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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
0 miles · San Francisco


Quote by noll

Go to your 'Update member details' page (click your avatar in the red bar on top) and select 'Following Authors'. There you see an overview of all the members you follow. If you hover your cursor over a member's name (not avatar) a menu will pop up that has an 'Unfollow' option.

I would not have figured that out in 1000 years on my own. Thank you! smile
How do I unfollow a profile I am following?
Quote by PanJinlian

So now I try to buy from my local farm shop, where I know how the animals live and can watch the turkeys running around the field, and I passionately believe that if you have an animal killed for you to eat you should respect that and not be wasteful with it so I cook chicken soup from the carcass left over after we have eaten the rest of the chicken and have found all sorts of slow cooked dishes to use up the less popular cuts of meat so that there are fewer animals killed to provide my iron fix and less wastage.

I like that ethic a lot.

I also refuse to participate in the dreadful treatment of dairy cows. Life as a dairy cow is deeply unpleasant, with calves being taken away repeatedly just to make sure that the milk goes to the humans, not their babies. If I have dairy at all then it comes from a local sheep and goat farm, where the ladies are treated much less harshly. Both sheep and goat milks also have the advantage of being much higher in calcium than cow milk, with sheep milk containing over twice the amount contained in cow milk.

Goat milk will be much higher in Omega-6 fat than a grass fed cow. Have you investigated whether any grass fed dairy farmers are treating milk cows humanely? Problem is milk cows probably get fed grain just to increase milk production, so they won't be true grass fed cows.

You might want to consider coconut milk. It's a whole lot healthier and if you are willing to make your own from scratch it is pretty delicious.
I certainly want free range chickens, but I have had problems finding ones that are truly free range. The dirty secret of that business is that they put the chickens on a lawn and then feed them grain, for at least 50% of their calories. It's the bad omega6 fats that are in those grains that you want to avoid. I have looked all over to find a chicken farmer who uses a grain like tapioca that does not have bad fats, but so far no luck.

The other problem is I have found eggs labeled free range but cannot find any whole chickens that are free range available in any major supermarket.
Quote by simplyjohn
Yes the room appears in the list of rooms established. You can however hide the list of occupants and the room creator from that list.

How do you hide the name of the person who created the room?
I discovered the chat rooms here, and I noticed you can create a private chat room by password protecting the room. How does that work? Does the chat room name still appear in the public list of chat rooms? Could I use this to have a private chat with a girlfriend, for example? Aside from avoiding the topics that no one on Lush is allowed to discuss, are there additional restrictions on use of private chat rooms?

Lush moderators can read anything typed out in the open of a private room, but cannot read the private messages within the room?
Quote by BethanyFrasier
Six out of seven perverts agree: Lush titillates better than any other leading brand of adult social network.

So to further qualify my question, are there similar networks that focus on specific interests? For example: bdsm, spanking, lesbians, etc. I understand Lush might have all of that, but I am just curious if there are - for example - sites like Lush that focus entirely on bdsm, entirely on women-only, etc.
What are some other adult social networks that include erotica as well as user profiles and networks? How do those other sites compare to Lush? What are the target user bases for Lush versus the other networks?
Great data points @BethanyFrasier. It's unusual to find one woman living with two male lovers. How do you keep that from getting competitive?
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
My other half is 42 and I guess twice a week.

Thanks for data point. When did you guys meet and what was that number like at start of relationship?
I am interested in what ladies report as the average number of ejaculating orgasms their men have each week. Anytime I see this question get posted, the only people responding all make it sound like their men have two to three orgasms per day. Yet that would be more than 20 orgasms per week.

What the research claims is that the top 20% of 18-to-22-year-old men only ejaculate 5.5 times per week, and that includes masturbation. See for example:

Since 18-to-22 year old members of the military are in peak physical condition, you would tend to think they have a higher number of orgasms per week than the average population outside the military.
Before he gets aroused, a man's nuts will hang loosely in his sack. As he approaches ejaculation, the spermatic cord that attach to his nuts pull them up into his body, and strangely enough his sack shrinks and helps to push them up as well.

Each man has different degrees of this phenomenon, but a girl who learns her man's body will look for these telltale clues. Once the nuts retract like that he is fully aroused and could climax at any time with heavy stimulation. A girl might use that knowledge to back off the stimulation and try to keep him at a plateau below the threshold.

It's much harder for men to get the same information about many women. There is no universal physical clue that she is on the threshold of orgasm, particularly if she is not giving verbal feedback. Like everything else, men are much more simple creatures and their bodies tell you everything in advance.

