Never fancied black men, don't know why, but i don't fancy old men either so its just personal preference, maybe one day i will but i can't see it atm x
This is just the excuse i have been looking for, well done and thankyou xxx
If anyone discovers that it definitely will could they let me know please, i wont bother with my housework
I would really like to hear numb by linkin park, if you have the time please sir.......
1) Because its an abbreviation of hand burger, it is eaten from your hand
2) It was perfectly healthy, in fact it used to be called the "very much alive and kicking" sea
3) Have you ever seen a rhino? Would you fuck it?
4) They can COOK?
5) They never retire, they always have that ability to look into your soul and see your inner self, they just become old nuns
6) yes, thats why babies don't have wrinkles
7) Yes, but not for long
8) Yes, big concentric circles, it would however make the other ducks dizzy
9) From Bin Laden's wife?
10) Will we ever know, does anyone have a barcode reader that is programmed for the jungle? PRICE CHECK, AT THE WATERING HOLE.....
11) No, just a two legged horse with stripy feathers
12) Do you guys really want hair dryers on camping trips? thought not.
13) I think they are trying to say it is hidden, it is code for ugly as sin
14) Because they put glue on their feet
15) Least the rabbit wears clothes, why does donald duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower but is naked all other times?
16) It is revenge..........(see #18)
17) Because dogs have a sense of humour, it is also why when you are trying to get frisky they wanna join in
18) Cats are evil, they are hatching a plot to take over the world from the ground up, they are starting with your ankles.......BEWARE!!!
19) Dogs tails are warning beacons, when they are excited they bang them on stuff, it lets you know to stay away if you don't wanna be licked to death, when not excited they are on the lookout for something to be excited about, hence in stealth mode
20) Don't you prefer a clean toilet?
21) Don't be silly......
22) We would buy them fake fur coats and stroke those instead
23) What i wanna know is what made him think it was safe to drink the creamy white liquid that came out....and if it had been a bull instead of a cow what would we all be putting on our cornflakes every morning?
24) Same reason he didn't swat the damn wasps........i think he may have been busy making sure the lions didn't eat the antelope etc
25) Cos if you did your eyeballs would fall out
I feel it depends on where and when you are going at it, nomal private situations can call for some noise, like the other girls have said, bit of moaning, dirty talk etc, but i also think it can be a huge turn on wanting to make noise but not being able to, like if you are sneaking a quickie outdoors or you have locked yourselves away while the kids are awake, having to stay quiet and not be found out can be really sexy
I have 13, dotted all over, some i love still and some i wish i had thought about a bit more, definitely want more but now i am slightly older i have a better idea about what i will still like in a decade and what i will start to regret. I had them done because i wanted to, not for some guy, thats just silly..........