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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 56
0 miles · Los Angeles


Quote by sprite
Smokers are a huge turn off for me. Even if he's not lighting up on a date, i can smell it on him, and quite frankly, it makes me a little ill.

I'm with ypu babe! GRRROSSSSS!! absolute turn off!
Quote by Fugly
While most people think I have a paper bag fetish, my true fetish is for rubber. I have everything from masks, corsets, long gloves, pants and thigh high stockings.

So maybe I should really use this one instead of this

yum smile
Quote by Kiki28
Quote by Vavavoom
Morning!!! Wish I had a job, but since I don't I'm posting here smile


Then we should hang out!
Morning!!! Wish I had a job, but since I don't I'm posting here smile
MEEEEE 2, it feeeels verry stalkerish!! I agree with all my lovely ladies smile
Found Lush because I wanted, no needed the mental sexual stimulation erotic stories offer.
What keeps me here? Said stories, the people and the wonderful sexy interaction!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Jaymal
Peddling stories (well, giving them away), trying to build up a readership.

Interacting with other writers and readers with an opinion. All the damn fun that's available.

But you told me that you're here for all those slutty cyberbabes, Jake!

Hehe... kidding.

He is, don't let him fool you! Hahaha
Personally, I love a good cock pic!
Not random and not as a avatar, but accompanying some hot prose.. I love it
Dave Matthews Band for live show
Esthero to fuck to
Sia for words (Breathe Me was the song played at the end of 6 feet under, breaks my heart everytime I hear it)
Theivery Corp and Boozoo Bajou for background sound

Michale Jackson to DANCE!

Thats at this moment smile
This afternoon, in the shower after we cleaned house, we cleaned each other.. hoping for bed time...OH! its that time now, cya! ;)
Quote by sprite
i travel with an ape. not a stuffed ape or something cute, but a full sized, crush your head in its hands gorilla. His name is Freydo. he's AWOL from the SF zoo, so don't rat me out. anyways, he likes to do Sonny and Cher duets when we go to the kareoke bar - he makes a great Cher, which leaves me stuck with being Sonny... so yeah, that gets me noticed - i think it's the cheesy mustache.

love it Sprite !!!
Quote by SweetPenny
This is a very nice "How to" video on the subject:

How to give women squirting orgasms

I was JUST about to post this vid Penny smile
For me it's aso my 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th and I gush rather than squirt as well...very wet and wonderful, full body orgasm I am often left a quivering mess afterwards
Nope...thats just playing games. Real communication and getting thru issues together is the only thing that works.
Have you ever fucked in the back seat while a friend was driving?

Guilty! While Barry White was on the radio no less!

Have you ever had sex with multiple partners?
So, when I first joined, I was very frustrated with my sex life. I have been married for 25 years and things such as losing our jobs and then our home, having to rebuild had put such stress on us (especially my husband..ego, identity..etc) we were not connecting. I cheated in life and not only was it not satisfying but I was CHEATING! I didn't want to do that to us, it was dangerous and I could lose the one thing that means the most to me, my honey. I had realized I enjoyed words..a hot text did wonders so I started looking for that type of outlet and found Lush....

Since then though, it has opened me to things I never knew I felt or was interested in. So now, it is an outlet for my sexuality and I am exploring things about my personality and sexual identity...having so much FUN, it's exciting, erotic, sensual and so f-ing HOT ..I can not even imagine where I will go next.

It also is a sexual aide! Thank you Nicola, because we (my husband and I) are HOT...SMOKIN again...Still some struggles and lots of work to do (but any relationship worth having is worth working for).

Both stories and chat help me get my motor revvvved up.... I like to show my hub my favs and let him take it in and see what kind of reaction I far it is allll goooood! But, much of the time is is about "self love" just reading, and going with it all on my own ;)

I also have made friends from here. Which is also VERY new and a bit foreign (making friends I will probably never meet in life, but feeling they are really friends). So, I must say I am a happy Lusher heart.

Oh! types of stories... reluctance, bondage...things along those lines. I really like a story that has hot sex, but has characters and plot as well.

I hope I helped and that your article is well recieved!
Quote by She
Quote by Dudealicious

She has one of the coolest pages I have seen and a great taste in photo's - I haven't asked permission but I hope she doesn't mind

Oh my! I agree, I looove She's pics and the ones she posts on friends pages as well....lovee them! (fanning myself) ;)
Why is Santa always so jolly?

Because he has the list of all the Naughty Girls!

Quote by sprite
Quote by GemGeekett
So that make it me, Sprite, Vavavoom, Beholden, Penny and Jaymal... wow.... and that would only be a weekend? We'd need a week! ;) - that's a week playing and writing of course!!

P.S. Sprite is my latest LushCrush ;)

umm... *giggles* i'm kind of... *shy smile* ...not minding that so much at all. smile

Sprite you are adorable and Gem...thanks for setting this up, I'll be right over ;)
Quote by SweetPenny
Quote by GemGeekett

beholden SweetPenny for an evening of "fun"

Be careful what you ask for!

OOOOO Beholden and Penny!! Whew! ...and I would add Jaymal/Jake to push me over the edge ;)
Quote by thepainter
Quote by Vavavoom
hat trick...yesterday ;)

for those of you that don't know..thats 3 goals in a game.8bQUTEaaObZSbLGK

Yes but what constitutes a goal and a game? A goal could be a fuck session or an orgasm and depending on which one it is the game can either be a day or a fuck session.

For me... It's a fuck session. I lost count of orgasms (heehee) 3 times in one day, it was mmm mmm goood !!!
hat trick...yesterday ;)

for those of you that don't know..thats 3 goals in a game.l6lQyO93kGYxWbSq
Quote by lafayettemister
Quote by hornyslut182
Judging by the responses - I guess you see the general idea that it is totally normal

But anyway, just to add to the majority - it is normal to do that smile

And good fun too silly


And even more fun when done with a willing partner!

Mutual masterbation...EVEN MORE FUN.. ;) ....and normal...not cheating...I do not understand that one at all.
Quote by Magical_felix
Big bowl of Phở.


My last hangover was my 50th birthday party...waaay tooo much tequila, threw up from drinking for the first time in 25 years of marriage and my poor hubby was "holding the bag" literally! Got up in a blacked out state at 3am and got in the

Next day, one broken toenail, brusied knees (??) and a bite mark on my shoulder...tooo bad I can't remember any of it!

Worst part, we had the party at my office so had to get up early (still drunk btw) and clean the mess... GROAN!!!!!
Same here...this is fantasy, don't take it too seriously. If you gave away personal info, where you live. your bank account # ..then I'd worry!
Take care!