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4 weeks ago
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0 miles · Colorado


Gravelly-Voiced Fucker

Hmm. That's surprising. I figured it would be Beneath (back when I was Verbal), but that only has 3. My most recent story, Tintinnabulation, has 15. That's my best.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker

Every job I've ever had I took because I needed money. The worst was probably as a "crepe assembler" at the Magic Pan.

Have you ever eaten at a Magic Pan?

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by WiseGinger
I have a few special friends, know I write erotica and read some of my stories. My children (now adults), and husband know I write because they see me always very busy on the keyboard, but they have no idea what I write and that I publish my stories somewhere. They asked me to read and I said NOPE!
But my son, who also is a very good writer, asked me to write a story about him, and I'm working on it. I don't know if I'll let him read it, though.

It's cool your son is a very good writer, and cool he asked you to write about him.

I've written stuff about my daughters I'd prefer they not read. I've written stuff about them I've shown them proudly (proud for them, more than my writing).
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by CuriousAnnie

Lol I entered the Storiesspace comp too; so do check out the stories, they are great.

I did read your story Vanessa in the ten minutes it was up, it looks really good cant wait to see it complete.

Enjoying the Olympics, the swimming has been fantastic.

Take care everyone, August already ... wonder what this month has in store for me smile

I am SO sorry, Annie, for leaving you off the list - it must be the early celebratory buzz. Truth be told I've gone in and corrected it twice now (and put in one name that wasn't supposed to be there!) so, clearly, I am not exactly a detail oriented guy. My apologies, I loved your story, and your command of dialogue leaves me envious.

Let me buy you a drink, and I'm sure your August will shine.

I'll take another beer, and then I'll sheepishly edit my post again.

Cheers, everyone.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Happy birthday James!

I just wanted to pop in and recommend you go over to the Blue Site and check out the winners and top tenners of the latest comp over there. Lots of Rumpies have stories in it: CuriousAnnie, Larry, Kat, the Ape, James, Tams, Violet, Verity, the One True Ping, and even yours truly. Probably more (I think Emma entered this too) but I can't always match up usernames from site to site.

Anyway, lotsa good stories over there, so go give them a read!

I'll take a cold PBR, if anyone is behind the bar.

EDIT: I've fucked up the list a couple times now, but I think I've finally gotten it right. smile
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Here's a horror story (technically in the "monster sex" category) that went famous, and won a comp.

In general, I agree with Stormdog: long stories don't get much traction. nor does horror generally. But find your audience - comment on other writers doing horror (some REALLY good horror/erotica writers here), pimp your work a little (this post helps!), folks will read you, especially with the RR.

I've got your story all queued up!
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
It's a really strong field! Come read us! Or even better: submit!
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Hi Rumpies!

Hope y'all are having a great weekend. Comp results should be out soon and best wishes to all you brilliant writers. There are always more than 10 great stories, so in or out of Top Ten you are held in high regard.

I was pleasantly surprised to have Carlton mod my new micro. Super excited he's a mod now.

As for me, rough weekends of late with Mom. On another note, I had a date. It was fine until he turned into an octopus. Now some of you tentacle lovers might squeal, "Yay!" But I did not. I am trying a date with a different man this Thursday and might borrow Terence for the evening. If he gets handsy, he might get a surprise!!

Hey everybody! It's been awhile! How are you all?

Kimmi, I was, coincidentally, being told by a friend all about Jerusalem Crickets this morning. Scary little fuckers. Were I you, I'd shove one of these creatures down Mr. Octopus's pants.

Anyway. I am here to pimp a story I have in for the contest over on the blue site. Not a big turnout, but some seriously good stories, including several Rumpies: CuriousAnnie, the divine Tech G, Larry, and Verity. The Ape is threatening to post soon, and even the One True Ping is rumored to be entering. So fire up those browsers and give us a read!

Here's mine. Horror, as always:

Drinks for the house on me! And by me I mean Ping.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Well, let's see. We've written together (the only person here I've ever collaborated with), she's helped me a number of times with stories and evading TOS limitations, she championed my tentacle story when there were no tentacle stories here, I've told her things I've told no one else, I've pissed her off, she's pissed me off, we've always found our way through, and I love her unconditionally. Sounds like a family member. Which is my point I guess: you are like family to me.

And that's just me. She's had a similar effect on so many others here, and is an invaluable asset to the site. To many folks, she IS Lush Stories.

