I'm a goody-two-shoes who's born and raised in the Midwest, nothing much interesting happens where I come from. I love writing and reading, but my passion is editing and filing (as odd as that might sound to some); my lifelong dream is to travel the world, and I've already checked London, Paris, Montreal, Tokyo, and Beijing off my list; but heaven knows there's so much more and so many more places to be amazed at. I might write a piece here or there, but I've joined Lush for reading beautiful stories.
I am a strong believer of the Oxford Comma.
Interests You can find me making snow angels outside at all times of the year, or indoors baking or cooking. I enjoy reading and debates very much. I love to travel, sight see, and take pictures, especially those of people.
Favorite Books A Discovery of Witches. The Comte of Monte Cristo. Any Michael Crichton books.
Favorite Authors Michael Crichton, John Grisham, James Patterson... I read a lot of books by various authors who I don't really remember
Favorite Movies I like many movies //
Favorite TV Shows I do like House, but I enjoy Once Upon a Time and other shows. Gossip Girl...
Favorite Music A huge variety pf all sorts that includes some classical, a bit of pop, rock, and metal, some ballad-style songs, just a little country, and more.