Not a stupid question at all....
Is there a good online resource that lists all known bdsm activities associated with each of the three branches of bdsm? These branches are:

* bondage and discipline

* dominance and submission

* sadomasochism

I find the first two categories have a lot of overlap. I would like to find a comprehensive resource that helps me to think about types of activities within each domain.

I also think that list would be a great tool for partners to help "type" each other and discover where their shared interests are.

If someone has these resources please share the URL(s).
1) Didn't they use to arrest people for showing their cocks to random strangers? Lol Now somehow with the Internet this is a thing and we are supposed to tolerate it?

2) If you ever had a chance with a girl, you lost it when you showed her your cock without a warning or a request. You kind of put a big stamp on your forehead that says "has problems with self-control"

3) Guys don't seem to understand that women on these chat systems have a gazillion guys hitting on them. Therefore, they have a lot of choices, and probably the very last thing they are looking at to decide if they want to chat with you is your member. Try having a brain. Even better, try having a conversation. About something other than sex, even....

4) I'm pretty sure that 95% of the "women" who are responding positively to your "romantic" D*pics are actually gay men with fake profiles. So the joke is on you.
Quote by sweet_amelia
what colour do you you associate with love, is it stereotype red , or is it pink or black or something else. I wonder if choice of the colour is a generel feeling of love or change with choice and sentiments attached with the person?

Give me her favorite colors, and those will be the ones I use.
Quote by Quiteshygirl
Its not something Ive ever talked about with my friends. I dont think my sexual appetite is any higher than the average population, although during the week before my period I do seem to become very sexually active ....meaning I masturbate a lot more. Like, 3 of 4 times a day. Normally its 2 or 3 times a week. Im not in a sexual relationship, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Women do become remarkably more sexual in the days before ovulation, which is typically about two weeks before the period. The magic reason for this is testosterone. Testosterone is rising dramatically in women before ovulation, and this drives an urgent need to have penetrative sex. I guess that makes perfect sense from nature's point of view. Nature wants babies so it motivates behavior at the time of the month when the chances of making a baby are high.

If you look at how all of the steroid hormones go up and down for women over the entire cycle, it is incredible the roller coaster you ladies must be on. I'm not sure I could handle that.

One thing this does suggest though is that men should get in tune with their lady's cycle, because the odds are she needs a lot of really good sex before ovulation, and there are other times in the cycle where she won't be interested at all. A sensitive partner is going to be all over that.
Quote by LovelikeWinter

I think it would definitely help if he would seem more interested in me after his orgasm. If he did everything he could to help me as well, I'd probably feel a lot better. It just takes away from the overall experience of sex for me though, which is having him inside me.

It is always interesting to me that lesbians and bisexual women do not have this problem. If one of them is spent sexually, and the other one wants penetration, they usually work that problem out. The solution might be fingering, or a sex toy, or a dildo, or whatever. But the partner who wants penetration has no problem getting as much or as little as she needs. Why is it that this problem seems to focus on men as the givers of penetration?

I think the reason is that men have a shallow understanding of the whole process of giving pleasure, and they somehow believe that their penis is the fountain of youth. Once the fountain goes dry, they assume the game is over. That is a really selfish perspective, as if to say that the man's orgasm is the whole point of sex.

Imagine for a second that the guy has tested out a dildo that he already knows you like as much or *more* than his penis. If he were to cum too fast and then seamlessly just transition to using that dildo, maybe with a strap-on, would you even care that he came? Maybe some women would look forward to his cumming too fast because they would learn that means something even better is going to start?
Quote by LovelikeWinter
I hate to say that because we're both usually so busy, we end up being really tired at the end of the day. If we find time to be intimate, he has this issue where if we're not having sex often, he'll ejaculate prematurely and this is usually the case. Its a major turn off for me so I end up not having an orgasm. I try to do it quickly but it doesn't feel good knowing I'm rushing.

Do you think this problem would disappear if he kept trying to please you after he had his quick orgasm? For example, if he ate you for a long time, and if he had a lot of interest in playing with you and maybe using toys, would his unselfish focus on your pleasure undo your bad feelings about his having an orgasm quickly?

In other words, is your bad feeling centered around the fact that he is going to lose all interest in sex from the point he orgasms, or is your bad feeling centered on just his orgasm no matter what he does from that point forward?

I would be very interested in hearing from other ladies whose men cum too fast whether his subsequent behavior ever makes up for the event.