Congrats on the award. Godzilla concurs.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by vanessa26

That sounds scary but maybe its always a hastle for them to find my veins
and I'm always dehydrated so that makes it worse.

This is random but I miss Tonya, Alyx, Ping and I need more Jeff and where is Rach? I never see her anymore

Miss you too, dead girl. smile It's a brave new world in here. It's your birthday today, right? See, I'm still paying attention.

And yes, it feels like a hundred years since I've seen Rache.

*settling down on your couch, popping Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things into the VCR, passing you a bowl*

I'll buy a round for the house, while I'm in here.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by sprite
Pink lemonade sounds good. Even better if it's a slushie.

Deeply, deeply satisfying to see you up and around, even if only typing on a keyboard. smile

You gave us a bit of a scare. People of your caliber are hard to find, and nothing is guaranteed in this uncertain twilight world. Please know you are loved and missed and thought of often.

Seriously digging the new avatar. All Spring-like and such!

I'd offer you a slushie but I think you've probably received several. Here's a peck on the cheek and a hug instead.

I'll have a coffee. Didn't sprite used to have a throne in here? Looking for a place to sit....
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Oh my. Feel better, dear sprite. You are the soul and beating heart of this site. I imagine there are enough folks here sending you good vibes so that you can feel us, close to you, and supporting you. Godspeed, friend. I'll be thinking of you.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Melissa999

Good Idea !

That's just mean. Which is why people leave.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by sprite
so, writing stuff...

started working on a new chapter of Alice yesterday, in which the Queen of hearts is finally introduced. these are fairly quick writing for me and a lot of fun to do i am thinking of powering through and finishing the series. i think, including this chapter, it's got about 5-6 to go before being done. and then, i have an idea for a follow up which will be very different in tone? we'll see. i really would like to get back to Mrs V and Ketchup too, so maybe we'll do that first.

lifewise. December and Jan were hard. that's about all i'm going to say, but i hit a sort of rock bottom and am slowly working my way up again. just how life goes, so i have been a bit scarce, to say the least. feeling better about things, now, so fingers crossed. also, some huge decisions looming, but ones that can wait until after the pandemic is vaccinated out of existence. life changes that are positive. also, i need to travel in the worst way, so that's in my future, hopefully.

lush wise. we have a contest. poetry. i kind of hate poetry, but i like that our poets get a chance to strut their stuff and am looking forward to some excellent entries by all of you.

few notes. have been enjoying Emma's mantids, so thanks for that. nice to see a lot of new faces. funny thing about that. change is hard. i have been here for 10 years now and things have changed a lot, sometimes in little ways, sometimes slowly, sometimes in big ways and quickly. it's nice to have a comfort zone where things are just as they are and you settle in. but then, things do change and new faces and a new atmosphere takes hold. embrace it. keep the things that are important and welcome the new energy. that goes for Rumps and that goes for Lush. things evolve. people come and go. i love that, no matter what, Rumps has always been a place to share about writing and to inspire and encourage our authors. i remember when i was the hot shot writer here. i am always very happy to pass the torch to those willing to take it, and have done so several times. we have some wonderful "newbies" here. Kimmi. James. Michelle. Emma. Also, a favorite of mine, Violent Vixen is someone to keep an eye on. Haven't had the chance to check out everyone yet, but i'm working on it.

and of course, the "oldies" keep putting out work that is top notch as well (although i miss seeing Verbs in the queue!) speaking of which, i think we all know by now that the queue has been crazy as of late. we actually put in a concerted effort a couple of weekends ago and knocked it down to zero. that lasted about 1 day and it's already in the 70s again, so patience is asked - we've also been slowly adding new mods, so that should help, but that in and of itself is time consuming. we do have a blueprint for what's to come during the year, but there's been a lot of flux lately with all that's been going on in the world and, as always, the stories take precedent over most everything else, so keep writing!

oh, and i'm buying, so everything goes on my tab today. maybe one day I'll even pay it.

I'm sorry December was so hard. HUGS I hope the new year is treating you a little more kindly. It's like walking through a snowstorm sometimes. Keep your head down and your coat pulled close. If you're writing a lot, that's got to be a sign of impending spring, right?

Enjoy the game, peeps. See you around. The sports section is here on the stool.

