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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155


In Oz they have a similar set up already but what they do is sell you a high speed account based on say 40gB a month total browsing downloads everything and once you exceed 40gB your access drops to dial up speed for the rest of the month and resets to high speed after 31 days or a month have passed it works quite well
Justy: Come to OZ bshaddow Ian has loads of mates who sound just your type :P
Justy: I'm vermin's other half... when i met him he was a little voerweight and i found him irrestible but now he's looking alot like an olympic swimmer i have to say... i wouldnt go back biggrin

Verm: Thanks baby biggrin
Cheers Blitz keep an eye out for my story once its complete guys !!!
AWESOME you down under hourglass? :P My gf and you must meet :P hahahahaha
Ok heres a hypothetical, If you where single and suddenly ran into to past ex's whom you still think about one is the unrequited love but was fairly average in bed the other was the greatest sex you ever had... which do you go for a drink with?
I wouldnt be too afraid bill you dont seem to be modest though so it comes with the territory. As a fellow of similar endowment when my gf and i put a pic of such reveal onto a personals site when we where looking for ladies to join us i too got a lot of emials from guys with all sorts of comments dont read into it just delete and move on
Fair enough i guess i never tried it form the start so i never found the need each to their own though. Heating lubes huh... might have to get the gf to try that for me :P
Part One: Lets see i had this weird crush on any woman with red hair and green eyes if i could find one like milla jovovich or somehting like that perhaps.

Part 2: I dont really see myself as anyone else just to improve myself constantly
I used to have a stack of porn that could be used to anchor a container ship but since my girlfriend came along i would say my technique hasnt changed but frequency sure has i think i can count on one hand the amount of times i wanked last year. As for lotion i never understood the need i mean are you lot choking it that hard and fast your starting fires or what? Plus you gotta clean up after you must have the best moisturised cocks in existence!
Most like to spend an evening with... well i have always had a thing for Jodi Moore but of course i'd have to share the prospective person with my GF so it would be Jodi Moore and then probably somone totally unobtainable like Jennifer Hawkins (ex miss Universe) i bet she has a dirty side we could uncover
I've been with my current girlfriend for 2 years and we dont have an open relationship but we do swing and as a result its the first relationship ive been in where i havent been cheated on. I wear my heart on my sleeve and as a result ive beent aken advantage of but with the current system we both explore others together and remain very much in love. Cheating is more a state of mind than the physical act if they consider it once and follow through they will again. Hows the phrase go once a thief.. always a thief...?
I myself prefer shaved my girlfriend shaves quite often and so do I. I figure if she does it for me i should for her. When we have people join us we prefer shaven just for the record the number one reason for the "fishy smell" down there for ladies at least from what i heard is that hair holds onto any sweat and as such its equivalent to the "BO" smell in a fella's underarms after a day at work.
Well i got 85 too and i dont consider myself a "Horndog" or anything i just really have a wild imagination and a wild side i enjoy indulging occasionally. New to the site Hi everyone