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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 155


Quote by Curlygirly
It's not a turn on for me at all. No interest, attractive or not.

Yup totally a turn off for me too. But I don't like anal either - maybe it's something to do with that and maybe not.
I agree.... I'm pretty sure I don't have one - and that's not from lack of looking. lol

I do love penetration though - both together even better!! biggrin
Oh yes!

A nice neat uniform - sometimes just a suit will do.

Firemen... sigh...
No way! Unless the end result was photoshopped I'd be horrified by the result.

I hate hate hate having my photo taken. Always have always will. - I run from cameras.
36-38 E I'd love to be smaller, I hate how big they are. They make me look matronly.
You should be working with YOUR WIFE to get her sex drive going again. Go buy some sex toys or lingerie (or both), book her in for some beauty treatments and a brazilian wax, go on a date together - get a babysitter (if you need to), whisper sexy secrets in her ear in public, get her to go out knickerless, Clean the house, get her tipsy, blindfold and handcuff her . Generally make her feel good and her drive will return.

I agree with Nikki, Cheating is not on! If it comes to that may aswell go see a lawyer and start divorce proceedings.
Not under 30 No, sometimes they're eye candy but unless they have a very mature personality they're pretty much a turn off.
I don't think so. I've never heard of this before (not that it's a common topic to talk about with other women). I love for mine to be touched, a real turn on.
I don't think us women go "over the edge" as you put it as easily as guys do. For me I'd need to be told to look forward to a sexy surprise in the morning to be ready for anything by the time I walk in the door in the afternoon and even then there'd have to be no chores sitting there waiting to be done, children looked after and dinner organised. I don't think I'm uncommon (as a woman) in that I'm a worrier - that pretty much answers your question, anything that would make me worry will also make me dry.
Quote by Guest
Well I can say I have nearly come close but not quite, I know I would want to return the favour to a man, It is not for the not wanting to, but for the fact that, that bum area and all the germs am I being totally weird, and if I wanted to how do you get past thinking it is a dirty place to do that.

nahhh still can't get head around wanting to do it to a man. I mean I couldn't even want to kiss a man that had just done it to me ewwwwwww major turn off.

Yes I pretty much feel the same way.
I wouldn't personally but I used to have a "friend" who bragged about having had most of the local professional football team... yes she was serious - I don't think she realised what she sounded like.
We'd have to talk it out before hand - ie does he want to really be f#cked by a guy? Or I would just freak out.
Yup not a pork lover here and my man knows it. I'd be like Aaannn and gag if he bought it for me.
I'm too shy when I haven't been drinking. I just get what I want when I'm drunk. biggrin
nope... I'd be thinking too much about what if he changes his mind - when he can't. I would never let him sleep with another woman.
no it's not permanent. I agree yahtzee it was a fad a while ago. My hubby keeps asking me if I'd like it done - maybe I'll surprise him one day.

For those who don't know it's bedazzling (or sticking jewels on) for the skin. Just a decoration nothing more.
Quote by SITTING
, nothing major, just a one night stand

Wow that's not major?

I hate the drunk excuse for anything. Drunks still know what they're doing it's no excuse.

I love my man with all my heart but if he cheats on me even once I hope I have the courage to walk away.
Yes I pretty much feel the same way as thebaer, I don't mind being touched there but that's about it.
I always thought whore was another word for prostitute where slut was just an easy girl although I think they've come to mean almost the same thing.
I can't sleep if I'm naked, I get too excited. Flannies in winter and just a tank and knickers in summer. Maybe if I do it more I might get used to it - I guess.
She must be crazy! it over excites me so much sometimes I need different stimulation to get off.

I can imagine some women would be too proper or up tight to ever imagine giving or receiving oral sex and I don't think there'd be anything you could do to change that.

Good luck!!