A little early for a beer, so I'll have a coffee.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Stormdog

That's what my wife (not a soccer mom) drives, primarily, and it's our dog-hauler. You're right, it's a great vehicle, just outstanding in every respect except maybe sportiness. It and my last car, a Kia Optima, both were rock-solid dependable, comfortable, and plenty powerful, but still economical to operate.
Traded the Optima on a recent model, very low-mileage used Linclon MKZ AWD turbo, my first ever luxury/touring type car. Only had it a few months, but loving it so far!

It's really well designed, and handles very well in snow, and the v6 has some serious kick. PLUS, I am moving my two daughters and myself among various houses (way too complicated to explain here), and with the two middle seats removed, and the back seats folded down, it's like a pick-up!

When the hubbub is over, I'll get something small, reliable, and good in snow. I'm pretty fond of Subarus. Your touring car option is tempting, Storm, but I think what my Dad always called "poor boy syndrome" will raise its hoary head. Poor boy syndrome: even when you have a little money, you don't know if it's gonna last, so save it, and don't EVER spend it on yourself. A very Midwestern attitude, and one I am trying to outgrow.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by kistinspencil
A huge Kentucky bourbon infused hug and kiss to Kimmi on her Micro RR! As far as I could find (not counting Comps), there hasn't been one awarded since Verbal's "Drowning" in 2018. Not at all surprised that it was Kimmi who broke that long dry spell. Always such good work.

Put anything she wants on my tab!

Do I get a bourbon infused hug and kiss for mine? You don't have to give it yourself - you can designate a hugger/kisser to do your deeds. I suggest Carl. Or Ping.

Also, in fairness, there was no micro category at the time, this was just considered a flash, so I'm not even sure it counts anymore. I think we can safely call Kimmi the first micro RR.

Congrats Kimmi!

I'll have a shot and a thick blunt, please. About to start binging Better Call Saul with my better half.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Denim_Daisy10
hi Peeps
A large coffee with a splash of hot chocolate sounds good right about now
Coke with coffee is yucky

Jeff -Hmmm arm wrestling for the sports page.. That could be fun.. *making sure to show some cleavage * (giggles gotta use what I got)

James of course you would bet on me
Good to see everyone here today.

Ahhhrrrggg! Disarmed by the bounty of your considerable cleavage! NOOOO! I am losing my grip!

Okay, I guess it's yours. The sports section AND your cleavage. Spring training in 12 days, first Mets-Braves game may 17th!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. HUGS as always.

Put a bourbon on the bar, a few feet away from me. 400 more words and it is mine.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by vanessa26

Lets summon him back.

If this doesn't work we can make an actual summoning circle and if that doesn't work we can make a sock puppet Ping to stand in while we await his return.

got to have back ups for the back ups..

this place moves really fast now..I am struggling to keep up ..but I have gotten out of the habit of checking in daily.

coffee please

I am scared if we summoned Ping he'd be be very much like Chucky. At least he could marry Jennifer Tilly (Chucky Gets Lucky?)

Back ups for the back ups. Okay. We could serve only limoncello here. We could change the name of the bar to Pingilations for a week. We could have an Ana de Armas film festival. A Timothy Elephant film festival. A dada-ist demonic cartoon porn festival.

And I just started watching Better Call Saul! WHO AM I GOING TO TALK TO ABOUT BETTER CALL SAUL!?!? *collapses in a sobbing heap on the floor*

Oh well. Thanks for the well wishes for my daughter's marriage. And for the set up, Curvy T. Unquenchable.

I'll be in the corner with the paper. Sara, you have to arm wrestle me for the sports section. Spring training is 2 weeks away!

Coffee would be a song.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I'd dress as a businessman, but I'm scared my lover would never recognise me.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Greetings and best wishes for a great TGIF blowout tomorrow -- if Friday ever comes.

Jeff, the only thing more foolish than LJ marrying you would be you not marrying her. That is, of course, just my most humble opinion. ;)

That's sweet, Bill. Thanks genuinely.

We'd be foolish not to grab each other tightly and hold on like it's the end of the world. Because some days it seems like it is.

Perhaps I'm writing too many apocalypse stories.

Another cup would be lovely.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by seeker4
Good morning. It's past noon so a glass of white wine is good. Lovely day here, but work is keeping me indoors. Probably too cold to enjoy much outdoor time anyway.

