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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 38


Yes. Despite being so turned on and pretty much losing my mind with being so horny, at least one of us was sensible about it.
Hair, face, boobs if they're facing me, butt if they're not. Their mind is the killer app, though.
Quote by Lilnaughtykitten
Do all you guys out there actually like going down on a girl or is something you give a quick lick for so that you can jump to fucking? Lemme know what you think

Love leila

It's not quick. I like to take my time. I tease, it's a way for me to make love with my mouth. My cock can only do so much, but my mouth can go for hours at a time. I love the taste, the smell, everything about it. I love looking up at her once she's cum and smiling, my face full of her juices, then kiss her before going back down.
Quote by noll

Here you go ;)

It's nice, but too fuzzy. I like a more clean distortion/overdrive, that's why I like the Guv'nor. I suppose I could buy one for guitar and fiddle with it, change components and such like to make it more suitable for bass.
For guitar, I like the Marshall Guv'nor Plus GV2, but for bass I've yet to find a decent distortion/overdrive pedal.
Of course it's possible. I think what you're meaning is "is it moral to be a Christian and be on Lush?". To either question, I don't see why not. What's so wrong about sex, even if it is gratuitous? The Bible has far worse things in it than just a bit of self-pleasure, and it all worked out okay for those motherfucking, arse-fucking, boat-hopping weirdos, right?
I'm a weird one. I only like to sleep naked if there's someone there, equally as naked, to snuggle with. On my own, my danglies tend to get squashed and that's not good.
Quote by trinket
Blue eyes Look away
Tears run down her lovely face
Fuck slicing onions.

Fuck slicing onions,
wouldn't that hurt? Sex with onions
and many blades, yikes!
She accessed my heart,
wiggled her way in and now
she won't leave... it's blithe.
Let's take it from another perspective: He's on medication. Maybe that's harming his sex drive, which is making him bitter and not want to have sex or masturbate so maybe you should tell him to get his medication looked at. Get him to talk to his doctor because it sounds to me that the medication is partly the problem. Then once he's spoken to his doctor, you guessed it, speak to him about it. Even if he starts arguing and raising his voice, keep calm, say your piece and let him either stew or say his, then try to find a solution. Marriage is "for better, for worse, in sickness and in health", just saying.
It's set nowhere in particular, and is about a hard-working self-employed couple, who finally manage to take a day off, and decide to make the most of it with sex, dates and some light bondage and submission.
I like laptops because you can put them on a surface. You can do the same with tablets, but then you need to go getting stands and stuff like that. The full sized keyboard is the main advantage for me, but if I'm doing something small, like transferring money, especially on the go, a tablet is ideal. They do both have their places, but for writing and everyday use, a laptop can't be beat. For casual use and smaller tasks, a tablet is good.
Brotherhood with Ezio, before they buggered up the controls and added too many extras. Plus, Ezio is hot!
Looking back on my previous partners and looking at my current set of toys, it seems like I prefer girth over length, but I do like them to get as deep inside me as possible, so maybe I should try a bit more length, and come back to answer this question fully.
I like to look, touch, suck and just worship them. Boobs are just great. Functional and fun, can't really get any better than that.
I like to look, touch, suck and just worship them. Boobs are just great. Functional and fun, can't really get any better than that.
Quote by principessa
How about a "back to the top" button to eliminate a lot of scrolling?

On your keyboard, there's a home button and an end button, too. Press home and it'll take you to the top of the page, press end and it'll take you to the bottom of the page.
Anything on any computer is never truly deleted, even if you destroy the device (HDD, SSD, SD Card etc), there's still a chance, however remote that the file still exists. The fact is, once something's on a computer, it's always there, and the same thing goes for it being on the internet. Low level format tools claim to be able to completely erase memory, but I've not yet put this to the test.
Quote by jollylolly
I'm boring and I don't care.

You don't seem boring to me.
Not my current girlfriend, but one previous one has. I'm hoping my current girlfriend will bugger me at some point.
I'm bisexual, and I wouldn't do anything with a man that I wouldn't do with a woman. No holes are barred, no kisses rejected, no hugs thrown away and no cocks blocked. I'll have it all, thanks. I've been bisexual all my life, but only realised when I was in my teens. The one thing I might draw the line at is same-sex marriage. That's not to say that I don't like same-sex marriage - I'm behind it 100%, I'm simply saying it isn't for me because I have someone of the opposite sex that I love very much and can't see anyone else in my future but her. I do, however, still enjoy having sex with men, and I think that most of my attraction is physical. Yes, it's somewhat psychological, too, because one can't be attracted to someone without some sort of mental connection, like lust, I believe.
Quote by leahharvey1821

Okay, Thanks Stardrinking. I will check tomorrow and maybe look up the model online and see what I can find out. Cheers!

eBay is always a good source of cheap laptop parts, and if you're not desperate, ordering them from China is always a good option.
It depends on the make and model. Some have them soldered to the motherboard, and some are little modules. If it's a module, it's a simple case of opening it up and replacing the module.
Quote by Cindertoffee

I am remembering now that I saw you at the bottom of the garden.
What is it you do all day...?

I just wiggle all day and all night. 'Tis very much fun.