmith
Ladies, there's been some well-publicized controversy lately about so-called "cat calls" from strangers. What's your opinion?

1. How do you feel about cat calls and other shouted or whistled "praise" and gestures from men you don't know?

2. How do you feel about cat calls and other shouted or whistled "praise" and gestures from women you don't know? (perhaps given as a joke or sincerely from lesbian or bisexual women)

3. How do you feel about quieter but still public forms of expressed "admiration" from men you don't know, such as unsolicited requests for attention, dates, phone numbers, etc.?

4. How do you feel about quieter but still public forms of expressed "admiration" from women you don't know, such as unsolicited requests for attention, dates, phone numbers, etc.? (perhaps given as a joke or sincerely from lesbian or bisexual women)

5. Have you ever cat called, shouted at or whistled at men or other women you didn't know?

6. Have you ever given quieter, public forms of expressed "admiration" toward men or other women you didn't know?

Please feel free but not obligated to explain or elaborate on your answers, included personal experiences. Do these forms of public attention make you feel threatened or embarrassed always or sometimes? Under what circumstances?