So, I have had a change in my life and I am still wrestling with it a bit, but here it goes. As of sometime last week, I became a father-in-law. Yep, my crazy son married his partner unannounced (he hasn't even told us when it happened) and then told us on Monday. Needless to say, I am not as elated as I might have been had things gone in a more conventional way, but I am happy. We haven't even met Ms. Seeker, Jr. yet (long story there) but they have been together a couple years and living together on and off during the pandemic. We've been on the outs with him of late but hopefully this opens the door to getting things back on track. My daughter-in-law (I think that's the first time I've called her that publicly) is almost done her degree and works for the Canadian government (which will hopefully become full-time permanent after graduation) and he is working part-time for a chip design firm while finishing his degree. Both are in computer engineering. They are promising a proper celebration when the pandemics subsides (or at least once most of us get jabs).

Congrats Original Scott! Sounds like they are both smart, hard working, responsible kids. It's gotta be hard to be artificially away from due to the Covid. Glad to hear a proper celebration is in the works.

I might as well confess I became a father-in-law in December, during the hubbub of Christmas and retirement and such. No wedding yet -we went to the courthouse and got the paper. The actual ceremony will be sometime this year. And who knows - LJ and I have been threatening to get married for years, and already wear our wedding rings, maybe we'll get married for reals this year.


Ping come home. We need more cartoonified demented technicolor porn with an unsettling resemblance to horror.

Digging the new improved, post-molt mantid, Emma. Now with extra unicorniness!

I'll be in the corner with the paper. Sara, I will guard the sports section for you with my life. Okay, Carl's life.

Good to see you around again, Tonya, and I appreciate the set-up. Hi to your littley!

Coffee would be lovely.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by sprite

this was totally on him. just decided to self delete. guy has been a bit volatile lately. happens to the best of us.

Self delete sound like a sad euphemism. But it does happen to the rest of us, you are right. Ping, I know you are watching this thread, you went too far, suck it up and come back. Insult politicians and celebrities, they are the ones deserving it. We love you, you magnificent bastard.

Another day of writing. Having a bit of imposter syndrome. I'll just have to work my way through it.

Sigh. HUGS

Coffee please. And a cricket for Terrence. Put it on Ping's tab.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Katherine

Verbs, you're retired?! All you retiring people right now are killing me. I'm incredibly jealous!

Tomorrow I get to sit in on my old editing class. It's been forever, and maybe it'll kinda feed writing needs a bit. Life is trampling on my creativity these days.

No more Chardonnay for me, I'm off to bed. Big, clumsy hugs to all.

Yep, I'm retired. CSU offered me early retirement and I took it (notice how I always slip in the phrase "early retirement," so my fragile male ego can point out I'm not of retirement age).

And yes, Suze, I think Ping might be in Lush jail for being harsh with people in the dreaded Think Tank. Ping, you Magnificent Bastard, you need to wear a rubber band on your wrist, and if you feel you are about to type something harsh, snap the rubber band.

Things're good here.

Two hours til beer thirty!
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Interesting discussion of lowballing scores.

To be fair, some of the 1's I got were from a guy who was giving constructive criticism. My stories were kinda experimental (the Shard flash stories), and I really didn't know what I was doing, and he thought my stuff was plotless and pointless. He was right, it was pretty plotless. He had a reason for the 1, and I didn't disagree. We had a pretty pleasant exchange about it.

I don't think that's what you are describing James. What you are describing describes a garden variety asshole. Lotsa those in the world.

Thanks for all the well wishes about the critique. It went REALLY well. The other short story was really well done. Good group, good comments. And Kimmi, it's a virtual group, though they are based here in Colorado. But if you are truly interested drop me a message. They do horror only.

Ping jerking off in a Coke. Thanks so much for that image, Kimmi. My eyes!


Time for a quick cup of coffee. Then therapy!

Peace everyone.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by HeraTeleia
All of it. Probably the most difficult was filling out death certificates--I'm an L&D nurse, women don't just up and die on us. Early in the year, as I was filling out one of the first ones, a Reuters pool photographer caught a pic of me. My hair was tied up and I was sort of at an angle to the photographer, but what is stunning is what he captured--there were teardrops on the paper. And I don't cry.

I'm up to 203 certificates now, just me. I don't know why I keep track of the number, I just do. We are all human, but at the end of the day, we're just numbers and letters on paper, lives untold.

Our prayers and best wishes go out to all of you on the front lines. My God, what a year.

Can we see the picture? You could block out the eyes or something... smile