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1 day ago
Heteroflexible Female, 34
0 miles · Netherlands


Active Ink Slinger

Thinking about the most amazing guy who will someday sift through my forum posts again and realise I’m talking about him 🥰

Active Ink Slinger

Kill. I’m allergic to those fuckers.

Are you more worried about nukes or climate change?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes loads. Depends highly on my partner though. If I’m enjoying sex with them, I’m not too concerned about a headache or being half asleep.

HYE have a long period where you’re just not that interested in sex (and why)?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, I completed my Bachelor’s in tourism and worked in that field for a couple years until COVID hit.

HYE spend significant time abroad?

Active Ink Slinger

I’m excellent at making resumes that stand out. If someone is applying in a highly competitive field, I can make them stand out and get multiple interviews. The highest ‘score’ I ever got was 18 decent interview invites in 3 days. While making the resume together, I get my friends and family to be more confident about their skills, so they have a great energy going into the interview and usually end up with multiple offers above the salary they originally had in mind (without lying or embellishing anything).

What is something you tend to brag about?

Active Ink Slinger

I love hiding behind a few drinks as an excuse to get really slutty. I rarely get black out drunk so I know exactly what I’m doing, but do get plausible deniability 😌

On my 18th birthday I did have a party that went way past that. I had mono at the time (kissing disease from well, kissing everyone) and my mom left for the evening thinking I’d have a quiet night with friends. I got so absolutely hammered that at some point I left my own party for hours, to cycle through half the city with a friend and buy speed in the dead of night from some dodgy ass drug dealer. Don’t think I used any, but I honestly wouldn’t know. My mom came back the next morning to find her living room absolutely soaked in beer and empty bottles, with rolled up cash notes on the desk that were clearly used for ‘something’, and a bunch of teenagers passed out in weird positions sleeping on chairs. (She complimented me on a great party. The lack of discipline in my house may have had something to do with how this unfolded. 😅)

Have you ever been in a situation where (in hindsight) you were lucky enough to get out without any trouble?

Active Ink Slinger

Buttocks 😍 I’m absolutely obsessed with wanting to squeeze someone’s butt throughout the day. Like some pervert 😂 I have to hold myself back.

Hugs or kisses when you enter a room full of people at a party?

Active Ink Slinger

I feel like I should leave this questions to see who here has violence issues 😂 No, I have not voluntarily done that. Though one time (ok ok, maybe I had a light anger issues of my own) I did have a short black out. I ended up pushing another girl to the wall with my hands on her neck. She and her little buddies had been bullying me and my best friend for years in high school. One day they pushed my friend really hard off a ledge in the cafeteria and made her fall over a table in front of the whole school. It wasn’t just a shove but clearly intended to harm and so vicious. I kicked into protective angry mode because they seemed to be getting bolder each time, and I had that tiny rage black out at 16. I released the other girl’s neck as soon as I caught myself (she wasn’t harmed or even marked), and some hair pulling ensued. It took a whole 2 minutes for the teachers to side with me and my friend, cause the bullying was so obvious. The other girls got temporarily expelled. They tried to go after me outside of school, but I had surrounded myself with guys twice my age at that time. My own little ring of affirmation and protection. Not sure if that was healthy either but heyyy - at least it stopped the bullying.

HYE blacked out?

Active Ink Slinger

Moving around heavy furniture on my own cause I’m too impatient to wait for boyfriend to help me (and possibly intervene in my plans) 🙄 Stubborn, impatient, slightly destructive and loving it 👌

Active Ink Slinger

So many phone apps…. Headspace, Dipsea, OMGYes…. Would recommend all of them, but in hindsight I would have been better off just paying for the months that I actively use it. I cycle in and out of these things.

HYE paid for porn (other than your Lush subscription)?